Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/bjornbytes/lovr.git synced 2024-07-05 13:53:38 +00:00
2022-06-05 20:38:14 -07:00

2833 lines
108 KiB

#include "graphics/graphics.h"
#include "data/blob.h"
#include "data/image.h"
#include "headset/headset.h"
#include "math/math.h"
#include "core/gpu.h"
#include "core/maf.h"
#include "core/spv.h"
#include "core/os.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "shaders.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "glslang_c_interface.h"
#include "resource_limits_c.h"
uint32_t os_vk_create_surface(void* instance, void** surface);
const char** os_vk_get_instance_extensions(uint32_t* count);
#define MAX_FRAME_MEMORY (1 << 30)
typedef struct {
gpu_vertex_format gpu;
uint64_t hash;
uint32_t mask;
} VertexFormat;
typedef struct {
gpu_phase readPhase;
gpu_phase writePhase;
gpu_cache pendingReads;
gpu_cache pendingWrites;
uint32_t lastWriteIndex;
} Sync;
struct Buffer {
uint32_t ref;
uint32_t size;
char* pointer;
gpu_buffer* gpu;
BufferInfo info;
VertexFormat format;
Sync sync;
struct Texture {
uint32_t ref;
gpu_texture* gpu;
gpu_texture* renderView;
TextureInfo info;
Sync sync;
struct Sampler {
uint32_t ref;
gpu_sampler* gpu;
SamplerInfo info;
typedef struct {
uint32_t hash;
uint32_t offset;
FieldType type;
} ShaderConstant;
typedef struct {
uint32_t hash;
uint32_t binding;
uint32_t stageMask;
gpu_slot_type type;
} ShaderResource;
struct Shader {
uint32_t ref;
Shader* parent;
gpu_shader* gpu;
ShaderInfo info;
uint32_t layout;
uint32_t computePipeline;
uint32_t attributeMask;
uint32_t bufferMask;
uint32_t textureMask;
uint32_t samplerMask;
uint32_t storageMask;
uint32_t constantSize;
uint32_t constantCount;
uint32_t resourceCount;
ShaderConstant* constants;
ShaderResource* resources;
uint32_t flagCount;
uint32_t overrideCount;
gpu_shader_flag* flags;
uint32_t* flagLookup;
typedef struct {
float view[16];
float projection[16];
float viewProjection[16];
float inverseProjection[16];
} Camera;
typedef struct {
float color[4];
Shader* shader;
uint64_t formatHash;
gpu_pipeline_info info;
bool dirty;
} Pipeline;
typedef struct {
float transform[16];
float cofactor[16];
float color[4];
} DrawData;
typedef struct {
Sync* sync;
Buffer* buffer;
Texture* texture;
gpu_phase phase;
gpu_cache cache;
} Access;
struct Pass {
uint32_t ref;
PassInfo info;
gpu_stream* stream;
float* transform;
float transforms[16][16];
uint32_t transformIndex;
Pipeline* pipeline;
Pipeline pipelines[4];
uint32_t pipelineIndex;
char constants[256];
bool constantsDirty;
gpu_binding bindings[32];
uint32_t bindingMask;
bool bindingsDirty;
Camera* cameras;
uint32_t cameraCount;
bool cameraDirty;
DrawData* drawData;
uint32_t drawCount;
gpu_binding builtins[3];
gpu_buffer* vertexBuffer;
gpu_buffer* indexBuffer;
arr_t(Access) access;
typedef enum {
} DefaultFormat;
typedef struct {
struct { float x, y, z; } position;
struct { float x, y, z; } normal;
struct { float u, v; } uv;
} ShapeVertex;
typedef struct {
gpu_draw_mode mode;
DefaultShader shader;
float* transform;
struct {
Buffer* buffer;
DefaultFormat format;
const void* data;
void** pointer;
uint32_t count;
} vertex;
struct {
Buffer* buffer;
const void* data;
void** pointer;
uint32_t count;
uint32_t stride;
} index;
uint32_t start;
uint32_t count;
uint32_t instances;
uint32_t base;
Buffer* indirect;
uint32_t offset;
} Draw;
typedef struct {
void* next;
gpu_bundle_pool* gpu;
gpu_bundle* bundles;
uint32_t cursor;
uint32_t tick;
} BundlePool;
typedef struct {
uint64_t hash;
gpu_layout* gpu;
BundlePool* head;
BundlePool* tail;
} Layout;
typedef struct {
gpu_texture* texture;
uint32_t hash;
uint32_t tick;
} Attachment;
typedef struct {
char* memory;
uint32_t cursor;
uint32_t length;
} Allocator;
static struct {
bool initialized;
bool active;
uint32_t tick;
Pass* transfers;
bool syncTextureUpload;
gpu_device_info device;
gpu_features features;
gpu_limits limits;
float background[4];
Texture* window;
Attachment attachments[16];
Buffer* defaultBuffer;
Texture* defaultTexture;
Sampler* defaultSampler;
Shader* defaultShaders[DEFAULT_SHADER_COUNT];
VertexFormat vertexFormats[DEFAULT_FORMAT_COUNT];
map_t pipelineLookup;
arr_t(gpu_pipeline*) pipelines;
arr_t(Layout) layouts;
uint32_t builtinLayout;
Allocator allocator;
} state;
// Helpers
static void* tempAlloc(size_t size);
static void* tempGrow(void* p, size_t size);
static void beginFrame(void);
static gpu_stream* getTransfers(void);
static uint32_t getLayout(gpu_slot* slots, uint32_t count);
static gpu_bundle* getBundle(uint32_t layout);
static gpu_texture* getAttachment(uint32_t size[2], uint32_t layers, TextureFormat format, bool srgb, uint32_t samples);
static size_t measureTexture(TextureFormat format, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t d);
static void checkTextureBounds(const TextureInfo* info, uint32_t offset[4], uint32_t extent[3]);
static ShaderResource* findShaderResource(Shader* shader, const char* name, size_t length, uint32_t slot);
static void trackBuffer(Pass* pass, Buffer* buffer, gpu_phase phase, gpu_cache cache);
static void trackTexture(Pass* pass, Texture* texture, gpu_phase phase, gpu_cache cache);
static void checkShaderFeatures(uint32_t* features, uint32_t count);
static void onMessage(void* context, const char* message, bool severe);
// Entry
bool lovrGraphicsInit(bool debug, bool vsync) {
if (state.initialized) return false;
gpu_config config = {
.debug = debug,
.callback = onMessage,
.engineName = "LOVR",
.device = &state.device,
.features = &state.features,
.limits = &state.limits
#ifdef LOVR_VK
if (os_window_is_open()) {
config.vk.getInstanceExtensions = os_vk_get_instance_extensions;
config.vk.createSurface = os_vk_create_surface;
config.vk.surface = true;
config.vk.vsync = vsync;
#if defined LOVR_VK && !defined LOVR_DISABLE_HEADSET
if (lovrHeadsetInterface) {
config.vk.getPhysicalDevice = lovrHeadsetInterface->getVulkanPhysicalDevice;
config.vk.createInstance = lovrHeadsetInterface->createVulkanInstance;
config.vk.createDevice = lovrHeadsetInterface->createVulkanDevice;
if (!gpu_init(&config)) {
lovrThrow("Failed to initialize GPU");
// Temporary frame memory uses a large 1GB virtual memory allocation, committing pages as needed
state.allocator.length = 1 << 14;
state.allocator.memory = os_vm_init(MAX_FRAME_MEMORY);
os_vm_commit(state.allocator.memory, state.allocator.length);
map_init(&state.pipelineLookup, 64);
arr_init(&state.pipelines, realloc);
arr_init(&state.layouts, realloc);
gpu_slot builtins[] = {
{ 2, GPU_SLOT_SAMPLER, GPU_STAGE_ALL } // Default sampler
state.builtinLayout = getLayout(builtins, COUNTOF(builtins));
state.defaultBuffer = lovrBufferCreate(&(BufferInfo) {
.length = 4096,
.stride = 1,
.label = "Default Buffer"
}, NULL);
Image* image = lovrImageCreateRaw(4, 4, FORMAT_RGBA8);
float white[4] = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f };
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
lovrImageSetPixel(image, x, y, white);
state.defaultTexture = lovrTextureCreate(&(TextureInfo) {
.type = TEXTURE_2D,
.format = FORMAT_RGBA8,
.width = 4,
.height = 4,
.depth = 1,
.mipmaps = 1,
.samples = 1,
.srgb = true,
.imageCount = 1,
.images = &image,
.label = "Default Texture"
lovrRelease(image, lovrImageDestroy);
state.defaultSampler = lovrSamplerCreate(&(SamplerInfo) {
gpu_stream* transfers = getTransfers();
gpu_clear_buffer(transfers, state.defaultBuffer->gpu, 0, 4096);
state.vertexFormats[VERTEX_SHAPE].gpu = (gpu_vertex_format) {
.bufferCount = 2,
.attributeCount = 3,
.bufferStrides[1] = sizeof(ShapeVertex),
.attributes[0] = { 1, 0, offsetof(ShapeVertex, position), GPU_TYPE_F32x3 },
.attributes[1] = { 1, 1, offsetof(ShapeVertex, normal), GPU_TYPE_F32x3 },
.attributes[2] = { 1, 2, offsetof(ShapeVertex, uv), GPU_TYPE_F32x2 }
state.vertexFormats[VERTEX_POINT].gpu = (gpu_vertex_format) {
.bufferCount = 2,
.attributeCount = 1,
.bufferStrides[1] = 12,
.attributes[0] = { 1, 0, 0, GPU_TYPE_F32x3 }
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNTOF(state.vertexFormats); i++) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < state.vertexFormats[i].gpu.attributeCount; j++) {
state.vertexFormats[i].mask |= (1 << state.vertexFormats[i].gpu.attributes[j].location);
state.vertexFormats[i].hash = hash64(&state.vertexFormats[i].gpu, sizeof(gpu_vertex_format));
state.initialized = true;
return true;
void lovrGraphicsDestroy() {
if (!state.initialized) return;
lovrRelease(state.window, lovrTextureDestroy);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNTOF(state.attachments); i++) {
if (state.attachments[i].texture) {
lovrRelease(state.defaultBuffer, lovrBufferDestroy);
lovrRelease(state.defaultTexture, lovrTextureDestroy);
lovrRelease(state.defaultSampler, lovrSamplerDestroy);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNTOF(state.defaultShaders); i++) {
lovrRelease(state.defaultShaders[i], lovrShaderDestroy);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state.pipelines.length; i++) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < state.layouts.length; i++) {
BundlePool* pool = state.layouts.data[i].head;
while (pool) {
BundlePool* next = pool->next;
pool = next;
os_vm_free(state.allocator.memory, MAX_FRAME_MEMORY);
memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
void lovrGraphicsGetDevice(GraphicsDevice* device) {
device->deviceId = state.device.deviceId;
device->vendorId = state.device.vendorId;
device->name = state.device.deviceName;
device->renderer = state.device.renderer;
device->subgroupSize = state.device.subgroupSize;
device->discrete = state.device.discrete;
void lovrGraphicsGetFeatures(GraphicsFeatures* features) {
features->textureBC = state.features.textureBC;
features->textureASTC = state.features.textureASTC;
features->wireframe = state.features.wireframe;
features->depthClamp = state.features.depthClamp;
features->indirectDrawFirstInstance = state.features.indirectDrawFirstInstance;
features->float64 = state.features.float64;
features->int64 = state.features.int64;
features->int16 = state.features.int16;
void lovrGraphicsGetLimits(GraphicsLimits* limits) {
limits->textureSize2D = state.limits.textureSize2D;
limits->textureSize3D = state.limits.textureSize3D;
limits->textureSizeCube = state.limits.textureSizeCube;
limits->textureLayers = state.limits.textureLayers;
limits->renderSize[0] = state.limits.renderSize[0];
limits->renderSize[1] = state.limits.renderSize[1];
limits->renderSize[2] = state.limits.renderSize[2];
limits->uniformBuffersPerStage = MIN(state.limits.uniformBuffersPerStage - 2, MAX_SHADER_RESOURCES);
limits->storageBuffersPerStage = MIN(state.limits.storageBuffersPerStage, MAX_SHADER_RESOURCES);
limits->sampledTexturesPerStage = MIN(state.limits.sampledTexturesPerStage, MAX_SHADER_RESOURCES);
limits->storageTexturesPerStage = MIN(state.limits.storageTexturesPerStage, MAX_SHADER_RESOURCES);
limits->samplersPerStage = MIN(state.limits.samplersPerStage - 1, MAX_SHADER_RESOURCES);
limits->resourcesPerShader = MAX_SHADER_RESOURCES;
limits->uniformBufferRange = state.limits.uniformBufferRange;
limits->storageBufferRange = state.limits.storageBufferRange;
limits->uniformBufferAlign = state.limits.uniformBufferAlign;
limits->storageBufferAlign = state.limits.storageBufferAlign;
limits->vertexAttributes = state.limits.vertexAttributes;
limits->vertexBufferStride = state.limits.vertexBufferStride;
limits->vertexShaderOutputs = state.limits.vertexShaderOutputs;
limits->clipDistances = state.limits.clipDistances;
limits->cullDistances = state.limits.cullDistances;
limits->clipAndCullDistances = state.limits.clipAndCullDistances;
memcpy(limits->computeDispatchCount, state.limits.computeDispatchCount, 3 * sizeof(uint32_t));
memcpy(limits->computeWorkgroupSize, state.limits.computeWorkgroupSize, 3 * sizeof(uint32_t));
limits->computeWorkgroupVolume = state.limits.computeWorkgroupVolume;
limits->computeSharedMemory = state.limits.computeSharedMemory;
limits->shaderConstantSize = MIN(state.limits.pushConstantSize, 256);
limits->indirectDrawCount = state.limits.indirectDrawCount;
limits->instances = state.limits.instances;
limits->anisotropy = state.limits.anisotropy;
limits->pointSize = state.limits.pointSize;
bool lovrGraphicsIsFormatSupported(uint32_t format, uint32_t features) {
uint8_t supports = state.features.formats[format];
if (!features) return supports;
if ((features & TEXTURE_FEATURE_SAMPLE) && !(supports & GPU_FEATURE_SAMPLE)) return false;
if ((features & TEXTURE_FEATURE_FILTER) && !(supports & GPU_FEATURE_FILTER)) return false;
if ((features & TEXTURE_FEATURE_RENDER) && !(supports & GPU_FEATURE_RENDER)) return false;
if ((features & TEXTURE_FEATURE_BLEND) && !(supports & GPU_FEATURE_BLEND)) return false;
if ((features & TEXTURE_FEATURE_STORAGE) && !(supports & GPU_FEATURE_STORAGE)) return false;
if ((features & TEXTURE_FEATURE_ATOMIC) && !(supports & GPU_FEATURE_ATOMIC)) return false;
if ((features & TEXTURE_FEATURE_BLIT_SRC) && !(supports & GPU_FEATURE_BLIT_SRC)) return false;
if ((features & TEXTURE_FEATURE_BLIT_DST) && !(supports & GPU_FEATURE_BLIT_DST)) return false;
return true;
void lovrGraphicsGetBackground(float background[4]) {
background[0] = lovrMathLinearToGamma(state.background[0]);
background[1] = lovrMathLinearToGamma(state.background[1]);
background[2] = lovrMathLinearToGamma(state.background[2]);
background[3] = state.background[3];
void lovrGraphicsSetBackground(float background[4]) {
state.background[0] = lovrMathGammaToLinear(background[0]);
state.background[1] = lovrMathGammaToLinear(background[1]);
state.background[2] = lovrMathGammaToLinear(background[2]);
state.background[3] = background[3];
void lovrGraphicsSubmit(Pass** passes, uint32_t count) {
if (!state.active) {
if (state.window) {
state.window->gpu = NULL;
state.window->renderView = NULL;
// Allocate a few extra stream handles for any internal passes we sneak in
gpu_stream** streams = tempAlloc((count + 3) * sizeof(gpu_stream*));
uint32_t extraPassCount = 0;
if (state.transfers) {
streams[extraPassCount++] = state.transfers->stream;
if (state.syncTextureUpload) {
gpu_barrier barrier;
barrier.prev = GPU_PHASE_COPY;
barrier.invalidate = GPU_CACHE_TEXTURE;
gpu_sync(state.transfers->stream, &barrier, 1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j <= passes[i]->pipelineIndex; j++) {
lovrRelease(passes[i]->pipelines[j].shader, lovrShaderDestroy);
passes[i]->pipelines[j].shader = NULL;
streams[extraPassCount + i] = passes[i]->stream;
if (passes[i]->info.type == PASS_RENDER) {
} else if (passes[i]->info.type == PASS_COMPUTE) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < extraPassCount + count; i++) {
gpu_submit(streams, extraPassCount + count);
state.transfers = NULL;
state.active = false;
void lovrGraphicsWait() {
// Buffer
static void lovrBufferInitFormat(VertexFormat* format, BufferInfo* info) {
format->mask = 0;
format->gpu.bufferCount = 2;
format->gpu.bufferStrides[1] = info->stride;
format->gpu.attributeCount = info->fieldCount;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < info->fieldCount; i++) {
format->gpu.attributes[i] = (gpu_attribute) {
.buffer = 1,
.location = info->fields[i].location,
.offset = info->fields[i].offset,
.type = (gpu_attribute_type) info->fields[i].type
format->mask |= (1 << i);
format->hash = hash64(&format->gpu, sizeof(format->gpu));
Buffer* lovrGraphicsGetBuffer(BufferInfo* info, void** data) {
uint32_t size = info->length * info->stride;
lovrCheck(size > 0, "Buffer size can not be zero");
lovrCheck(size <= 1 << 30, "Max buffer size is 1GB");
Buffer* buffer = tempAlloc(sizeof(Buffer) + gpu_sizeof_buffer());
buffer->ref = 1;
buffer->size = size;
buffer->gpu = (gpu_buffer*) (buffer + 1);
buffer->info = *info;
buffer->pointer = gpu_map(buffer->gpu, size, state.limits.uniformBufferAlign, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
lovrBufferInitFormat(&buffer->format, info);
if (data) {
*data = buffer->pointer;
return buffer;
Buffer* lovrBufferCreate(BufferInfo* info, void** data) {
uint32_t size = info->length * info->stride;
lovrCheck(size > 0, "Buffer size can not be zero");
lovrCheck(size <= 1 << 30, "Max buffer size is 1GB");
Buffer* buffer = calloc(1, sizeof(Buffer) + gpu_sizeof_buffer());
lovrAssert(buffer, "Out of memory");
buffer->ref = 1;
buffer->size = size;
buffer->gpu = (gpu_buffer*) (buffer + 1);
buffer->info = *info;
gpu_buffer_init(buffer->gpu, &(gpu_buffer_info) {
.size = buffer->size,
.label = info->label,
.pointer = data
lovrBufferInitFormat(&buffer->format, info);
if (data && *data == NULL) {
gpu_stream* transfers = getTransfers();
gpu_buffer* scratchpad = tempAlloc(gpu_sizeof_buffer());
*data = gpu_map(scratchpad, size, 4, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
gpu_copy_buffers(transfers, scratchpad, buffer->gpu, 0, 0, size);
return buffer;
void lovrBufferDestroy(void* ref) {
Buffer* buffer = ref;
if (lovrBufferIsTemporary(buffer)) return;
const BufferInfo* lovrBufferGetInfo(Buffer* buffer) {
return &buffer->info;
bool lovrBufferIsTemporary(Buffer* buffer) {
return buffer->pointer != NULL;
void* lovrBufferMap(Buffer* buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size) {
if (size == ~0u) {
size = buffer->size - offset;
lovrCheck(offset + size <= buffer->size, "Buffer write range [%d,%d] exceeds buffer size", offset, offset + size);
if (lovrBufferIsTemporary(buffer)) {
return buffer->pointer + offset;
gpu_stream* transfers = getTransfers();
gpu_buffer* scratchpad = tempAlloc(gpu_sizeof_buffer());
void* data = gpu_map(scratchpad, size, 4, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
gpu_copy_buffers(transfers, scratchpad, buffer->gpu, 0, offset, size);
return data;
void lovrBufferClear(Buffer* buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t size) {
lovrCheck(size % 4 == 0, "Buffer clear size must be a multiple of 4");
lovrCheck(offset % 4 == 0, "Buffer clear offset must be a multiple of 4");
lovrCheck(offset + size <= buffer->size, "Tried to clear past the end of the Buffer");
if (lovrBufferIsTemporary(buffer)) {
memset(buffer->pointer + offset, 0, size);
} else {
gpu_stream* transfers = getTransfers();
gpu_clear_buffer(transfers, buffer->gpu, offset, size);
// Texture
Texture* lovrGraphicsGetWindowTexture() {
if (!state.window) {
state.window = malloc(sizeof(Texture));
lovrAssert(state.window, "Out of memory");
int width, height;
os_window_get_fbsize(&width, &height);
state.window->ref = 1;
state.window->gpu = NULL;
state.window->renderView = NULL;
state.window->info = (TextureInfo) {
.type = TEXTURE_2D,
.width = width,
.height = height,
.depth = 1,
.mipmaps = 1,
.samples = 1,
.srgb = true
if (!state.window->gpu) {
state.window->gpu = gpu_surface_acquire();
state.window->renderView = state.window->gpu;
return state.window;
Texture* lovrTextureCreate(TextureInfo* info) {
uint32_t limits[] = {
[TEXTURE_2D] = state.limits.textureSize2D,
[TEXTURE_3D] = state.limits.textureSize3D,
[TEXTURE_CUBE] = state.limits.textureSizeCube,
[TEXTURE_ARRAY] = state.limits.textureSize2D
uint32_t limit = limits[info->type];
uint32_t mipmapCap = log2(MAX(MAX(info->width, info->height), (info->type == TEXTURE_3D ? info->depth : 1))) + 1;
uint32_t mipmaps = CLAMP(info->mipmaps, 1, mipmapCap);
uint8_t supports = state.features.formats[info->format];
lovrCheck(info->width > 0, "Texture width must be greater than zero");
lovrCheck(info->height > 0, "Texture height must be greater than zero");
lovrCheck(info->depth > 0, "Texture depth must be greater than zero");
lovrCheck(info->width <= limit, "Texture %s exceeds the limit for this texture type (%d)", "width", limit);
lovrCheck(info->height <= limit, "Texture %s exceeds the limit for this texture type (%d)", "height", limit);
lovrCheck(info->depth <= limit || info->type != TEXTURE_3D, "Texture %s exceeds the limit for this texture type (%d)", "depth", limit);
lovrCheck(info->depth <= state.limits.textureLayers || info->type != TEXTURE_ARRAY, "Texture %s exceeds the limit for this texture type (%d)", "depth", limit);
lovrCheck(info->depth == 1 || info->type != TEXTURE_2D, "2D textures must have a depth of 1");
lovrCheck(info->depth == 6 || info->type != TEXTURE_CUBE, "Cubemaps must have a depth of 6");
lovrCheck(info->width == info->height || info->type != TEXTURE_CUBE, "Cubemaps must be square");
lovrCheck(measureTexture(info->format, info->width, info->height, info->depth) < 1 << 30, "Memory for a Texture can not exceed 1GB"); // TODO mip?
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || info->samples == 4, "Texture multisample count must be 1 or 4...for now");
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || info->type != TEXTURE_CUBE, "Cubemaps can not be multisampled");
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || info->type != TEXTURE_3D, "Volume textures can not be multisampled");
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || ~info->usage & TEXTURE_STORAGE, "Textures with the 'storage' flag can not be multisampled...for now");
lovrCheck(info->samples == 1 || mipmaps == 1, "Multisampled textures can only have 1 mipmap");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_SAMPLE || (supports & GPU_FEATURE_SAMPLE), "GPU does not support the 'sample' flag for this format");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER || (supports & GPU_FEATURE_RENDER), "GPU does not support the 'render' flag for this format");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_STORAGE || (supports & GPU_FEATURE_STORAGE), "GPU does not support the 'storage' flag for this format");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER || info->width <= state.limits.renderSize[0], "Texture has 'render' flag but its size exceeds the renderSize limit");
lovrCheck(~info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER || info->height <= state.limits.renderSize[1], "Texture has 'render' flag but its size exceeds the renderSize limit");
lovrCheck(mipmaps <= mipmapCap, "Texture has more than the max number of mipmap levels for its size (%d)", mipmapCap);
lovrCheck((info->format < FORMAT_BC1 || info->format > FORMAT_BC7) || state.features.textureBC, "%s textures are not supported on this GPU", "BC");
lovrCheck(info->format < FORMAT_ASTC_4x4 || state.features.textureASTC, "%s textures are not supported on this GPU", "ASTC");
Texture* texture = calloc(1, sizeof(Texture) + gpu_sizeof_texture());
lovrAssert(texture, "Out of memory");
texture->ref = 1;
texture->gpu = (gpu_texture*) (texture + 1);
texture->info = *info;
texture->info.mipmaps = mipmaps;
uint32_t levelCount = 0;
uint32_t levelOffsets[16];
uint32_t levelSizes[16];
gpu_buffer* scratchpad = NULL;
if (info->imageCount > 0) {
levelCount = lovrImageGetLevelCount(info->images[0]);
lovrCheck(info->type != TEXTURE_3D || levelCount == 1, "Images used to initialize 3D textures can not have mipmaps");
uint32_t total = 0;
for (uint32_t level = 0; level < levelCount; level++) {
levelOffsets[level] = total;
uint32_t width = MAX(info->width >> level, 1);
uint32_t height = MAX(info->height >> level, 1);
levelSizes[level] = measureTexture(info->format, width, height, info->depth);
total += levelSizes[level];
scratchpad = tempAlloc(gpu_sizeof_buffer());
char* data = gpu_map(scratchpad, total, 64, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
for (uint32_t level = 0; level < levelCount; level++) {
for (uint32_t layer = 0; layer < info->depth; layer++) {
Image* image = info->imageCount == 1 ? info->images[0] : info->images[layer];
uint32_t slice = info->imageCount == 1 ? layer : 0;
uint32_t size = lovrImageGetLayerSize(image, level);
lovrCheck(size == levelSizes[level], "Texture/Image size mismatch!");
void* pixels = lovrImageGetLayerData(image, level, slice);
memcpy(data, pixels, size);
data += size;
gpu_texture_init(texture->gpu, &(gpu_texture_info) {
.type = (gpu_texture_type) info->type,
.format = (gpu_texture_format) info->format,
.size = { info->width, info->height, info->depth },
.mipmaps = texture->info.mipmaps,
.samples = MAX(info->samples, 1),
.usage =
((info->usage & TEXTURE_SAMPLE) ? GPU_TEXTURE_SAMPLE : 0) |
((info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER) ? GPU_TEXTURE_RENDER : 0) |
.srgb = info->srgb,
.handle = info->handle,
.label = info->label,
.upload = {
.stream = getTransfers(),
.buffer = scratchpad,
.levelCount = levelCount,
.levelOffsets = levelOffsets,
.generateMipmaps = levelCount < mipmaps
// Automatically create a renderable view for renderable non-volume textures
if ((info->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER) && info->type != TEXTURE_3D && info->depth <= state.limits.renderSize[2]) {
if (info->mipmaps == 1) {
texture->renderView = texture->gpu;
} else {
gpu_texture_view_info view = {
.source = texture->gpu,
.layerCount = info->depth,
.levelCount = 1
texture->renderView = malloc(gpu_sizeof_texture());
lovrAssert(texture->renderView, "Out of memory");
lovrAssert(gpu_texture_init_view(texture->renderView, &view), "Failed to create texture view");
if (info->usage == TEXTURE_SAMPLE && info->imageCount > 0) {
state.syncTextureUpload = true;
return texture;
Texture* lovrTextureCreateView(TextureViewInfo* view) {
const TextureInfo* info = &view->parent->info;
uint32_t maxDepth = info->type == TEXTURE_3D ? MAX(info->depth >> view->levelIndex, 1) : info->depth;
lovrCheck(!info->parent, "Can't nest texture views");
lovrCheck(view->type != TEXTURE_3D, "Texture views may not be volume textures");
lovrCheck(view->layerCount > 0, "Texture view must have at least one layer");
lovrCheck(view->levelCount > 0, "Texture view must have at least one mipmap");
lovrCheck(view->layerIndex + view->layerCount <= maxDepth, "Texture view layer range exceeds depth of parent texture");
lovrCheck(view->levelIndex + view->levelCount <= info->mipmaps, "Texture view mipmap range exceeds mipmap count of parent texture");
lovrCheck(view->layerCount == 1 || view->type != TEXTURE_2D, "2D texture can only have a single layer");
lovrCheck(view->levelCount == 1 || info->type != TEXTURE_3D, "Views of volume textures may only have a single mipmap level");
lovrCheck(view->layerCount == 6 || view->type != TEXTURE_CUBE, "Cubemaps can only have a six layers");
Texture* texture = calloc(1, sizeof(Texture) + gpu_sizeof_texture());
lovrAssert(texture, "Out of memory");
texture->ref = 1;
texture->gpu = (gpu_texture*) (texture + 1);
texture->info = *info;
texture->info.parent = view->parent;
texture->info.mipmaps = view->levelCount;
texture->info.width = MAX(info->width >> view->levelIndex, 1);
texture->info.height = MAX(info->height >> view->levelIndex, 1);
texture->info.depth = view->layerCount;
gpu_texture_init_view(texture->gpu, &(gpu_texture_view_info) {
.source = view->parent->gpu,
.type = (gpu_texture_type) view->type,
.layerIndex = view->layerIndex,
.layerCount = view->layerCount,
.levelIndex = view->levelIndex,
.levelCount = view->levelCount
if (view->levelCount == 1 && view->type != TEXTURE_3D && view->layerCount <= 6) {
texture->renderView = texture->gpu;
return texture;
void lovrTextureDestroy(void* ref) {
Texture* texture = ref;
if (texture != state.window) {
lovrRelease(texture->info.parent, lovrTextureDestroy);
if (texture->renderView && texture->renderView != texture->gpu) gpu_texture_destroy(texture->renderView);
if (texture->gpu) gpu_texture_destroy(texture->gpu);
const TextureInfo* lovrTextureGetInfo(Texture* texture) {
return &texture->info;
// Sampler
Sampler* lovrSamplerCreate(SamplerInfo* info) {
lovrCheck(info->range[1] < 0.f || info->range[1] >= info->range[0], "Invalid Sampler mipmap range");
lovrCheck(info->anisotropy <= state.limits.anisotropy, "Sampler anisotropy (%f) exceeds anisotropy limit (%f)", info->anisotropy, state.limits.anisotropy);
Sampler* sampler = calloc(1, sizeof(Sampler) + gpu_sizeof_sampler());
lovrAssert(sampler, "Out of memory");
sampler->ref = 1;
sampler->gpu = (gpu_sampler*) (sampler + 1);
sampler->info = *info;
gpu_sampler_info gpu = {
.min = (gpu_filter) info->min,
.mag = (gpu_filter) info->mag,
.mip = (gpu_filter) info->mip,
.wrap[0] = (gpu_wrap) info->wrap[0],
.wrap[1] = (gpu_wrap) info->wrap[1],
.wrap[2] = (gpu_wrap) info->wrap[2],
.compare = (gpu_compare_mode) info->compare,
.anisotropy = MIN(info->anisotropy, state.limits.anisotropy),
.lodClamp = { info->range[0], info->range[1] }
gpu_sampler_init(sampler->gpu, &gpu);
return sampler;
void lovrSamplerDestroy(void* ref) {
Sampler* sampler = ref;
const SamplerInfo* lovrSamplerGetInfo(Sampler* sampler) {
return &sampler->info;
// Shader
Blob* lovrGraphicsCompileShader(ShaderStage stage, Blob* source) {
uint32_t spirv = 0x07230203;
if (source->size % 4 == 0 && source->size >= 4 && !memcmp(source->data, &spirv, 4)) {
return lovrRetain(source), source;
const glslang_stage_t stages[] = {
const glslang_resource_t* resource = glslang_default_resource();
glslang_input_t input = {
.stage = stages[stage],
.client_version = GLSLANG_TARGET_VULKAN_1_1,
.target_language = GLSLANG_TARGET_SPV,
.target_language_version = GLSLANG_TARGET_SPV_1_3,
.code = source->data,
.length = source->size,
.default_version = 460,
.default_profile = GLSLANG_NO_PROFILE,
.resource = resource
glslang_shader_t* shader = glslang_shader_create(&input);
if (!glslang_shader_preprocess(shader, &input)) {
lovrLog(LOG_INFO, "Could not preprocess shader: %s", glslang_shader_get_info_log(shader));
return NULL;
if (!glslang_shader_parse(shader, &input)) {
lovrLog(LOG_INFO, "Could not parse shader: %s", glslang_shader_get_info_log(shader));
return NULL;
glslang_program_t* program = glslang_program_create();
glslang_program_add_shader(program, shader);
if (!glslang_program_link(program, 0)) {
lovrLog(LOG_INFO, "Could not link shader: %s", glslang_program_get_info_log(program));
return NULL;
glslang_program_SPIRV_generate(program, stages[stage]);
void* words = glslang_program_SPIRV_get_ptr(program);
size_t size = glslang_program_SPIRV_get_size(program) * 4;
void* data = malloc(size);
lovrAssert(data, "Out of memory");
memcpy(data, words, size);
Blob* blob = lovrBlobCreate(data, size, "SPIRV");
return blob;
return NULL;
static void lovrShaderInit(Shader* shader) {
// Shaders store the full list of their flags so clones can override them, but they are reordered
// to put overridden (active) ones first, so a contiguous list can be used to create pipelines
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shader->info.flagCount; i++) {
ShaderFlag* flag = &shader->info.flags[i];
uint32_t hash = flag->name ? (uint32_t) hash64(flag->name, strlen(flag->name)) : 0;
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < shader->flagCount; j++) {
if (hash ? (hash != shader->flagLookup[j]) : (flag->id != shader->flags[j].id)) continue;
uint32_t index = shader->overrideCount++;
if (index != j) {
gpu_shader_flag temp = shader->flags[index];
shader->flags[index] = shader->flags[j];
shader->flags[j] = temp;
uint32_t tempHash = shader->flagLookup[index];
shader->flagLookup[index] = shader->flagLookup[j];
shader->flagLookup[j] = tempHash;
shader->flags[index].value = flag->value;
if (shader->info.type == SHADER_COMPUTE) {
gpu_compute_pipeline_info pipelineInfo = {
.shader = shader->gpu,
.flags = shader->flags,
.flagCount = shader->overrideCount
gpu_pipeline* pipeline = malloc(gpu_sizeof_pipeline());
lovrAssert(pipeline, "Out of memory");
gpu_pipeline_init_compute(pipeline, &pipelineInfo);
shader->computePipeline = state.pipelines.length;
arr_push(&state.pipelines, pipeline);
Shader* lovrGraphicsGetDefaultShader(DefaultShader type) {
if (state.defaultShaders[type]) {
return state.defaultShaders[type];
ShaderInfo info = { .type = SHADER_GRAPHICS };
switch (type) {
info.stages[0] = lovrBlobCreate((void*) lovr_shader_unlit_vert, sizeof(lovr_shader_unlit_vert), "Unlit Vertex Shader");
info.stages[1] = lovrBlobCreate((void*) lovr_shader_unlit_frag, sizeof(lovr_shader_unlit_frag), "Unlit Fragment Shader");
info.label = "unlit";
default: lovrUnreachable();
state.defaultShaders[type] = lovrShaderCreate(&info);
info.stages[0]->data = NULL;
info.stages[1]->data = NULL;
lovrRelease(info.stages[0], lovrBlobDestroy);
lovrRelease(info.stages[1], lovrBlobDestroy);
return state.defaultShaders[type];
Shader* lovrShaderCreate(ShaderInfo* info) {
Shader* shader = calloc(1, sizeof(Shader) + gpu_sizeof_shader());
lovrAssert(shader, "Out of memory");
uint32_t stageCount = info->type == SHADER_GRAPHICS ? 2 : 1;
uint32_t firstStage = info->type == SHADER_GRAPHICS ? GPU_STAGE_VERTEX : GPU_STAGE_COMPUTE;
uint32_t userSet = info->type == SHADER_GRAPHICS ? 2 : 0;
spv_result result;
spv_info spv[2] = { 0 };
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < stageCount; i++) {
result = spv_parse(info->stages[i]->data, info->stages[i]->size, &spv[i]);
lovrCheck(result == SPV_OK, "Failed to load Shader: %s\n", spv_result_to_string(result));
lovrCheck(spv[i].version <= 0x00010300, "Invalid SPIR-V version (up to 1.3 is supported)");
spv[i].features = tempAlloc(spv[i].featureCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
spv[i].specConstants = tempAlloc(spv[i].specConstantCount * sizeof(spv_spec_constant));
spv[i].pushConstants = tempAlloc(spv[i].pushConstantCount * sizeof(spv_push_constant));
spv[i].resources = tempAlloc(spv[i].resourceCount * sizeof(spv_resource));
result = spv_parse(info->stages[i]->data, info->stages[i]->size, &spv[i]);
lovrCheck(result == SPV_OK, "Failed to load Shader: %s\n", spv_result_to_string(result));
checkShaderFeatures(spv[i].features, spv[i].featureCount);
uint32_t constantStage = spv[0].pushConstantSize > spv[1].pushConstantSize ? 0 : 1;
uint32_t maxFlags = spv[0].specConstantCount + spv[1].specConstantCount;
shader->attributeMask = spv[0].inputLocationMask;
shader->constantSize = MAX(spv[0].pushConstantSize, spv[1].pushConstantSize);
shader->constants = malloc(spv[constantStage].pushConstantCount * sizeof(ShaderConstant));
shader->resources = malloc((spv[0].resourceCount + spv[1].resourceCount) * sizeof(ShaderResource));
gpu_slot* slots = tempAlloc((spv[0].resourceCount + spv[1].resourceCount) * sizeof(gpu_slot));
shader->flags = malloc(maxFlags * sizeof(gpu_shader_flag));
shader->flagLookup = malloc(maxFlags * sizeof(uint32_t));
lovrAssert(shader->constants && shader->resources && shader->flags && shader->flagLookup, "Out of memory");
// Push constants
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < spv[constantStage].pushConstantCount; i++) {
static const FieldType constantTypes[] = {
[SPV_B32] = FIELD_U32,
[SPV_I32] = FIELD_I32,
[SPV_I32x2] = FIELD_I32x2,
[SPV_I32x3] = FIELD_I32x3,
[SPV_I32x4] = FIELD_I32x4,
[SPV_U32] = FIELD_U32,
[SPV_U32x2] = FIELD_U32x2,
[SPV_U32x3] = FIELD_U32x3,
[SPV_U32x4] = FIELD_U32x4,
[SPV_F32] = FIELD_F32,
[SPV_F32x2] = FIELD_F32x2,
[SPV_F32x3] = FIELD_F32x3,
[SPV_F32x4] = FIELD_F32x4,
spv_push_constant* constant = &spv[constantStage].pushConstants[i];
shader->constants[i] = (ShaderConstant) {
.hash = (uint32_t) hash64(constant->name, strlen(constant->name)),
.offset = constant->offset,
.type = constantTypes[constant->type]
// Resources
for (uint32_t s = 0; s < stageCount; s++) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < spv[s].resourceCount; i++) {
spv_resource* resource = &spv[s].resources[i];
if (resource->set != userSet) {
static const gpu_slot_type resourceTypes[] = {
uint32_t hash = (uint32_t) hash64(resource->name, strlen(resource->name));
uint32_t stage = s == 0 ? firstStage : GPU_STAGE_FRAGMENT;
bool append = true;
if (s > 0) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < shader->resourceCount; j++) {
ShaderResource* other = &shader->resources[j];
if (other->binding == resource->binding) {
lovrCheck(other->type == resourceTypes[resource->type], "Shader variable (%d) does not use a consistent type", resource->binding);
shader->resources[j].stageMask |= stage;
append = false;
if (!append) {
uint32_t index = shader->resourceCount++;
if (shader->resourceCount > MAX_SHADER_RESOURCES) {
lovrThrow("Shader resource count exceeds resourcesPerShader limit (%d)", MAX_SHADER_RESOURCES);
lovrCheck(resource->binding < 32, "Max resource binding number is %d", 32 - 1);
slots[index] = (gpu_slot) {
.number = resource->binding,
.type = resourceTypes[resource->type],
.stages = stage
shader->resources[index] = (ShaderResource) {
.hash = hash,
.binding = resource->binding,
.stageMask = stage,
.type = resourceTypes[resource->type]
bool buffer = resource->type == SPV_UNIFORM_BUFFER || resource->type == SPV_STORAGE_BUFFER;
bool texture = resource->type == SPV_SAMPLED_TEXTURE || resource->type == SPV_STORAGE_TEXTURE;
bool sampler = resource->type == SPV_SAMPLER;
bool storage = resource->type == SPV_STORAGE_BUFFER || resource->type == SPV_STORAGE_TEXTURE;
shader->bufferMask |= (buffer << resource->binding);
shader->textureMask |= (texture << resource->binding);
shader->samplerMask |= (sampler << resource->binding);
shader->storageMask |= (storage << resource->binding);
// Specialization constants
for (uint32_t s = 0; s < stageCount; s++) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < spv[s].specConstantCount; i++) {
spv_spec_constant* constant = &spv[s].specConstants[i];
bool append = true;
if (s > 0) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < spv[0].specConstantCount; j++) {
spv_spec_constant* other = &spv[0].specConstants[j];
if (other->id == constant->id) {
lovrCheck(other->type == constant->type, "Shader flag (%d) does not use a consistent type", constant->id);
lovrCheck(!strcmp(constant->name, other->name), "Shader flag (%d) does not use a consistent name", constant->id);
append = false;
if (!append) {
static const gpu_flag_type flagTypes[] = {
[SPV_B32] = GPU_FLAG_B32,
[SPV_I32] = GPU_FLAG_I32,
[SPV_U32] = GPU_FLAG_U32,
[SPV_F32] = GPU_FLAG_F32
uint32_t index = shader->flagCount++;
shader->flagLookup[index] = (uint32_t) hash64(constant->name, strlen(constant->name));
shader->flags[index] = (gpu_shader_flag) {
.id = constant->id,
.type = flagTypes[constant->type]
shader->ref = 1;
shader->gpu = (gpu_shader*) (shader + 1);
shader->info = *info;
shader->layout = getLayout(slots, shader->resourceCount);
gpu_shader_info gpu = {
.stages[0] = { info->stages[0]->data, info->stages[0]->size },
.stages[1] = { info->stages[1]->data, info->stages[1]->size },
.pushConstantSize = shader->constantSize,
.label = info->label
if (info->type == SHADER_GRAPHICS) {
gpu.layouts[0] = state.layouts.data[state.builtinLayout].gpu;
gpu.layouts[userSet] = shader->resourceCount > 0 ? state.layouts.data[shader->layout].gpu : NULL;
gpu_shader_init(shader->gpu, &gpu);
return shader;
Shader* lovrShaderClone(Shader* parent, ShaderFlag* flags, uint32_t count) {
Shader* shader = calloc(1, sizeof(Shader) + gpu_sizeof_shader());
lovrAssert(shader, "Out of memory");
shader->ref = 1;
shader->parent = parent;
shader->gpu = parent->gpu;
shader->info = parent->info;
shader->info.flags = flags;
shader->info.flagCount = count;
shader->layout = parent->layout;
shader->attributeMask = parent->attributeMask;
shader->bufferMask = parent->bufferMask;
shader->textureMask = parent->textureMask;
shader->samplerMask = parent->samplerMask;
shader->storageMask = parent->storageMask;
shader->constantSize = parent->constantSize;
shader->constantCount = parent->constantCount;
shader->resourceCount = parent->resourceCount;
shader->flagCount = parent->flagCount;
shader->constants = parent->constants;
shader->resources = parent->resources;
shader->flags = malloc(shader->flagCount * sizeof(gpu_shader_flag));
shader->flagLookup = malloc(shader->flagCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
lovrAssert(shader->flags && shader->flagLookup, "Out of memory");
memcpy(shader->flags, parent->flags, shader->flagCount * sizeof(gpu_shader_flag));
memcpy(shader->flagLookup, parent->flagLookup, shader->flagCount * sizeof(uint32_t));
return shader;
void lovrShaderDestroy(void* ref) {
Shader* shader = ref;
lovrRelease(shader->parent, lovrShaderDestroy);
const ShaderInfo* lovrShaderGetInfo(Shader* shader) {
return &shader->info;
// Pass
Pass* lovrGraphicsGetPass(PassInfo* info) {
Pass* pass = tempAlloc(sizeof(Pass));
pass->ref = 1;
pass->info = *info;
pass->stream = gpu_stream_begin(info->label);
arr_init(&pass->access, tempGrow);
if (info->type == PASS_TRANSFER) {
return pass;
if (info->type == PASS_COMPUTE) {
memset(pass->constants, 0, sizeof(pass->constants));
pass->constantsDirty = true;
pass->bindingMask = 0;
pass->bindingsDirty = true;
pass->pipeline = &pass->pipelines[0];
pass->pipeline->shader = NULL;
pass->pipeline->dirty = true;
return pass;
// Validation
Canvas* canvas = &info->canvas;
const TextureInfo* main = canvas->textures[0] ? &canvas->textures[0]->info : &canvas->depth.texture->info;
lovrCheck(canvas->textures[0] || canvas->depth.texture, "Render pass must have at least one color or depth texture");
lovrCheck(main->width <= state.limits.renderSize[0], "Render pass width (%d) exceeds the renderSize limit of this GPU (%d)", main->width, state.limits.renderSize[0]);
lovrCheck(main->height <= state.limits.renderSize[1], "Render pass height (%d) exceeds the renderSize limit of this GPU (%d)", main->height, state.limits.renderSize[1]);
lovrCheck(main->depth <= state.limits.renderSize[2], "Render pass view count (%d) exceeds the renderSize limit of this GPU (%d)", main->depth, state.limits.renderSize[2]);
lovrCheck(canvas->samples == 1 || canvas->samples == 4, "Render pass sample count must be 1 or 4...for now");
uint32_t colorTextureCount = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNTOF(canvas->textures) && canvas->textures[i]; i++, colorTextureCount++) {
const TextureInfo* texture = &canvas->textures[i]->info;
bool renderable = texture->format == GPU_FORMAT_SURFACE || (state.features.formats[texture->format] & GPU_FEATURE_RENDER);
lovrCheck(renderable, "This GPU does not support rendering to the texture format used by Canvas texture #%d", i + 1);
lovrCheck(texture->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER, "Texture must be created with the 'render' flag to render to it");
lovrCheck(texture->width == main->width, "Render pass texture sizes must match");
lovrCheck(texture->height == main->height, "Render pass texture sizes must match");
lovrCheck(texture->depth == main->depth, "Render pass texture sizes must match");
lovrCheck(texture->samples == main->samples, "Render pass texture sample counts must match");
if (canvas->depth.texture || canvas->depth.format) {
TextureFormat format = canvas->depth.texture ? canvas->depth.texture->info.format : canvas->depth.format;
bool renderable = state.features.formats[format] & GPU_FEATURE_RENDER;
lovrCheck(format == FORMAT_D16 || format == FORMAT_D24S8 || format == FORMAT_D32F, "Depth buffer must use a depth format");
lovrCheck(renderable, "This GPU does not support depth buffers with this texture format");
if (canvas->depth.texture) {
const TextureInfo* texture = &canvas->depth.texture->info;
lovrCheck(texture->usage & TEXTURE_RENDER, "Texture must be created with the 'render' flag to render to it");
lovrCheck(texture->width == main->width, "Render pass texture sizes must match");
lovrCheck(texture->height == main->height, "Render pass texture sizes must match");
lovrCheck(texture->depth == main->depth, "Render pass texture sizes must match");
lovrCheck(texture->samples == main->samples, "Depth buffer sample count must match the main render pass sample count...for now");
// Render target
gpu_canvas target = {
.size = { main->width, main->height }
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < colorTextureCount; i++) {
if (main->samples == 1 && canvas->samples > 1) {
lovrCheck(canvas->loads[i] != LOAD_KEEP, "When internal multisampling is used, render pass textures must be cleared");
TextureFormat format = canvas->textures[i]->info.format;
bool srgb = canvas->textures[i]->info.srgb;
target.color[i].texture = getAttachment(target.size, main->depth, format, srgb, canvas->samples);
target.color[i].resolve = canvas->textures[i]->renderView;
} else {
target.color[i].texture = canvas->textures[i]->renderView;
target.color[i].load = (gpu_load_op) canvas->loads[i];
target.color[i].save = GPU_SAVE_OP_SAVE;
target.color[i].clear[0] = lovrMathGammaToLinear(canvas->clears[i][0]);
target.color[i].clear[1] = lovrMathGammaToLinear(canvas->clears[i][1]);
target.color[i].clear[2] = lovrMathGammaToLinear(canvas->clears[i][2]);
target.color[i].clear[3] = canvas->clears[i][2];
gpu_cache cache = GPU_CACHE_BLEND_WRITE | (canvas->loads[i] == LOAD_KEEP ? GPU_CACHE_BLEND_READ : 0);
trackTexture(pass, canvas->textures[i], GPU_PHASE_BLEND, cache);
if (canvas->depth.texture) {
target.depth.texture = canvas->depth.texture->renderView;
gpu_phase phase = canvas->depth.load == LOAD_KEEP ? GPU_PHASE_DEPTH_EARLY : GPU_PHASE_DEPTH_LATE;
gpu_cache cache = GPU_CACHE_DEPTH_WRITE | (canvas->depth.load == LOAD_KEEP ? GPU_CACHE_DEPTH_READ : 0);
trackTexture(pass, canvas->depth.texture, phase, cache);
} else if (canvas->depth.format) {
target.depth.texture = getAttachment(target.size, main->depth, canvas->depth.format, false, canvas->samples);
if (target.depth.texture) {
target.depth.load = target.depth.stencilLoad = (gpu_load_op) canvas->depth.load;
target.depth.save = canvas->depth.texture ? GPU_SAVE_OP_SAVE : GPU_SAVE_OP_DISCARD;
target.depth.clear.depth = canvas->depth.clear;
// Begin render pass
gpu_render_begin(pass->stream, &target);
float viewport[4] = { 0.f, 0.f, (float) main->width, (float) main->height };
float depthRange[2] = { 0.f, 1.f };
gpu_set_viewport(pass->stream, viewport, depthRange);
uint32_t scissor[4] = { 0, 0, main->width, main->height };
gpu_set_scissor(pass->stream, scissor);
// The default Buffer (filled with zero) is always at slot #0, used for missing vertex attributes
uint32_t offset = 0;
gpu_bind_vertex_buffers(pass->stream, &state.defaultBuffer->gpu, &offset, 0, 1);
// Reset state
pass->transform = pass->transforms[0];
pass->pipeline = &pass->pipelines[0];
pass->pipeline->info = (gpu_pipeline_info) {
.colorCount = colorTextureCount,
.depth.format = canvas->depth.texture ? canvas->depth.texture->info.format : canvas->depth.format,
.multisample.count = canvas->samples,
.viewCount = main->depth,
.depth.test = GPU_COMPARE_LEQUAL,
.depth.write = true
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < colorTextureCount; i++) {
pass->pipeline->info.color[i].format = canvas->textures[i]->info.format;
pass->pipeline->info.color[i].srgb = canvas->textures[i]->info.srgb;
pass->pipeline->info.color[i].mask = 0xf;
float defaultColor[4] = { 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f };
memcpy(pass->pipeline->color, defaultColor, sizeof(defaultColor));
pass->pipeline->formatHash = 0;
pass->pipeline->shader = NULL;
pass->pipeline->dirty = true;
memset(pass->constants, 0, sizeof(pass->constants));
pass->constantsDirty = true;
pass->bindingMask = 0;
pass->bindingsDirty = true;
pass->cameraCount = main->depth;
pass->cameras = tempAlloc(pass->cameraCount * sizeof(Camera));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pass->cameraCount; i++) {
mat4_perspective(pass->cameras[i].projection, .01f, 100.f, 1.0f, (float) main->width / main->height);
pass->cameraDirty = true;
pass->drawCount = 0;
gpu_buffer_binding cameras = { tempAlloc(gpu_sizeof_buffer()), 0, pass->cameraCount * sizeof(Camera) };
gpu_buffer_binding draws = { tempAlloc(gpu_sizeof_buffer()), 0, 256 * sizeof(DrawData) };
pass->builtins[0] = (gpu_binding) { 0, GPU_SLOT_UNIFORM_BUFFER, .buffer = cameras };
pass->builtins[1] = (gpu_binding) { 1, GPU_SLOT_UNIFORM_BUFFER, .buffer = draws };
pass->builtins[2] = (gpu_binding) { 2, GPU_SLOT_SAMPLER, .sampler = state.defaultSampler->gpu };
pass->vertexBuffer = NULL;
pass->indexBuffer = NULL;
return pass;
void lovrPassDestroy(void* ref) {
const PassInfo* lovrPassGetInfo(Pass* pass) {
return &pass->info;
void lovrPassGetViewMatrix(Pass* pass, uint32_t index, float* viewMatrix) {
lovrCheck(index < pass->cameraCount, "Invalid camera index '%d'", index);
mat4_init(viewMatrix, pass->cameras[index].view);
void lovrPassSetViewMatrix(Pass* pass, uint32_t index, float* viewMatrix) {
lovrCheck(index < pass->cameraCount, "Invalid camera index '%d'", index);
mat4_init(pass->cameras[index].view, viewMatrix);
pass->cameraDirty = true;
void lovrPassGetProjection(Pass* pass, uint32_t index, float* projection) {
lovrCheck(index < pass->cameraCount, "Invalid camera index '%d'", index);
mat4_init(projection, pass->cameras[index].projection);
void lovrPassSetProjection(Pass* pass, uint32_t index, float* projection) {
lovrCheck(index < pass->cameraCount, "Invalid camera index '%d'", index);
mat4_init(pass->cameras[index].projection, projection);
pass->cameraDirty = true;
void lovrPassPush(Pass* pass, StackType stack) {
switch (stack) {
pass->transform = pass->transforms[++pass->transformIndex];
lovrCheck(pass->transformIndex < COUNTOF(pass->transforms), "%s stack overflow (more pushes than pops?)", "Transform");
mat4_init(pass->transforms[pass->transformIndex], pass->transforms[pass->transformIndex - 1]);
pass->pipeline = &pass->pipelines[++pass->pipelineIndex];
lovrCheck(pass->pipelineIndex < COUNTOF(pass->pipelines), "%s stack overflow (more pushes than pops?)", "Pipeline");
memcpy(pass->pipeline, &pass->pipelines[pass->pipelineIndex - 1], sizeof(Pipeline));
default: break;
void lovrPassPop(Pass* pass, StackType stack) {
switch (stack) {
pass->transform = pass->transforms[--pass->transformIndex];
lovrCheck(pass->transformIndex < COUNTOF(pass->transforms), "%s stack underflow (more pops than pushes?)", "Transform");
lovrRelease(pass->pipeline->shader, lovrShaderDestroy);
pass->pipeline = &pass->pipelines[--pass->pipelineIndex];
lovrCheck(pass->pipelineIndex < COUNTOF(pass->pipelines), "%s stack underflow (more pops than pushes?)", "Pipeline");
default: break;
void lovrPassOrigin(Pass* pass) {
void lovrPassTranslate(Pass* pass, vec3 translation) {
mat4_translate(pass->transform, translation[0], translation[1], translation[2]);
void lovrPassRotate(Pass* pass, quat rotation) {
mat4_rotateQuat(pass->transform, rotation);
void lovrPassScale(Pass* pass, vec3 scale) {
mat4_scale(pass->transform, scale[0], scale[1], scale[2]);
void lovrPassTransform(Pass* pass, mat4 transform) {
mat4_mul(pass->transform, transform);
void lovrPassSetAlphaToCoverage(Pass* pass, bool enabled) {
pass->pipeline->dirty |= enabled != pass->pipeline->info.multisample.alphaToCoverage;
pass->pipeline->info.multisample.alphaToCoverage = enabled;
void lovrPassSetBlendMode(Pass* pass, BlendMode mode, BlendAlphaMode alphaMode) {
if (mode == BLEND_NONE) {
pass->pipeline->dirty |= pass->pipeline->info.color[0].blend.enabled;
memset(&pass->pipeline->info.color[0].blend, 0, sizeof(gpu_blend_state));
gpu_blend_state* blend = &pass->pipeline->info.color[0].blend;
switch (mode) {
blend->color.src = GPU_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
blend->color.dst = GPU_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
blend->color.op = GPU_BLEND_ADD;
blend->alpha.src = GPU_BLEND_ONE;
blend->alpha.dst = GPU_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA;
blend->alpha.op = GPU_BLEND_ADD;
blend->color.src = GPU_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
blend->color.dst = GPU_BLEND_ONE;
blend->color.op = GPU_BLEND_ADD;
blend->alpha.src = GPU_BLEND_ZERO;
blend->alpha.dst = GPU_BLEND_ONE;
blend->alpha.op = GPU_BLEND_ADD;
blend->color.src = GPU_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
blend->color.dst = GPU_BLEND_ONE;
blend->color.op = GPU_BLEND_RSUB;
blend->alpha.src = GPU_BLEND_ZERO;
blend->alpha.dst = GPU_BLEND_ONE;
blend->alpha.op = GPU_BLEND_RSUB;
blend->color.src = GPU_BLEND_DST_COLOR;
blend->color.dst = GPU_BLEND_ZERO;
blend->color.op = GPU_BLEND_ADD;
blend->alpha.src = GPU_BLEND_DST_COLOR;
blend->alpha.dst = GPU_BLEND_ZERO;
blend->alpha.op = GPU_BLEND_ADD;
blend->color.src = GPU_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
blend->color.dst = GPU_BLEND_ZERO;
blend->color.op = GPU_BLEND_MAX;
blend->alpha.src = GPU_BLEND_ONE;
blend->alpha.dst = GPU_BLEND_ZERO;
blend->alpha.op = GPU_BLEND_MAX;
blend->color.src = GPU_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
blend->color.dst = GPU_BLEND_ZERO;
blend->color.op = GPU_BLEND_MIN;
blend->alpha.src = GPU_BLEND_ONE;
blend->alpha.dst = GPU_BLEND_ZERO;
blend->alpha.op = GPU_BLEND_MIN;
blend->color.src = GPU_BLEND_SRC_ALPHA;
blend->color.dst = GPU_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR;
blend->color.op = GPU_BLEND_ADD;
blend->alpha.src = GPU_BLEND_ONE;
blend->alpha.dst = GPU_BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR;
blend->alpha.op = GPU_BLEND_ADD;
default: lovrUnreachable();
if (alphaMode == BLEND_PREMULTIPLIED && mode != BLEND_MULTIPLY) {
blend->color.src = GPU_BLEND_ONE;
blend->enabled = true;
pass->pipeline->dirty = true;
void lovrPassSetColor(Pass* pass, float color[4]) {
pass->pipeline->color[0] = lovrMathGammaToLinear(color[0]);
pass->pipeline->color[1] = lovrMathGammaToLinear(color[1]);
pass->pipeline->color[2] = lovrMathGammaToLinear(color[2]);
pass->pipeline->color[3] = color[3];
void lovrPassSetColorWrite(Pass* pass, bool r, bool g, bool b, bool a) {
uint8_t mask = (r << 0) | (g << 1) | (b << 2) | (a << 3);
pass->pipeline->dirty |= pass->pipeline->info.color[0].mask != mask;
pass->pipeline->info.color[0].mask = mask;
void lovrPassSetCullMode(Pass* pass, CullMode mode) {
pass->pipeline->dirty |= pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.cullMode != (gpu_cull_mode) mode;
pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.cullMode = (gpu_cull_mode) mode;
void lovrPassSetDepthTest(Pass* pass, CompareMode test) {
pass->pipeline->dirty |= pass->pipeline->info.depth.test != (gpu_compare_mode) test;
pass->pipeline->info.depth.test = (gpu_compare_mode) test;
void lovrPassSetDepthWrite(Pass* pass, bool write) {
pass->pipeline->dirty |= pass->pipeline->info.depth.write != write;
pass->pipeline->info.depth.write = write;
void lovrPassSetDepthOffset(Pass* pass, float offset, float sloped) {
pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.depthOffset = offset;
pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.depthOffsetSloped = sloped;
pass->pipeline->dirty = true;
void lovrPassSetDepthClamp(Pass* pass, bool clamp) {
if (state.features.depthClamp) {
pass->pipeline->dirty |= pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.depthClamp != clamp;
pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.depthClamp = clamp;
void lovrPassSetShader(Pass* pass, Shader* shader) {
Shader* previous = pass->pipeline->shader;
if (shader == previous) return;
// Clear any bindings for resources that share the same slot but have different types
if (previous) {
for (uint32_t i = 0, j = 0; i < previous->resourceCount && j < shader->resourceCount;) {
if (previous->resources[i].binding < shader->resources[j].binding) {
} else if (previous->resources[i].binding > shader->resources[j].binding) {
} else {
if (previous->resources[i].type != shader->resources[j].type) {
pass->bindingMask &= ~(1 << shader->resources[j].binding);
uint32_t shaderSlots = (shader->bufferMask | shader->textureMask | shader->samplerMask);
uint32_t missingResources = shaderSlots & ~pass->bindingMask;
// Assign default bindings to any slots used by the shader that are missing resources
if (missingResources) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // TODO biterationtrinsics
uint32_t bit = (1u << i);
if (~missingResources & bit) {
pass->bindings[i].number = i;
pass->bindings[i].type = shader->resources[i].type;
if (shader->bufferMask & bit) {
pass->bindings[i].buffer = (gpu_buffer_binding) { state.defaultBuffer->gpu, 0, 4096 };
} else if (shader->textureMask & bit) {
pass->bindings[i].texture = state.defaultTexture->gpu;
} else if (shader->samplerMask & bit) {
pass->bindings[i].sampler = state.defaultSampler->gpu;
pass->bindingMask |= bit;
pass->bindingsDirty = true;
lovrRelease(previous, lovrShaderDestroy);
pass->pipeline->shader = shader;
pass->pipeline->info.shader = shader->gpu;
pass->pipeline->info.flags = shader->flags;
pass->pipeline->info.flagCount = shader->overrideCount;
pass->pipeline->dirty = true;
void lovrPassSetStencilTest(Pass* pass, CompareMode test, uint8_t value, uint8_t mask) {
bool hasReplace = false;
hasReplace |= pass->pipeline->info.stencil.failOp == GPU_STENCIL_REPLACE;
hasReplace |= pass->pipeline->info.stencil.depthFailOp == GPU_STENCIL_REPLACE;
hasReplace |= pass->pipeline->info.stencil.passOp == GPU_STENCIL_REPLACE;
if (hasReplace && test != COMPARE_NONE) {
lovrCheck(value == pass->pipeline->info.stencil.value, "When stencil write is 'replace' and stencil test is active, their values must match");
switch (test) { // (Reversed compare mode)
case COMPARE_NONE: default: pass->pipeline->info.stencil.test = GPU_COMPARE_NONE; break;
case COMPARE_EQUAL: pass->pipeline->info.stencil.test = GPU_COMPARE_EQUAL; break;
case COMPARE_NEQUAL: pass->pipeline->info.stencil.test = GPU_COMPARE_NEQUAL; break;
case COMPARE_LESS: pass->pipeline->info.stencil.test = GPU_COMPARE_GREATER; break;
case COMPARE_LEQUAL: pass->pipeline->info.stencil.test = GPU_COMPARE_GEQUAL; break;
case COMPARE_GREATER: pass->pipeline->info.stencil.test = GPU_COMPARE_LESS; break;
case COMPARE_GEQUAL: pass->pipeline->info.stencil.test = GPU_COMPARE_LEQUAL; break;
pass->pipeline->info.stencil.testMask = mask;
if (test != COMPARE_NONE) pass->pipeline->info.stencil.value = value;
pass->pipeline->dirty = true;
void lovrPassSetStencilWrite(Pass* pass, StencilAction actions[3], uint8_t value, uint8_t mask) {
bool hasReplace = actions[0] == STENCIL_REPLACE || actions[1] == STENCIL_REPLACE || actions[2] == STENCIL_REPLACE;
if (hasReplace && pass->pipeline->info.stencil.test != GPU_COMPARE_NONE) {
lovrCheck(value == pass->pipeline->info.stencil.value, "When stencil write is 'replace' and stencil test is active, their values must match");
pass->pipeline->info.stencil.failOp = (gpu_stencil_op) actions[0];
pass->pipeline->info.stencil.depthFailOp = (gpu_stencil_op) actions[1];
pass->pipeline->info.stencil.passOp = (gpu_stencil_op) actions[2];
pass->pipeline->info.stencil.writeMask = mask;
if (hasReplace) pass->pipeline->info.stencil.value = value;
pass->pipeline->dirty = true;
void lovrPassSetWinding(Pass* pass, Winding winding) {
pass->pipeline->dirty |= pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.winding != (gpu_winding) winding;
pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.winding = (gpu_winding) winding;
void lovrPassSetWireframe(Pass* pass, bool wireframe) {
if (state.features.wireframe) {
pass->pipeline->dirty |= pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.wireframe != (gpu_winding) wireframe;
pass->pipeline->info.rasterizer.wireframe = wireframe;
void lovrPassSendBuffer(Pass* pass, const char* name, size_t length, uint32_t slot, Buffer* buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t extent) {
Shader* shader = pass->pipeline->shader;
lovrCheck(shader, "A Shader must be active to send resources");
ShaderResource* resource = findShaderResource(shader, name, length, slot);
slot = resource->binding;
lovrCheck(shader->bufferMask & (1 << slot), "Trying to send a Buffer to slot %d, but the active Shader doesn't have a Buffer in that slot");
lovrCheck(offset < buffer->size, "Buffer offset is past the end of the Buffer");
uint32_t limit;
if (shader->storageMask & (1 << slot)) {
lovrCheck(!lovrBufferIsTemporary(buffer), "Temporary buffers can not be sent to storage buffer variables", slot + 1);
lovrCheck((offset & (state.limits.storageBufferAlign - 1)) == 0, "Storage buffer offset (%d) is not aligned to storageBufferAlign limit (%d)", offset, state.limits.storageBufferAlign);
limit = state.limits.storageBufferRange;
} else {
lovrCheck((offset & (state.limits.uniformBufferAlign - 1)) == 0, "Uniform buffer offset (%d) is not aligned to uniformBufferAlign limit (%d)", offset, state.limits.uniformBufferAlign);
limit = state.limits.uniformBufferRange;
if (extent == 0) {
extent = MIN(buffer->size - offset, limit);
} else {
lovrCheck(offset + extent <= buffer->size, "Buffer range goes past the end of the Buffer");
lovrCheck(extent <= limit, "Buffer range exceeds storageBufferRange/uniformBufferRange limit");
pass->bindings[slot].buffer.object = buffer->gpu;
pass->bindings[slot].buffer.offset = offset;
pass->bindings[slot].buffer.extent = extent;
pass->bindingMask |= (1 << slot);
pass->bindingsDirty = true;
gpu_phase phase = 0;
gpu_cache cache = 0;
if (pass->info.type == PASS_RENDER) {
if (resource->stageMask & GPU_STAGE_VERTEX) phase |= GPU_PHASE_SHADER_VERTEX;
if (resource->stageMask & GPU_STAGE_FRAGMENT) phase |= GPU_PHASE_SHADER_FRAGMENT;
cache = (shader->storageMask & (1 << slot)) ? GPU_CACHE_STORAGE_READ : GPU_CACHE_UNIFORM;
} else {
cache = (shader->storageMask & (1 << slot)) ? GPU_CACHE_STORAGE_WRITE : GPU_CACHE_UNIFORM; // TODO readonly
trackBuffer(pass, buffer, phase, cache);
void lovrPassSendTexture(Pass* pass, const char* name, size_t length, uint32_t slot, Texture* texture) {
Shader* shader = pass->pipeline->shader;
lovrCheck(shader, "A Shader must be active to send resources");
ShaderResource* resource = findShaderResource(shader, name, length, slot);
slot = resource->binding;
lovrCheck(shader->textureMask & (1 << slot), "Trying to send a Texture to slot %d, but the active Shader doesn't have a Texture in that slot");
if (shader->storageMask & (1 << slot)) {
lovrCheck(texture->info.usage & TEXTURE_STORAGE, "Textures must be created with the 'storage' usage to send them to image variables in shaders");
} else {
lovrCheck(texture->info.usage & TEXTURE_SAMPLE, "Textures must be created with the 'sample' usage to send them to sampler variables in shaders");
pass->bindings[slot].texture = texture->gpu;
pass->bindingMask |= (1 << slot);
pass->bindingsDirty = true;
gpu_phase phase = 0;
gpu_cache cache = 0;
if (pass->info.type == PASS_RENDER) {
if (resource->stageMask & GPU_STAGE_VERTEX) phase |= GPU_PHASE_SHADER_VERTEX;
if (resource->stageMask & GPU_STAGE_FRAGMENT) phase |= GPU_PHASE_SHADER_FRAGMENT;
cache = (shader->storageMask & (1 << slot)) ? GPU_CACHE_STORAGE_READ : GPU_CACHE_TEXTURE;
} else {
cache = (shader->storageMask & (1 << slot)) ? GPU_CACHE_STORAGE_WRITE : GPU_CACHE_TEXTURE; // TODO readonly
trackTexture(pass, texture, phase, cache);
void lovrPassSendSampler(Pass* pass, const char* name, size_t length, uint32_t slot, Sampler* sampler) {
Shader* shader = pass->pipeline->shader;
lovrCheck(shader, "A Shader must be active to send resources");
ShaderResource* resource = findShaderResource(shader, name, length, slot);
slot = resource->binding;
lovrCheck(shader->samplerMask & (1 << slot), "Trying to send a Sampler to slot %d, but the active Shader doesn't have a Sampler in that slot");
pass->bindings[slot].sampler = sampler->gpu;
pass->bindingMask |= (1 << slot);
pass->bindingsDirty = true;
void lovrPassSendValue(Pass* pass, const char* name, size_t length, void** data, FieldType* type) {
Shader* shader = pass->pipeline->shader;
lovrCheck(shader, "A Shader must be active to send resources");
uint32_t hash = (uint32_t) hash64(name, length);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shader->constantCount; i++) {
if (shader->constants[i].hash == hash) {
*data = (char*) pass->constants + shader->constants[i].offset;
*type = shader->constants[i].type;
pass->constantsDirty = true;
lovrThrow("Shader has no push constant named '%s'", name);
static void flushPipeline(Pass* pass, Draw* draw, Shader* shader) {
Pipeline* pipeline = pass->pipeline;
if (pipeline->info.drawMode != draw->mode) {
pipeline->info.drawMode = draw->mode;
pipeline->dirty = true;
if (!pipeline->info.shader && pipeline->info.shader != shader->gpu) {
pipeline->info.shader = shader->gpu;
pipeline->info.flags = NULL;
pipeline->info.flagCount = 0;
pipeline->dirty = true;
VertexFormat* format = draw->vertex.buffer ? &draw->vertex.buffer->format : &state.vertexFormats[draw->vertex.format];
if (format->hash != pipeline->formatHash) {
pipeline->info.vertex = format->gpu;
gpu_vertex_format* vertex = &pipeline->info.vertex;
uint32_t missingAttributes = shader->attributeMask & ~format->mask;
if (missingAttributes) {
vertex->bufferStrides[0] = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 32 && missingAttributes; i++) {
if (missingAttributes & (1 << i)) { // TODO clz
missingAttributes &= ~(1 << i);
vertex->attributes[vertex->attributeCount++] = (gpu_attribute) {
.buffer = 0,
.location = i,
.offset = 0,
.type = GPU_TYPE_F32x4
pipeline->formatHash = format->hash;
pipeline->dirty = true;
if (!pipeline->dirty) {
uint64_t hash = hash64(&pipeline->info, sizeof(pipeline->info));
uint64_t index = map_get(&state.pipelineLookup, hash);
if (index == MAP_NIL) {
gpu_pipeline* gpu = malloc(gpu_sizeof_pipeline());
lovrAssert(gpu, "Out of memory");
gpu_pipeline_init_graphics(gpu, &pipeline->info);
index = state.pipelines.length;
arr_push(&state.pipelines, gpu);
map_set(&state.pipelineLookup, hash, index);
gpu_bind_pipeline(pass->stream, state.pipelines.data[index], false);
pipeline->dirty = false;
static void flushConstants(Pass* pass, Shader* shader) {
if (pass->constantsDirty && shader->constantSize > 0) {
gpu_push_constants(pass->stream, shader->gpu, pass->constants, shader->constantSize);
pass->constantsDirty = false;
static void flushBindings(Pass* pass, Shader* shader) {
if (!pass->bindingsDirty || shader->resourceCount == 0) {
uint32_t set = pass->info.type == PASS_RENDER ? 2 : 0;
gpu_binding* bindings = tempAlloc(shader->resourceCount * sizeof(gpu_binding));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shader->resourceCount; i++) {
bindings[i] = pass->bindings[shader->resources[i].binding];
gpu_bundle_info info = {
.layout = state.layouts.data[shader->layout].gpu,
.bindings = bindings,
.count = shader->resourceCount
gpu_bundle* bundle = getBundle(shader->layout);
gpu_bundle_write(&bundle, &info, 1);
gpu_bind_bundle(pass->stream, shader->gpu, set, bundle, NULL, 0);
static void flushBuiltins(Pass* pass, Draw* draw, Shader* shader) {
bool rebind = false;
if (pass->cameraDirty) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pass->cameraCount; i++) {
mat4_init(pass->cameras[i].viewProjection, pass->cameras[i].projection);
mat4_init(pass->cameras[i].inverseProjection, pass->cameras[i].projection);
mat4_mul(pass->cameras[i].viewProjection, pass->cameras[i].view);
uint32_t size = pass->cameraCount * sizeof(Camera);
void* data = gpu_map(pass->builtins[0].buffer.object, size, state.limits.uniformBufferAlign, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
memcpy(data, pass->cameras, size);
pass->cameraDirty = false;
rebind = true;
if (pass->drawCount % 256 == 0) {
uint32_t size = 256 * sizeof(DrawData);
pass->drawData = gpu_map(pass->builtins[1].buffer.object, size, state.limits.uniformBufferAlign, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
rebind = true;
if (rebind) {
gpu_bundle_info bundleInfo = {
.layout = state.layouts.data[state.builtinLayout].gpu,
.bindings = pass->builtins,
.count = COUNTOF(pass->builtins)
gpu_bundle* bundle = getBundle(state.builtinLayout);
gpu_bundle_write(&bundle, &bundleInfo, 1);
gpu_bind_bundle(pass->stream, shader->gpu, 0, bundle, NULL, 0);
float m[16];
float* transform;
if (draw->transform) {
transform = mat4_mul(mat4_init(m, pass->transform), draw->transform);
} else {
transform = pass->transform;
float cofactor[16];
mat4_init(cofactor, transform);
memcpy(pass->drawData->transform, transform, 64);
memcpy(pass->drawData->cofactor, cofactor, 64);
memcpy(pass->drawData->color, pass->pipeline->color, 16);
static void flushBuffers(Pass* pass, Draw* draw) {
uint32_t vertexOffset = 0;
if (!draw->vertex.buffer && draw->vertex.count > 0) {
lovrCheck(draw->vertex.count < UINT16_MAX, "This draw has too many vertices (max is 65534), try splitting it up into multiple draws or using a Buffer");
uint32_t stride = state.vertexFormats[draw->vertex.format].gpu.bufferStrides[1];
uint32_t size = draw->vertex.count * stride;
gpu_buffer* scratchpad = tempAlloc(gpu_sizeof_buffer());
void* pointer = gpu_map(scratchpad, size, stride, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
if (draw->vertex.pointer) {
*draw->vertex.pointer = pointer;
} else {
memcpy(pointer, draw->vertex.data, size);
gpu_bind_vertex_buffers(pass->stream, &scratchpad, &vertexOffset, 1, 1);
pass->vertexBuffer = NULL;
} else if (draw->vertex.buffer && draw->vertex.buffer->gpu != pass->vertexBuffer) {
lovrCheck(draw->vertex.buffer->info.stride <= state.limits.vertexBufferStride, "Vertex buffer stride exceeds vertexBufferStride limit");
gpu_bind_vertex_buffers(pass->stream, &draw->vertex.buffer->gpu, &vertexOffset, 1, 1);
pass->vertexBuffer = draw->vertex.buffer->gpu;
trackBuffer(pass, draw->vertex.buffer, GPU_PHASE_INPUT_VERTEX, GPU_CACHE_VERTEX);
if (!draw->index.buffer && draw->index.count > 0) {
uint32_t stride = draw->index.stride ? draw->index.stride : sizeof(uint16_t);
uint32_t size = draw->index.count * stride;
gpu_buffer* scratchpad = tempAlloc(gpu_sizeof_buffer());
void* pointer = gpu_map(scratchpad, size, stride, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
if (draw->index.pointer) {
*draw->index.pointer = pointer;
} else {
memcpy(pointer, draw->index.data, size);
gpu_index_type type = stride == 4 ? GPU_INDEX_U32 : GPU_INDEX_U16;
gpu_bind_index_buffer(pass->stream, scratchpad, 0, type);
pass->indexBuffer = NULL;
} else if (draw->index.buffer && draw->index.buffer->gpu != pass->indexBuffer) {
gpu_index_type type = draw->index.buffer->info.stride == 4 ? GPU_INDEX_U32 : GPU_INDEX_U16;
gpu_bind_index_buffer(pass->stream, draw->index.buffer->gpu, 0, type);
pass->indexBuffer = draw->index.buffer->gpu;
trackBuffer(pass, draw->index.buffer, GPU_PHASE_INPUT_INDEX, GPU_CACHE_INDEX);
static void lovrPassDraw(Pass* pass, Draw* draw) {
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_RENDER, "This function can only be called on a render pass");
Shader* shader = pass->pipeline->shader ? pass->pipeline->shader : lovrGraphicsGetDefaultShader(draw->shader);
flushPipeline(pass, draw, shader);
flushConstants(pass, shader);
flushBindings(pass, shader);
flushBuiltins(pass, draw, shader);
flushBuffers(pass, draw);
bool indexed = draw->index.buffer || draw->index.count > 0;
uint32_t defaultCount = draw->index.count > 0 ? draw->index.count : draw->vertex.count;
uint32_t count = draw->count > 0 ? draw->count : defaultCount;
uint32_t instances = MAX(draw->instances, 1);
uint32_t id = pass->drawCount & 0xff;
if (draw->indirect) {
trackBuffer(pass, draw->indirect, GPU_PHASE_INDIRECT, GPU_CACHE_INDIRECT);
if (indexed) {
gpu_draw_indirect_indexed(pass->stream, draw->indirect->gpu, draw->offset, count);
} else {
gpu_draw_indirect(pass->stream, draw->indirect->gpu, draw->offset, count);
} else {
if (indexed) {
gpu_draw_indexed(pass->stream, count, instances, draw->start, draw->base, id);
} else {
gpu_draw(pass->stream, count, instances, draw->start, id);
void lovrPassPoints(Pass* pass, uint32_t count, float** points) {
lovrPassDraw(pass, &(Draw) {
.vertex.format = VERTEX_POINT,
.vertex.pointer = (void**) points,
.vertex.count = count
void lovrPassLine(Pass* pass, uint32_t count, float** points) {
uint16_t* indices;
lovrPassDraw(pass, &(Draw) {
.vertex.format = VERTEX_POINT,
.vertex.pointer = (void**) points,
.vertex.count = count,
.index.pointer = (void**) &indices,
.index.count = 2 * (count - 1)
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count - 1; i++) {
indices[2 * i + 0] = i;
indices[2 * i + 1] = i + 1;
void lovrPassPlane(Pass* pass, float* transform, uint32_t cols, uint32_t rows) {
ShapeVertex* vertices;
uint16_t* indices;
uint32_t vertexCount = (cols + 1) * (rows + 1);
uint32_t indexCount = (cols * rows) * 6;
lovrPassDraw(pass, &(Draw) {
.transform = transform,
.vertex.pointer = (void**) &vertices,
.vertex.count = vertexCount,
.index.pointer = (void**) &indices,
.index.count = indexCount
for (uint32_t y = 0; y <= rows; y++) {
float v = y * (1.f / rows);
for (uint32_t x = 0; x <= cols; x++) {
float u = x * (1.f / cols);
*vertices++ = (ShapeVertex) {
.position = { u - .5f, .5f - v, 0.f },
.normal = { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f },
.uv = { u, v }
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
for (uint32_t x = 0; x < cols; x++) {
uint16_t a = (y * (cols + 1)) + x;
uint16_t b = a + 1;
uint16_t c = a + cols + 1;
uint16_t d = a + cols + 2;
uint16_t cell[] = { a, b, c, c, b, d };
memcpy(indices, cell, sizeof(cell));
indices += COUNTOF(cell);
void lovrPassBox(Pass* pass, float* transform) {
ShapeVertex* vertices;
uint16_t* indices;
ShapeVertex vertexData[] = {
{ { -.5f, -.5f, -.5f }, { 0.f, 0.f, -1.f }, { 0.f, 0.f } }, // Front
{ { -.5f, .5f, -.5f }, { 0.f, 0.f, -1.f }, { 0.f, 1.f } },
{ { .5f, -.5f, -.5f }, { 0.f, 0.f, -1.f }, { 1.f, 0.f } },
{ { .5f, .5f, -.5f }, { 0.f, 0.f, -1.f }, { 1.f, 1.f } },
{ { .5f, .5f, -.5f }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 1.f } }, // Right
{ { .5f, .5f, .5f }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 1.f, 1.f } },
{ { .5f, -.5f, -.5f }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 0.f } },
{ { .5f, -.5f, .5f }, { 1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 1.f, 0.f } },
{ { .5f, -.5f, .5f }, { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }, { 0.f, 0.f } }, // Back
{ { .5f, .5f, .5f }, { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }, { 0.f, 1.f } },
{ { -.5f, -.5f, .5f }, { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }, { 1.f, 0.f } },
{ { -.5f, .5f, .5f }, { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }, { 1.f, 1.f } },
{ { -.5f, .5f, .5f }, { -1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 1.f } }, // Left
{ { -.5f, .5f, -.5f }, { -1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 1.f, 1.f } },
{ { -.5f, -.5f, .5f }, { -1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 0.f } },
{ { -.5f, -.5f, -.5f }, { -1.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 1.f, 0.f } },
{ { -.5f, -.5f, -.5f }, { 0.f, -1.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 0.f } }, // Bottom
{ { .5f, -.5f, -.5f }, { 0.f, -1.f, 0.f }, { 1.f, 0.f } },
{ { -.5f, -.5f, .5f }, { 0.f, -1.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 1.f } },
{ { .5f, -.5f, .5f }, { 0.f, -1.f, 0.f }, { 1.f, 1.f } },
{ { -.5f, .5f, -.5f }, { 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 1.f } }, // Top
{ { -.5f, .5f, .5f }, { 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 0.f } },
{ { .5f, .5f, -.5f }, { 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }, { 1.f, 1.f } },
{ { .5f, .5f, .5f }, { 0.f, 1.f, 0.f }, { 1.f, 0.f } }
uint16_t indexData[] = {
0, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3,
4, 5, 6, 6, 5, 7,
8, 9, 10, 10, 9, 11,
12, 13, 14, 14, 13, 15,
16, 17, 18, 18, 17, 19,
20, 21, 22, 22, 21, 23
lovrPassDraw(pass, &(Draw) {
.transform = transform,
.vertex.pointer = (void**) &vertices,
.vertex.count = COUNTOF(vertexData),
.index.pointer = (void**) &indices,
.index.count = COUNTOF(indexData)
memcpy(vertices, vertexData, sizeof(vertexData));
memcpy(indices, indexData, sizeof(indexData));
void lovrPassCircle(Pass* pass, float* transform, float angle1, float angle2, uint32_t segments) {
ShapeVertex* vertices;
uint16_t* indices;
if (fabsf(angle1 - angle2) >= 2.f * (float) M_PI) {
angle1 = 0.f;
angle2 = 2.f * (float) M_PI;
uint32_t vertexCount = segments + 2;
uint32_t indexCount = segments * 3;
lovrPassDraw(pass, &(Draw) {
.transform = transform,
.vertex.pointer = (void**) &vertices,
.vertex.count = vertexCount,
.index.pointer = (void**) &indices,
.index.count = indexCount
// Center
*vertices++ = (ShapeVertex) { { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f }, { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }, { .5f, .5f } };
float angleShift = (angle2 - angle1) / segments;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= segments; i++) {
float theta = angle1 + i * angleShift;
float x = cosf(theta) * .5f;
float y = sinf(theta) * .5f;
*vertices++ = (ShapeVertex) { { x, y, 0.f }, { 0.f, 0.f, 1.f }, { x + .5f, .5f - y } };
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < segments; i++) {
uint16_t wedge[] = { 0, i + 1, i + 2 };
memcpy(indices, wedge, sizeof(wedge));
indices += COUNTOF(wedge);
void lovrPassCompute(Pass* pass, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, uint32_t z, Buffer* indirect, uint32_t offset) {
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_COMPUTE, "This function can only be called on a compute pass");
Shader* shader = pass->pipeline->shader;
lovrCheck(shader && shader->info.type == SHADER_COMPUTE, "Tried to run a compute shader, but no compute shader is bound");
lovrCheck(x <= state.limits.computeDispatchCount[0], "Compute %s count exceeds computeDispatchCount limit", "x");
lovrCheck(y <= state.limits.computeDispatchCount[1], "Compute %s count exceeds computeDispatchCount limit", "y");
lovrCheck(z <= state.limits.computeDispatchCount[2], "Compute %s count exceeds computeDispatchCount limit", "z");
gpu_pipeline* pipeline = state.pipelines.data[shader->computePipeline];
if (pass->pipeline->dirty) {
gpu_bind_pipeline(pass->stream, pipeline, true);
pass->pipeline->dirty = false;
flushConstants(pass, shader);
flushBindings(pass, shader);
if (indirect) {
lovrCheck(offset % 4 == 0, "Indirect compute offset must be a multiple of 4");
lovrCheck(offset <= indirect->size - 12, "Indirect compute offset overflows the Buffer");
trackBuffer(pass, indirect, GPU_PHASE_INDIRECT, GPU_CACHE_INDIRECT);
gpu_compute_indirect(pass->stream, indirect->gpu, offset);
} else {
gpu_compute(pass->stream, x, y, z);
void lovrPassClearBuffer(Pass* pass, Buffer* buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t extent) {
if (extent == 0) return;
if (extent == ~0u) extent = buffer->size - offset;
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_TRANSFER, "This function can only be called on a transfer pass");
lovrCheck(!lovrBufferIsTemporary(buffer), "Temporary buffers can not be cleared");
lovrCheck(offset % 4 == 0, "Buffer clear offset must be a multiple of 4");
lovrCheck(extent % 4 == 0, "Buffer clear extent must be a multiple of 4");
lovrCheck(offset + extent <= buffer->size, "Buffer clear range goes past the end of the Buffer");
gpu_clear_buffer(pass->stream, buffer->gpu, offset, extent);
void lovrPassClearTexture(Pass* pass, Texture* texture, float value[4], uint32_t layer, uint32_t layerCount, uint32_t level, uint32_t levelCount) {
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_TRANSFER, "This function can only be called on a transfer pass");
lovrCheck(!texture->info.parent, "Texture views can not be cleared");
lovrCheck(texture->info.usage & TEXTURE_TRANSFER, "Texture must be created with 'transfer' usage to clear it");
lovrCheck(texture->info.type == TEXTURE_3D || layer + layerCount <= texture->info.depth, "Texture clear range exceeds texture layer count");
lovrCheck(level + levelCount <= texture->info.mipmaps, "Texture clear range exceeds texture mipmap count");
gpu_clear_texture(pass->stream, texture->gpu, value, layer, layerCount, level, levelCount);
trackTexture(pass, texture, GPU_PHASE_CLEAR, GPU_CACHE_TRANSFER_WRITE);
void lovrPassCopyDataToBuffer(Pass* pass, void* data, Buffer* buffer, uint32_t offset, uint32_t extent) {
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_TRANSFER, "This function can only be called on a transfer pass");
lovrCheck(!lovrBufferIsTemporary(buffer), "Temporary buffers can not be copied to, use Buffer:setData");
lovrCheck(offset + extent <= buffer->size, "Buffer copy range goes past the end of the Buffer");
gpu_buffer* scratchpad = tempAlloc(gpu_sizeof_buffer());
void* pointer = gpu_map(scratchpad, extent, 4, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
gpu_copy_buffers(pass->stream, scratchpad, buffer->gpu, 0, offset, extent);
trackBuffer(pass, buffer, GPU_PHASE_COPY, GPU_CACHE_TRANSFER_WRITE);
memcpy(pointer, data, extent);
void lovrPassCopyBufferToBuffer(Pass* pass, Buffer* src, Buffer* dst, uint32_t srcOffset, uint32_t dstOffset, uint32_t extent) {
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_TRANSFER, "This function can only be called on a transfer pass");
lovrCheck(!lovrBufferIsTemporary(dst), "Temporary buffers can not be copied to");
lovrCheck(srcOffset + extent <= src->size, "Buffer copy range goes past the end of the source Buffer");
lovrCheck(dstOffset + extent <= dst->size, "Buffer copy range goes past the end of the destination Buffer");
gpu_copy_buffers(pass->stream, src->gpu, dst->gpu, srcOffset, dstOffset, extent);
void lovrPassCopyImageToTexture(Pass* pass, Image* image, Texture* texture, uint32_t srcOffset[4], uint32_t dstOffset[4], uint32_t extent[4]) {
if (extent[0] == ~0u) extent[0] = MIN(texture->info.width - dstOffset[0], lovrImageGetWidth(image, srcOffset[3]) - srcOffset[0]);
if (extent[1] == ~0u) extent[1] = MIN(texture->info.height - dstOffset[1], lovrImageGetHeight(image, srcOffset[3]) - srcOffset[1]);
if (extent[2] == ~0u) extent[2] = MIN(texture->info.depth - dstOffset[2], lovrImageGetLayerCount(image) - srcOffset[2]);
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_TRANSFER, "This function can only be called on a transfer pass");
lovrCheck(texture->info.usage & TEXTURE_TRANSFER, "Texture must be created with the 'transfer' usage to copy to it");
lovrCheck(!texture->info.parent, "Texture views can not be written to");
lovrCheck(texture->info.samples == 1, "Multisampled Textures can not be written to");
lovrCheck(lovrImageGetFormat(image) == texture->info.format, "Image and Texture formats must match");
lovrCheck(srcOffset[0] + extent[0] <= lovrImageGetWidth(image, srcOffset[3]), "Image copy region exceeds its %s", "width");
lovrCheck(srcOffset[1] + extent[1] <= lovrImageGetHeight(image, srcOffset[3]), "Image copy region exceeds its %s", "height");
lovrCheck(srcOffset[2] + extent[2] <= lovrImageGetLayerCount(image), "Image copy region exceeds its %s", "layer count");
lovrCheck(srcOffset[3] < lovrImageGetLevelCount(image), "Image copy region exceeds its %s", "mipmap count");
checkTextureBounds(&texture->info, dstOffset, extent);
size_t rowSize = measureTexture(texture->info.format, extent[0], 1, 1);
size_t totalSize = measureTexture(texture->info.format, extent[0], extent[1], 1) * extent[2];
size_t layerOffset = measureTexture(texture->info.format, extent[0], srcOffset[1], 1);
layerOffset += measureTexture(texture->info.format, srcOffset[0], 1, 1);
size_t pitch = measureTexture(texture->info.format, lovrImageGetWidth(image, srcOffset[3]), 1, 1);
gpu_buffer* buffer = tempAlloc(gpu_sizeof_buffer());
char* dst = gpu_map(buffer, totalSize, 64, GPU_MAP_WRITE);
for (uint32_t z = 0; z < extent[2]; z++) {
const char* src = (char*) lovrImageGetLayerData(image, srcOffset[3], z) + layerOffset;
for (uint32_t y = 0; y < extent[1]; y++) {
memcpy(dst, src, rowSize);
dst += rowSize;
src += pitch;
gpu_copy_buffer_texture(pass->stream, buffer, texture->gpu, 0, dstOffset, extent);
trackTexture(pass, texture, GPU_PHASE_COPY, GPU_CACHE_TRANSFER_WRITE);
void lovrPassCopyTextureToTexture(Pass* pass, Texture* src, Texture* dst, uint32_t srcOffset[4], uint32_t dstOffset[4], uint32_t extent[3]) {
if (extent[0] == ~0u) extent[0] = MIN(src->info.width - srcOffset[0], dst->info.width - dstOffset[0]);
if (extent[1] == ~0u) extent[1] = MIN(src->info.height - srcOffset[1], dst->info.height - dstOffset[0]);
if (extent[2] == ~0u) extent[2] = MIN(src->info.depth - srcOffset[2], dst->info.depth - dstOffset[0]);
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_TRANSFER, "This function can only be called on a transfer pass");
lovrCheck(src->info.usage & TEXTURE_TRANSFER, "Texture must be created with the 'transfer' usage to copy %s it", "from");
lovrCheck(dst->info.usage & TEXTURE_TRANSFER, "Texture must be created with the 'transfer' usage to copy %s it", "to");
lovrCheck(!src->info.parent && !dst->info.parent, "Can not copy texture views");
lovrCheck(src->info.format == dst->info.format, "Copying between Textures requires them to have the same format");
lovrCheck(src->info.samples == dst->info.samples, "Texture sample counts must match to copy between them");
checkTextureBounds(&src->info, srcOffset, extent);
checkTextureBounds(&dst->info, dstOffset, extent);
gpu_copy_textures(pass->stream, src->gpu, dst->gpu, srcOffset, dstOffset, extent);
void lovrPassBlit(Pass* pass, Texture* src, Texture* dst, uint32_t srcOffset[4], uint32_t dstOffset[4], uint32_t srcExtent[3], uint32_t dstExtent[3], FilterMode filter) {
if (srcExtent[0] == ~0u) srcExtent[0] = src->info.width - srcOffset[0];
if (srcExtent[1] == ~0u) srcExtent[1] = src->info.height - srcOffset[1];
if (srcExtent[2] == ~0u) srcExtent[2] = src->info.depth - srcOffset[2];
if (dstExtent[0] == ~0u) dstExtent[0] = dst->info.width - dstOffset[0];
if (dstExtent[1] == ~0u) dstExtent[1] = dst->info.height - dstOffset[1];
if (dstExtent[2] == ~0u) dstExtent[2] = dst->info.depth - dstOffset[2];
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_TRANSFER, "This function can only be called on a transfer pass");
lovrCheck(!src->info.parent && !dst->info.parent, "Can not blit Texture views");
lovrCheck(src->info.samples == 1 && dst->info.samples == 1, "Multisampled textures can not be used for blits");
lovrCheck(src->info.usage & TEXTURE_TRANSFER, "Texture must be created with the 'transfer' usage to blit %s it", "from");
lovrCheck(dst->info.usage & TEXTURE_TRANSFER, "Texture must be created with the 'transfer' usage to blit %s it", "to");
lovrCheck(state.features.formats[src->info.format] & GPU_FEATURE_BLIT_SRC, "This GPU does not support blitting from the source texture's format");
lovrCheck(state.features.formats[dst->info.format] & GPU_FEATURE_BLIT_DST, "This GPU does not support blitting to the destination texture's format");
lovrCheck(src->info.format == dst->info.format, "Texture formats must match to blit between them");
// FIXME if src or dst is 3D you can only blit 1 layer or something!
checkTextureBounds(&src->info, srcOffset, srcExtent);
checkTextureBounds(&dst->info, dstOffset, dstExtent);
gpu_blit(pass->stream, src->gpu, dst->gpu, srcOffset, dstOffset, srcExtent, dstExtent, (gpu_filter) filter);
void lovrPassMipmap(Pass* pass, Texture* texture, uint32_t base, uint32_t count) {
if (count == ~0u) count = texture->info.mipmaps - (base + 1);
lovrCheck(pass->info.type == PASS_TRANSFER, "This function can only be called on a transfer pass");
lovrCheck(!texture->info.parent, "Can not mipmap a Texture view");
lovrCheck(texture->info.samples == 1, "Can not mipmap a multisampled texture");
lovrCheck(texture->info.usage & TEXTURE_TRANSFER, "Texture must be created with the 'transfer' usage to mipmap %s it", "from");
lovrCheck(state.features.formats[texture->info.format] & GPU_FEATURE_BLIT_SRC, "This GPU does not support blitting %s the source texture's format, which is required for mipmapping", "from");
lovrCheck(state.features.formats[texture->info.format] & GPU_FEATURE_BLIT_DST, "This GPU does not support blitting %s the source texture's format, which is required for mipmapping", "to");
lovrCheck(base + count < texture->info.mipmaps, "Trying to generate too many mipmaps");
bool volumetric = texture->info.type == TEXTURE_3D;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
uint32_t level = base + i + 1;
uint32_t srcOffset[4] = { 0, 0, 0, level - 1 };
uint32_t dstOffset[4] = { 0, 0, 0, level };
uint32_t srcExtent[3] = {
MAX(texture->info.width >> (level - 1), 1),
MAX(texture->info.height >> (level - 1), 1),
volumetric ? MAX(texture->info.depth >> (level - 1), 1) : 1
uint32_t dstExtent[3] = {
MAX(texture->info.width >> level, 1),
MAX(texture->info.height >> level, 1),
volumetric ? MAX(texture->info.depth >> level, 1) : 1
gpu_blit(pass->stream, texture->gpu, texture->gpu, srcOffset, dstOffset, srcExtent, dstExtent, GPU_FILTER_LINEAR);
gpu_sync(pass->stream, &(gpu_barrier) {
}, 1);
// Helpers
static void* tempAlloc(size_t size) {
while (state.allocator.cursor + size > state.allocator.length) {
lovrAssert(state.allocator.length << 1 <= MAX_FRAME_MEMORY, "Out of memory");
os_vm_commit(state.allocator.memory + state.allocator.length, state.allocator.length);
state.allocator.length <<= 1;
uint32_t cursor = ALIGN(state.allocator.cursor, 8);
state.allocator.cursor = cursor + size;
return state.allocator.memory + cursor;
static void* tempGrow(void* p, size_t size) {
if (size == 0) return NULL;
void* new = tempAlloc(size);
if (!p) return new;
return memcpy(new, p, size >> 1);
static void beginFrame(void) {
if (state.active) {
state.active = true;
state.tick = gpu_begin();
static gpu_stream* getTransfers(void) {
if (!state.transfers) {
state.syncTextureUpload = false;
state.transfers = lovrGraphicsGetPass(&(PassInfo) {
.label = "Internal Transfers"
return state.transfers->stream;
static uint32_t getLayout(gpu_slot* slots, uint32_t count) {
uint64_t hash = hash64(slots, count * sizeof(gpu_slot));
uint32_t index;
for (uint32_t index = 0; index < state.layouts.length; index++) {
if (state.layouts.data[index].hash == hash) {
return index;
gpu_layout_info info = {
.slots = slots,
.count = count
gpu_layout* handle = malloc(gpu_sizeof_layout());
lovrAssert(handle, "Out of memory");
gpu_layout_init(handle, &info);
Layout layout = {
.hash = hash,
.gpu = handle
index = state.layouts.length;
arr_push(&state.layouts, layout);
return index;
static gpu_bundle* getBundle(uint32_t layoutIndex) {
Layout* layout = &state.layouts.data[layoutIndex];
BundlePool* pool = layout->head;
const uint32_t POOL_SIZE = 512;
if (pool) {
if (pool->cursor < POOL_SIZE) {
return (gpu_bundle*) ((char*) pool->bundles + gpu_sizeof_bundle() * pool->cursor++);
// If the pool's closed, move it to the end of the list and try to use the next pool
layout->tail->next = pool;
layout->tail = pool;
layout->head = pool->next;
pool->next = NULL;
pool->tick = state.tick;
pool = layout->head;
if (pool && gpu_finished(pool->tick)) {
pool->cursor = 1;
return pool->bundles;
// If no pool was available, make a new one
pool = malloc(sizeof(BundlePool));
gpu_bundle_pool* gpu = malloc(gpu_sizeof_bundle_pool());
gpu_bundle* bundles = malloc(POOL_SIZE * gpu_sizeof_bundle());
lovrAssert(pool && gpu && bundles, "Out of memory");
pool->gpu = gpu;
pool->bundles = bundles;
pool->cursor = 1;
pool->next = layout->head;
gpu_bundle_pool_info info = {
.bundles = pool->bundles,
.layout = layout->gpu,
.count = POOL_SIZE
gpu_bundle_pool_init(pool->gpu, &info);
layout->head = pool;
if (!layout->tail) layout->tail = pool;
return pool->bundles;
static gpu_texture* getAttachment(uint32_t size[2], uint32_t layers, TextureFormat format, bool srgb, uint32_t samples) {
uint16_t key[] = { size[0], size[1], layers, format, srgb, samples };
uint32_t hash = hash64(key, sizeof(key));
Attachment* attachment = state.attachments;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNTOF(state.attachments) && attachment->texture; i++, attachment++) {
if (attachment->hash == hash && attachment->tick != state.tick) {
attachment->tick = state.tick;
return attachment->texture;
// Otherwise, create new texture, add to an empty slot, evicting oldest if needed
gpu_texture_info info = {
.format = (gpu_texture_format) format,
.size[0] = size[0],
.size[1] = size[1],
.size[2] = layers,
.mipmaps = 1,
.samples = samples,
.upload.stream = getTransfers(),
.srgb = srgb
uint32_t oldest = ~0u;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < COUNTOF(state.attachments); i++) {
if (!state.attachments[i].texture) {
attachment = &state.attachments[i];
} else if (state.attachments[i].tick < oldest) {
attachment = &state.attachments[i];
oldest = attachment->tick;
if (!attachment->texture) {
attachment->texture = calloc(1, gpu_sizeof_texture());
lovrAssert(attachment->texture, "Out of memory");
} else {
lovrAssert(gpu_texture_init(attachment->texture, &info), "Failed to create scratch texture");
attachment->hash = hash;
attachment->tick = state.tick;
return attachment->texture;
// Returns number of bytes of a 3D texture region of a given format
static size_t measureTexture(TextureFormat format, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t d) {
switch (format) {
case FORMAT_R8: return w * h * d;
case FORMAT_RG8:
case FORMAT_R16:
case FORMAT_R16F:
case FORMAT_RGB565:
case FORMAT_D16: return w * h * d * 2;
case FORMAT_RG16:
case FORMAT_RG16F:
case FORMAT_R32F:
case FORMAT_RG11B10F:
case FORMAT_RGB10A2:
case FORMAT_D24S8:
case FORMAT_D32F: return w * h * d * 4;
case FORMAT_RG32F: return w * h * d * 8;
case FORMAT_RGBA32F: return w * h * d * 16;
case FORMAT_BC1:
case FORMAT_BC2:
case FORMAT_BC3:
case FORMAT_BC7:
case FORMAT_ASTC_4x4: return ((w + 3) / 4) * ((h + 3) / 4) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_5x4: return ((w + 4) / 5) * ((h + 3) / 4) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_5x5: return ((w + 4) / 5) * ((h + 4) / 5) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_6x5: return ((w + 5) / 6) * ((h + 4) / 5) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_6x6: return ((w + 5) / 6) * ((h + 5) / 6) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_8x5: return ((w + 7) / 8) * ((h + 4) / 5) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_8x6: return ((w + 7) / 8) * ((h + 5) / 6) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_8x8: return ((w + 7) / 8) * ((h + 7) / 8) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_10x5: return ((w + 9) / 10) * ((h + 4) / 5) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_10x6: return ((w + 9) / 10) * ((h + 5) / 6) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_10x8: return ((w + 9) / 10) * ((h + 7) / 8) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_10x10: return ((w + 9) / 10) * ((h + 9) / 10) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_12x10: return ((w + 11) / 12) * ((h + 9) / 10) * d * 16;
case FORMAT_ASTC_12x12: return ((w + 11) / 12) * ((h + 11) / 12) * d * 16;
default: lovrUnreachable();
// Errors if a 3D texture region exceeds the texture's bounds
static void checkTextureBounds(const TextureInfo* info, uint32_t offset[4], uint32_t extent[3]) {
uint32_t maxWidth = MAX(info->width >> offset[3], 1);
uint32_t maxHeight = MAX(info->height >> offset[3], 1);
uint32_t maxDepth = info->type == TEXTURE_3D ? MAX(info->depth >> offset[3], 1) : info->depth;
lovrCheck(offset[0] + extent[0] <= maxWidth, "Texture x range [%d,%d] exceeds width (%d)", offset[0], offset[0] + extent[0], maxWidth);
lovrCheck(offset[1] + extent[1] <= maxHeight, "Texture y range [%d,%d] exceeds height (%d)", offset[1], offset[1] + extent[1], maxHeight);
lovrCheck(offset[2] + extent[2] <= maxDepth, "Texture z range [%d,%d] exceeds depth (%d)", offset[2], offset[2] + extent[2], maxDepth);
lovrCheck(offset[3] < info->mipmaps, "Texture mipmap %d exceeds its mipmap count (%d)", offset[3] + 1, info->mipmaps);
static ShaderResource* findShaderResource(Shader* shader, const char* name, size_t length, uint32_t slot) {
if (name) {
uint32_t hash = (uint32_t) hash64(name, length);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shader->resourceCount; i++) {
if (shader->resources[i].hash == hash) {
return &shader->resources[i];
lovrThrow("Shader has no variable named '%s'", name);
} else {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < shader->resourceCount; i++) {
if (shader->resources[i].binding == slot) {
return &shader->resources[i];
lovrThrow("Shader has no variable in slot '%d'", slot);
static void trackBuffer(Pass* pass, Buffer* buffer, gpu_phase phase, gpu_cache cache) {
if (lovrBufferIsTemporary(buffer)) {
return; // Scratch buffers are write-only from CPU and read-only from GPU, no sync needed
Access access = {
.buffer = buffer,
.sync = &buffer->sync,
.phase = phase,
.cache = cache
arr_push(&pass->access, access);
static void trackTexture(Pass* pass, Texture* texture, gpu_phase phase, gpu_cache cache) {
if (texture->info.usage == TEXTURE_SAMPLE) {
return; // If the texture is sample-only, no sync needed (initial upload is handled manually)
Access access = {
.texture = texture,
.sync = &texture->sync,
.phase = phase,
.cache = cache
arr_push(&pass->access, access);
// Only an explicit set of SPIR-V capabilities are allowed
// Some capabilities require a GPU feature to be supported
// Some common unsupported capabilities are checked directly, to provide better error messages
static void checkShaderFeatures(uint32_t* features, uint32_t count) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
switch (features[i]) {
case 0: break; // Matrix
case 1: break; // Shader
case 2: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "geometry shading");
case 3: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "tessellation shading");
case 5: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "linkage");
case 9: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "half floats");
case 10: lovrCheck(state.features.float64, "GPU does not support shader feature #%d: %s", features[i], "64 bit floats"); break;
case 11: lovrCheck(state.features.int64, "GPU does not support shader feature #%d: %s", features[i], "64 bit integers"); break;
case 12: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "64 bit atomics");
case 22: lovrCheck(state.features.int16, "GPU does not support shader feature #%d: %s", features[i], "16 bit integers"); break;
case 23: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "tessellation shading");
case 24: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "geometry shading");
case 25: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "extended image gather");
case 27: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "multisample storage textures");
case 32: lovrCheck(state.limits.clipDistances > 0, "GPU does not support shader feature #%d: %s", features[i], "clip distance"); break;
case 33: lovrCheck(state.limits.cullDistances > 0, "GPU does not support shader feature #%d: %s", features[i], "cull distance"); break;
case 34: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "cubemap array textures");
case 35: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "sample rate shading");
case 36: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "rectangle textures");
case 37: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "rectangle textures");
case 39: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "8 bit integers");
case 40: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "input attachments");
case 41: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "sparse residency");
case 42: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "min LOD");
case 43: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "1D textures");
case 44: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "1D textures");
case 45: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "cubemap array textures");
case 46: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "texel buffers");
case 47: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "texel buffers");
case 48: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "multisampled storage textures");
case 49: break; // StorageImageExtendedFormats (?)
case 50: break; // ImageQuery
case 51: break; // DerivativeControl
case 52: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "sample rate shading");
case 53: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "transform feedback");
case 54: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "geometry shading");
case 55: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "autoformat storage textures");
case 56: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "autoformat storage textures");
case 57: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "multiviewport");
case 69: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "layered rendering");
case 70: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "multiviewport");
case 4427: break; // ShaderDrawParameters
case 4437: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "multigpu");
case 4439: lovrCheck(state.limits.renderSize[2] > 1, "GPU does not support shader feature #%d: %s", features[i], "multiview"); break;
case 5301: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "non-uniform indexing");
case 5306: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "non-uniform indexing");
case 5307: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "non-uniform indexing");
case 5308: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "non-uniform indexing");
case 5309: lovrThrow("Shader uses unsupported feature #%d: %s", features[i], "non-uniform indexing");
default: lovrThrow("Shader uses unknown feature #%d", features[i]);
static void onMessage(void* context, const char* message, bool severe) {
if (severe) {
lovrLog(LOG_ERROR, "GPU", message);
} else {
lovrLog(LOG_DEBUG, "GPU", message);