
269 lines
6.5 KiB

#include "filesystem/filesystem.h"
#include "filesystem/file.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <physfs.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#if _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <initguid.h>
#include <KnownFolders.h>
#include <ShlObj.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
static FilesystemState state;
void lovrFilesystemInit(const char* arg0, const char* arg1) {
if (!PHYSFS_init(arg0)) {
lovrThrow("Could not initialize filesystem: %s", PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode()));
state.source = malloc(LOVR_PATH_MAX * sizeof(char));
state.identity = NULL;
state.isFused = true;
// Try to mount either an archive fused to the executable or an archive from the command line
lovrFilesystemGetExecutablePath(state.source, LOVR_PATH_MAX);
if (lovrFilesystemMount(state.source, NULL, 1)) {
state.isFused = false;
if (arg1) {
strncpy(state.source, arg1, LOVR_PATH_MAX);
if (!lovrFilesystemMount(state.source, NULL, 1)) {
goto mounted;
state.source = NULL;
void lovrFilesystemDestroy() {
int lovrFilesystemCreateDirectory(const char* path) {
return !PHYSFS_mkdir(path);
int lovrFilesystemGetAppdataDirectory(char* dest, unsigned int size) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
const char* home;
if ((home = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) {
home = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir;
snprintf(dest, size, "%s/Library/Application Support", home);
return 0;
#elif _WIN32
PWSTR appData = NULL;
SHGetKnownFolderPath(&FOLDERID_RoamingAppData, 0, NULL, &appData);
wcstombs(dest, appData, size);
return 0;
strncpy(dest, "/home/web_user", size);
return 0;
#elif __linux__
const char* home;
if ((home = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) {
home = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir;
snprintf(dest, size, "%s/.config", home);
#error "This platform is missing an implementation for lovrFilesystemGetAppdataDirectory"
return 1;
void lovrFilesystemGetDirectoryItems(const char* path, getDirectoryItemsCallback callback, void* userdata) {
PHYSFS_enumerate(path, callback, userdata);
int lovrFilesystemGetExecutablePath(char* dest, unsigned int size) {
#ifdef __APPLE__
if (_NSGetExecutablePath(dest, &size) == 0) {
return 0;
#elif _WIN32
return !GetModuleFileName(NULL, dest, size);
return 1;
#elif __linux__
memset(dest, 0, size);
if (readlink("/proc/self/exe", dest, size) == -1) {
return 1;
#error "This platform is missing an implementation for lovrFilesystemGetExecutablePath"
return 1;
const char* lovrFilesystemGetIdentity() {
return state.identity;
long lovrFilesystemGetLastModified(const char* path) {
PHYSFS_Stat stat;
return PHYSFS_stat(path, &stat) ? stat.modtime : -1;
const char* lovrFilesystemGetRealDirectory(const char* path) {
return PHYSFS_getRealDir(path);
const char* lovrFilesystemGetSaveDirectory() {
return state.savePathFull;
size_t lovrFilesystemGetSize(const char* path) {
PHYSFS_Stat stat;
return PHYSFS_stat(path, &stat) ? stat.filesize : -1;
const char* lovrFilesystemGetSource() {
return state.source;
const char* lovrFilesystemGetUserDirectory() {
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux__)
const char* home;
if ((home = getenv("HOME")) == NULL) {
home = getpwuid(getuid())->pw_dir;
return home;
#elif _WIN32
return getenv("USERPROFILE");
return "/home/web_user";
#error "This platform is missing an implementation for lovrFilesystemGetUserDirectory"
bool lovrFilesystemIsDirectory(const char* path) {
PHYSFS_Stat stat;
return PHYSFS_stat(path, &stat) ? stat.filetype == PHYSFS_FILETYPE_DIRECTORY : false;
bool lovrFilesystemIsFile(const char* path) {
PHYSFS_Stat stat;
return PHYSFS_stat(path, &stat) ? stat.filetype == PHYSFS_FILETYPE_REGULAR : false;
bool lovrFilesystemIsFused() {
return state.isFused;
int lovrFilesystemMount(const char* path, const char* mountpoint, bool append) {
return !PHYSFS_mount(path, mountpoint, append);
void* lovrFilesystemRead(const char* path, size_t* bytesRead) {
// Create file
File* file = lovrFileCreate(path);
if (!file) {
return NULL;
// Open it
if (lovrFileOpen(file, OPEN_READ)) {
return NULL;
// Get file size
size_t size = lovrFileGetSize(file);
if (size == (unsigned int) -1) {
return NULL;
// Allocate buffer
void* data = malloc(size);
if (!data) {
return NULL;
// Perform read
*bytesRead = lovrFileRead(file, data, 1, size);
// Make sure we got everything
if (*bytesRead != (size_t) size) {
return NULL;
return data;
int lovrFilesystemRemove(const char* path) {
return !PHYSFS_delete(path);
int lovrFilesystemSetIdentity(const char* identity) {
state.identity = identity;
// Unmount old write directory
if (state.savePathFull && state.savePathRelative) {
} else {
state.savePathRelative = malloc(LOVR_PATH_MAX);
state.savePathFull = malloc(LOVR_PATH_MAX);
if (!state.savePathRelative || !state.savePathFull) {
return 1;
lovrFilesystemGetAppdataDirectory(state.savePathFull, LOVR_PATH_MAX);
snprintf(state.savePathRelative, LOVR_PATH_MAX, "LOVR/%s", identity ? identity : "default");
char fullPathBuffer[LOVR_PATH_MAX];
snprintf(fullPathBuffer, LOVR_PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", state.savePathFull, state.savePathRelative);
strncpy(state.savePathFull, fullPathBuffer, LOVR_PATH_MAX);
if (!PHYSFS_setWriteDir(state.savePathFull)) {
const char* error = PHYSFS_getErrorByCode(PHYSFS_getLastErrorCode());
lovrThrow("Could not set write directory: %s (%s)", error, state.savePathRelative);
PHYSFS_mount(state.savePathFull, NULL, 0);
return 0;
int lovrFilesystemUnmount(const char* path) {
return !PHYSFS_unmount(path);
size_t lovrFilesystemWrite(const char* path, const char* content, size_t size, bool append) {
File* file = lovrFileCreate(path);
if (!file) {
return 0;
lovrFileOpen(file, append ? OPEN_APPEND : OPEN_WRITE);
size_t bytesWritten = lovrFileWrite(file, (void*) content, 1, size);
return bytesWritten;