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Lua Virtual Reality Engine
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2016-11-14 13:43:34 -08:00
src Improve error messages when main.lua has error; 2016-11-14 13:43:34 -08:00
.gitignore Ignore data directory; 2016-10-24 14:15:48 -07:00
CMakeLists.txt Windows fixes; 2016-11-12 01:19:47 -08:00
README.md Windows fixes; 2016-11-12 01:19:47 -08:00


LÖVR lets you make VR games with Lua! See http://bjornbyt.es/lovr.


In a folder called myGame, create a file called main.lua with this in it:

function lovr.update(dt)
  t = (t or 0) + dt

function lovr.draw(eye)
  local x, y, z = 0, .25, -2
  local size = 1
  local angle, rx, ry, rz = t * 2, 0, 1, 0

  lovr.graphics.setColor(128, 0, 255)
  lovr.graphics.cube('line', x, y, z, size, angle, rx, ry, rz)

Drag the myGame folder onto a shortcut to lovr.exe. You should see a spinning purple cube!

3D Models

LÖVR supports most 3D model file formats:

function lovr.load()
  model = lovr.graphics.newModel('teapot.fbx')

function lovr.draw()

Supported Hardware

  • HTC Vive

Support for other hardware will happen eventually.


How to compile LÖVR from source.


  • LuaJIT
  • GLFW (3.2+)
  • OpenGL (Unix) or GLEW (Windows)
  • assimp (for lovr.model and lovr.graphics.newModel)
  • OpenVR (for lovr.headset)
  • PhysicsFS

Windows (CMake)

First, install lovr-deps:

cd lovr
git clone --recursive https://github.com/bjornbytes/lovr-deps deps

Next, use CMake to generate the build files:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

This should output a Visual Studio solution, which can be built using Visual Studio. Or you can just build it with CMake:

cmake --build .

The executable will then exist at /path/to/lovr/build/Debug/lovr.exe. The recommended way to create and run a game from this point is:

  • Create a shortcut to the lovr.exe executable somewhere convenient.
  • Create a folder for your game: MySuperAwesomeGame.
  • Create a main.lua file in the folder and put your code in there.
  • Drag the MySuperAwesomeGame folder onto the shortcut to lovr.exe.

Unix (CMake)

First, clone OpenVR. For this example, we'll clone openvr into the same directory that lovr was cloned into. Next, install the other dependencies above using your package manager of choice:

brew install assimp glfw3 luajit physfs

On OSX, you'll need to set the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to be /path/to/openvr/lib/osx32.

Next, build using CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DOPENVR_DIR=../openvr
cmake --build .

The lovr executable should exist in lovr/build now. You can run a game like this:

./lovr /path/to/myGame

You can also copy or symlink LÖVR into a directory on your PATH environment variable (e.g. /usr/local/bin) and run games from anywhere by just typing lovr.