
568 lines
16 KiB

#include "headset/headset.h"
#include "data/image.h"
#include "event/event.h"
#include "graphics/graphics.h"
#include "system/system.h"
#include "core/maf.h"
#include "core/os.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define MOVESPEED 3.f
#define SPRINTSPEED 15.f
#define SLOWSPEED .5f
#define MOVESMOOTH 30.f
#define TURNSPEED .005f
#define TURNSMOOTH 30.f
#define OFFSET (state.config.seated ? 0.f : 1.7f)
struct Layer {
uint32_t ref;
uint32_t textureWidth;
uint32_t textureWeight;
float position[3];
float orientation[4];
float width;
float height;
ViewMask mask;
int32_t viewport[4];
static struct {
bool initialized;
HeadsetConfig config;
TextureFormat depthFormat;
Texture* texture;
Pass* pass;
Layer* layers[MAX_LAYERS];
uint32_t layerCount;
float pitch;
float yaw;
float distance;
float velocity[3];
float headPosition[3];
float headOrientation[4];
float handPosition[3];
float handOrientation[4];
double epoch;
double time;
double dt;
double mx;
double my;
double mxHand;
double myHand;
bool triggerDown;
bool triggerChanged;
bool focused;
float clipNear;
float clipFar;
} state;
static void onFocus(bool focused) {
state.focused = focused;
lovrEventPush((Event) { .type = EVENT_FOCUS, .data.boolean = { focused } });
static bool simulator_init(HeadsetConfig* config) {
state.config = *config;
state.clipNear = .01f;
state.clipFar = 0.f;
state.distance = .5f;
if (!state.initialized) {
vec3_set(state.headPosition, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
vec3_set(state.handPosition, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
state.initialized = true;
state.focused = true;
return true;
static void simulator_start(void) {
bool hasGraphics = false;
bool hasGraphics = lovrGraphicsIsInitialized();
if (hasGraphics) {
state.pass = lovrPassCreate();
state.depthFormat = state.config.stencil ? FORMAT_D32FS8 : FORMAT_D32F;
if (state.config.stencil && !lovrGraphicsGetFormatSupport(state.depthFormat, TEXTURE_FEATURE_RENDER)) {
state.depthFormat = FORMAT_D24S8; // Guaranteed to be supported if the other one isn't
state.epoch = os_get_time();
state.time = 0.;
static void simulator_stop(void) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state.layerCount; i++) {
lovrRelease(state.layers[i], lovrLayerDestroy);
lovrRelease(state.texture, lovrTextureDestroy);
lovrRelease(state.pass, lovrPassDestroy);
state.texture = NULL;
state.pass = NULL;
static void simulator_destroy(void) {
static bool simulator_getDriverName(char* name, size_t length) {
strncpy(name, "LÖVR", length - 1);
name[length - 1] = '\0';
return true;
static bool simulator_getName(char* name, size_t length) {
strncpy(name, "Simulator", length - 1);
name[length - 1] = '\0';
return true;
static bool simulator_isSeated(void) {
return state.config.seated;
static void simulator_getDisplayDimensions(uint32_t* width, uint32_t* height) {
float density = os_window_get_pixel_density();
os_window_get_size(width, height);
*width *= state.config.supersample;
*height *= state.config.supersample;
*width *= density;
*height *= density;
static float simulator_getRefreshRate(void) {
return 0.f;
static bool simulator_setRefreshRate(float refreshRate) {
return false;
static const float* simulator_getRefreshRates(uint32_t* count) {
return *count = 0, NULL;
static PassthroughMode simulator_getPassthrough(void) {
static bool simulator_setPassthrough(PassthroughMode mode) {
return mode == PASSTHROUGH_OPAQUE;
static bool simulator_isPassthroughSupported(PassthroughMode mode) {
return mode == PASSTHROUGH_OPAQUE;
static double simulator_getDisplayTime(void) {
return state.time;
static double simulator_getDeltaTime(void) {
return state.dt;
static uint32_t simulator_getViewCount(void) {
return 1;
static bool simulator_getViewPose(uint32_t view, float* position, float* orientation) {
vec3_init(position, state.headPosition);
quat_init(orientation, state.headOrientation);
position[1] += OFFSET;
return view == 0;
static bool simulator_getViewAngles(uint32_t view, float* left, float* right, float* up, float* down) {
float aspect, fov;
uint32_t width, height;
simulator_getDisplayDimensions(&width, &height);
aspect = (float) width / height;
fov = .7f;
*left = atanf(tanf(fov) * aspect);
*right = atanf(tanf(fov) * aspect);
*up = fov;
*down = fov;
return view == 0;
static void simulator_getClipDistance(float* clipNear, float* clipFar) {
*clipNear = state.clipNear;
*clipFar = state.clipFar;
static void simulator_setClipDistance(float clipNear, float clipFar) {
state.clipNear = clipNear;
state.clipFar = clipFar;
static void simulator_getBoundsDimensions(float* width, float* depth) {
*width = *depth = 0.f;
static const float* simulator_getBoundsGeometry(uint32_t* count) {
*count = 0;
return NULL;
static bool simulator_getPose(Device device, vec3 position, quat orientation) {
if (device == DEVICE_HEAD) {
vec3_init(position, state.headPosition);
quat_init(orientation, state.headOrientation);
position[1] += OFFSET;
return true;
} else if (device == DEVICE_HAND_LEFT || device == DEVICE_HAND_LEFT_POINT) {
vec3_init(position, state.handPosition);
quat_init(orientation, state.handOrientation);
return true;
return false;
static bool simulator_getVelocity(Device device, vec3 velocity, vec3 angularVelocity) {
vec3_init(velocity, state.velocity);
vec3_set(angularVelocity, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
return device == DEVICE_HEAD;
static bool simulator_isDown(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* down, bool* changed) {
*down = state.triggerDown;
*changed = state.triggerChanged;
return device == DEVICE_HAND_LEFT && button == BUTTON_TRIGGER;
static bool simulator_isTouched(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* touched) {
return false;
static bool simulator_getAxis(Device device, DeviceAxis axis, vec3 value) {
return false;
static bool simulator_getSkeleton(Device device, float* poses) {
return false;
static bool simulator_vibrate(Device device, float strength, float duration, float frequency) {
return false;
static void simulator_stopVibration(Device device) {
static struct ModelData* simulator_newModelData(Device device, bool animated) {
return NULL;
static bool simulator_animate(struct Model* model) {
return false;
static Layer* simulator_newLayer(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) {
Layer* layer = calloc(1, sizeof(Layer));
layer->ref = 1;
layer->textureWidth = width;
layer->textureWeight = height;
return layer;
static void simulator_destroyLayer(void* ref) {
Layer* layer = ref;
static Layer** simulator_getLayers(uint32_t* count) {
*count = state.layerCount;
return state.layers;
static void simulator_setLayers(Layer** layers, uint32_t count) {
lovrCheck(count <= MAX_LAYERS, "Too many layers");
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state.layerCount; i++) {
lovrRelease(state.layers[i], lovrLayerDestroy);
state.layerCount = count;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
state.layers[i] = layers[i];
static void simulator_getLayerPose(Layer* layer, float* position, float* orientation) {
memcpy(position, layer->position, 3 * sizeof(float));
memcpy(orientation, layer->orientation, 4 * sizeof(float));
static void simulator_setLayerPose(Layer* layer, float* position, float* orientation) {
memcpy(layer->position, position, 3 * sizeof(float));
memcpy(layer->orientation, orientation, 4 * sizeof(float));
static void simulator_getLayerSize(Layer* layer, float* width, float* height) {
*width = layer->width;
*height = layer->height;
static void simulator_setLayerSize(Layer* layer, float width, float height) {
layer->width = width;
layer->height = height;
static ViewMask simulator_getLayerViewMask(Layer* layer) {
return layer->mask;
static void simulator_setLayerViewMask(Layer* layer, ViewMask mask) {
layer->mask = mask;
static void simulator_getLayerViewport(Layer* layer, int32_t viewport[4]) {
memcpy(viewport, layer->viewport, 4 * sizeof(int32_t));
static void simulator_setLayerViewport(Layer* layer, int32_t viewport[4]) {
memcpy(layer->viewport, viewport, 4 * sizeof(int32_t));
if (layer->viewport[2] == 0) layer->viewport[2] = layer->width - layer->viewport[0];
if (layer->viewport[3] == 0) layer->viewport[3] = layer->height - layer->viewport[1];
static bool simulator_getLayerFlag(Layer* layer, LayerFlag flag) {
return false;
static void simulator_setLayerFlag(Layer* layer, LayerFlag flag, bool enable) {
static struct Texture* simulator_getLayerTexture(Layer* layer) {
return NULL; // TODO
static struct Pass* simulator_getLayerPass(Layer* layer) {
return NULL; // TODO
static Texture* simulator_getTexture(void) {
return state.texture;
static Pass* simulator_getPass(void) {
if (!state.pass || !os_window_is_open()) {
return NULL;
uint32_t width, height;
simulator_getDisplayDimensions(&width, &height);
if (lovrPassGetWidth(state.pass) != width || lovrPassGetHeight(state.pass) != height) {
lovrRelease(state.texture, lovrTextureDestroy);
state.texture = lovrTextureCreate(&(TextureInfo) {
.type = TEXTURE_2D,
.format = FORMAT_RGBA8,
.srgb = true,
.width = width,
.height = height,
.layers = 1,
.mipmaps = 1,
Texture* textures[4] = { state.texture };
lovrPassSetCanvas(state.pass, textures, NULL, state.depthFormat, state.config.antialias ? 4 : 1);
float background[4][4];
LoadAction loads[4] = { LOAD_CLEAR };
lovrPassSetClear(state.pass, loads, background, LOAD_CLEAR, 0.f);
float viewMatrix[16];
mat4_fromPose(viewMatrix, state.headPosition, state.headOrientation);
viewMatrix[13] += OFFSET;
float projection[16];
float left, right, up, down;
simulator_getViewAngles(0, &left, &right, &up, &down);
mat4_fov(projection, left, right, up, down, state.clipNear, state.clipFar);
lovrPassSetViewMatrix(state.pass, 0, viewMatrix);
lovrPassSetProjection(state.pass, 0, projection);
return state.pass;
static void simulator_submit(void) {
static bool simulator_isFocused(void) {
return state.focused;
static double simulator_update(void) {
double t = os_get_time() - state.epoch;
state.dt = t - state.time;
state.time = t;
bool trigger = os_is_mouse_down(MOUSE_RIGHT);
state.triggerChanged = trigger != state.triggerDown;
state.triggerDown = trigger;
bool click = os_is_mouse_down(MOUSE_LEFT);
os_set_mouse_mode(click ? MOUSE_MODE_GRABBED : MOUSE_MODE_NORMAL);
double mxprev = state.mx;
double myprev = state.my;
os_get_mouse_position(&state.mx, &state.my);
if (click) {
state.pitch = CLAMP(state.pitch - (state.my - myprev) * TURNSPEED, -(float) M_PI / 2.f, (float) M_PI / 2.f);
state.yaw -= (state.mx - mxprev) * TURNSPEED;
} else {
state.mxHand = state.mx * state.config.supersample;
state.myHand = state.my * state.config.supersample;
// Head
float pitch[4], yaw[4], target[4];
quat_fromAngleAxis(pitch, state.pitch, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
quat_fromAngleAxis(yaw, state.yaw, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
quat_mul(target, yaw, pitch);
quat_slerp(state.headOrientation, target, 1.f - expf(-TURNSMOOTH * state.dt));
bool sprint = os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT) || os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT);
bool slow = os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) || os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_RIGHT_CONTROL);
bool front = os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_W) || os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_UP);
bool back = os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_S) || os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_DOWN);
bool left = os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_A) || os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_LEFT);
bool right = os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_D) || os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_RIGHT);
bool up = os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_Q);
bool down = os_is_key_down(OS_KEY_E);
float velocity[3];
velocity[0] = (left ? -1.f : right ? 1.f : 0.f);
velocity[1] = (down ? -1.f : up ? 1.f : 0.f);
velocity[2] = (front ? -1.f : back ? 1.f : 0.f);
vec3_scale(velocity, sprint ? SPRINTSPEED : (slow ? SLOWSPEED : MOVESPEED));
vec3_lerp(state.velocity, velocity, 1.f - expf(-MOVESMOOTH * state.dt));
vec3_scale(vec3_init(velocity, state.velocity), state.dt);
quat_rotate(state.headOrientation, velocity);
vec3_add(state.headPosition, velocity);
// Hand
float inverseProjection[16], angleLeft, angleRight, angleUp, angleDown;
simulator_getViewAngles(0, &angleLeft, &angleRight, &angleUp, &angleDown);
mat4_fov(inverseProjection, angleLeft, angleRight, angleUp, angleDown, state.clipNear, state.clipFar);
float ray[3];
uint32_t width, height;
os_window_get_size(&width, &height);
width *= state.config.supersample;
height *= state.config.supersample;
vec3_set(ray, state.mxHand / width * 2.f - 1.f, state.myHand / height * 2.f - 1.f, 1.f);
mat4_mulPoint(inverseProjection, ray);
quat_rotate(state.headOrientation, ray);
state.distance = CLAMP(state.distance * (1.f + lovrSystemGetScrollDelta() * .05f), .05f, 10.f);
vec3_init(state.handPosition, ray);
vec3_scale(state.handPosition, state.distance);
vec3_add(state.handPosition, state.headPosition);
state.handPosition[1] += OFFSET;
float zero[3], y[3], basis[16];
vec3_set(zero, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
vec3_set(y, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
quat_rotate(state.headOrientation, y);
mat4_target(basis, zero, ray, y);
quat_fromMat4(state.handOrientation, basis);
return state.dt;
HeadsetInterface lovrHeadsetSimulatorDriver = {
.init = simulator_init,
.start = simulator_start,
.stop = simulator_stop,
.destroy = simulator_destroy,
.getDriverName = simulator_getDriverName,
.getName = simulator_getName,
.isSeated = simulator_isSeated,
.getDisplayDimensions = simulator_getDisplayDimensions,
.getRefreshRate = simulator_getRefreshRate,
.setRefreshRate = simulator_setRefreshRate,
.getRefreshRates = simulator_getRefreshRates,
.getPassthrough = simulator_getPassthrough,
.setPassthrough = simulator_setPassthrough,
.isPassthroughSupported = simulator_isPassthroughSupported,
.getDisplayTime = simulator_getDisplayTime,
.getDeltaTime = simulator_getDeltaTime,
.getViewCount = simulator_getViewCount,
.getViewPose = simulator_getViewPose,
.getViewAngles = simulator_getViewAngles,
.getClipDistance = simulator_getClipDistance,
.setClipDistance = simulator_setClipDistance,
.getBoundsDimensions = simulator_getBoundsDimensions,
.getBoundsGeometry = simulator_getBoundsGeometry,
.getPose = simulator_getPose,
.getVelocity = simulator_getVelocity,
.isDown = simulator_isDown,
.isTouched = simulator_isTouched,
.getAxis = simulator_getAxis,
.getSkeleton = simulator_getSkeleton,
.vibrate = simulator_vibrate,
.stopVibration = simulator_stopVibration,
.newModelData = simulator_newModelData,
.animate = simulator_animate,
.newLayer = simulator_newLayer,
.destroyLayer = simulator_destroyLayer,
.getLayers = simulator_getLayers,
.setLayers = simulator_setLayers,
.getLayerPose = simulator_getLayerPose,
.setLayerPose = simulator_setLayerPose,
.getLayerSize = simulator_getLayerSize,
.setLayerSize = simulator_setLayerSize,
.getLayerViewMask = simulator_getLayerViewMask,
.setLayerViewMask = simulator_setLayerViewMask,
.getLayerViewport = simulator_getLayerViewport,
.setLayerViewport = simulator_setLayerViewport,
.getLayerFlag = simulator_getLayerFlag,
.setLayerFlag = simulator_setLayerFlag,
.getLayerTexture = simulator_getLayerTexture,
.getLayerPass = simulator_getLayerPass,
.getTexture = simulator_getTexture,
.getPass = simulator_getPass,
.submit = simulator_submit,
.isFocused = simulator_isFocused,
.update = simulator_update