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mirror of https://github.com/bjornbytes/lovr.git synced 2024-07-04 13:33:34 +00:00
bjorn fbe54d5dca Physics shape dimensions must be positive;
Or the world will explode.  That would be bad.
2022-06-12 18:18:48 -07:00

1311 lines
36 KiB

#include "physics.h"
#include "core/maf.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <ode/ode.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct World {
uint32_t ref;
dWorldID id;
dSpaceID space;
dJointGroupID contactGroup;
arr_t(Shape*) overlaps;
char* tags[MAX_TAGS];
uint16_t masks[MAX_TAGS];
Collider* head;
struct Collider {
uint32_t ref;
dBodyID body;
World* world;
Collider* prev;
Collider* next;
void* userdata;
uint32_t tag;
arr_t(Shape*) shapes;
arr_t(Joint*) joints;
float friction;
float restitution;
struct Shape {
uint32_t ref;
ShapeType type;
dGeomID id;
Collider* collider;
void* vertices;
void* indices;
void* userdata;
bool sensor;
struct Joint {
uint32_t ref;
JointType type;
dJointID id;
void* userdata;
static void defaultNearCallback(void* data, dGeomID a, dGeomID b) {
lovrWorldCollide((World*) data, dGeomGetData(a), dGeomGetData(b), -1, -1);
static void customNearCallback(void* data, dGeomID shapeA, dGeomID shapeB) {
World* world = data;
arr_push(&world->overlaps, dGeomGetData(shapeA));
arr_push(&world->overlaps, dGeomGetData(shapeB));
typedef struct {
RaycastCallback callback;
void* userdata;
} RaycastData;
static void raycastCallback(void* data, dGeomID a, dGeomID b) {
RaycastCallback callback = ((RaycastData*) data)->callback;
void* userdata = ((RaycastData*) data)->userdata;
Shape* shape = dGeomGetData(b);
if (!shape) {
dContact contact[MAX_CONTACTS];
int count = dCollide(a, b, MAX_CONTACTS, &contact->geom, sizeof(dContact));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
dContactGeom g = contact[i].geom;
callback(shape, g.pos[0], g.pos[1], g.pos[2], g.normal[0], g.normal[1], g.normal[2], userdata);
// XXX slow, but probably fine (tag names are not on any critical path), could switch to hashing if needed
static uint32_t findTag(World* world, const char* name) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS && world->tags[i]; i++) {
if (!strcmp(world->tags[i], name)) {
return i;
return NO_TAG;
static void onErrorMessage(int num, const char* format, va_list args) {
char message[1024];
vsnprintf(message, 1024, format, args);
lovrLog(LOG_ERROR, "PHY", message);
static void onDebugMessage(int num, const char* format, va_list args) {
char message[1024];
vsnprintf(message, 1024, format, args);
lovrLog(LOG_DEBUG, "PHY", message);
static void onInfoMessage(int num, const char* format, va_list args) {
char message[1024];
vsnprintf(message, 1024, format, args);
lovrLog(LOG_INFO, "PHY", message);
static bool initialized = false;
bool lovrPhysicsInit() {
if (initialized) return false;
return initialized = true;
void lovrPhysicsDestroy() {
if (!initialized) return;
initialized = false;
World* lovrWorldCreate(float xg, float yg, float zg, bool allowSleep, const char** tags, uint32_t tagCount) {
World* world = calloc(1, sizeof(World));
lovrAssert(world, "Out of memory");
world->ref = 1;
world->id = dWorldCreate();
world->space = dHashSpaceCreate(0);
dHashSpaceSetLevels(world->space, -4, 8);
world->contactGroup = dJointGroupCreate(0);
arr_init(&world->overlaps, arr_alloc);
lovrWorldSetGravity(world, xg, yg, zg);
lovrWorldSetSleepingAllowed(world, allowSleep);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tagCount; i++) {
size_t size = strlen(tags[i]) + 1;
world->tags[i] = malloc(size);
memcpy(world->tags[i], tags[i], size);
memset(world->masks, 0xff, sizeof(world->masks));
return world;
void lovrWorldDestroy(void* ref) {
World* world = ref;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_TAGS && world->tags[i]; i++) {
void lovrWorldDestroyData(World* world) {
while (world->head) {
Collider* next = world->head->next;
world->head = next;
if (world->contactGroup) {
world->contactGroup = NULL;
if (world->space) {
world->space = NULL;
if (world->id) {
world->id = NULL;
void lovrWorldUpdate(World* world, float dt, CollisionResolver resolver, void* userdata) {
if (resolver) {
resolver(world, userdata);
} else {
dSpaceCollide(world->space, world, defaultNearCallback);
if (dt > 0) {
dWorldQuickStep(world->id, dt);
int lovrWorldGetStepCount(World* world) {
return dWorldGetQuickStepNumIterations(world->id);
void lovrWorldSetStepCount(World* world, int iterations) {
dWorldSetQuickStepNumIterations(world->id, iterations);
void lovrWorldComputeOverlaps(World* world) {
dSpaceCollide(world->space, world, customNearCallback);
int lovrWorldGetNextOverlap(World* world, Shape** a, Shape** b) {
if (world->overlaps.length == 0) {
*a = *b = NULL;
return 0;
*a = arr_pop(&world->overlaps);
*b = arr_pop(&world->overlaps);
return 1;
int lovrWorldCollide(World* world, Shape* a, Shape* b, float friction, float restitution) {
if (!a || !b) {
return false;
Collider* colliderA = a->collider;
Collider* colliderB = b->collider;
uint32_t i = colliderA->tag;
uint32_t j = colliderB->tag;
if (i != NO_TAG && j != NO_TAG && !((world->masks[i] & (1 << j)) && (world->masks[j] & (1 << i)))) {
return false;
if (friction < 0.f) {
friction = sqrtf(colliderA->friction * colliderB->friction);
if (restitution < 0.f) {
restitution = MAX(colliderA->restitution, colliderB->restitution);
dContact contacts[MAX_CONTACTS];
for (int c = 0; c < MAX_CONTACTS; c++) {
contacts[c].surface.mode = 0;
contacts[c].surface.mu = friction;
contacts[c].surface.bounce = restitution;
if (restitution > 0) {
contacts[c].surface.mode |= dContactBounce;
int contactCount = dCollide(a->id, b->id, MAX_CONTACTS, &contacts[0].geom, sizeof(dContact));
if (!a->sensor && !b->sensor) {
for (int c = 0; c < contactCount; c++) {
dJointID joint = dJointCreateContact(world->id, world->contactGroup, &contacts[c]);
dJointAttach(joint, colliderA->body, colliderB->body);
return contactCount;
void lovrWorldGetContacts(World* world, Shape* a, Shape* b, Contact contacts[MAX_CONTACTS], uint32_t* count) {
dContactGeom info[MAX_CONTACTS];
int c = *count = dCollide(a->id, b->id, MAX_CONTACTS, info, sizeof(info[0]));
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
contacts[i] = (Contact) {
.x = info[i].pos[0],
.y = info[i].pos[1],
.z = info[i].pos[2],
.nx = info[i].normal[0],
.ny = info[i].normal[1],
.nz = info[i].normal[2],
.depth = info[i].depth
void lovrWorldRaycast(World* world, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, RaycastCallback callback, void* userdata) {
RaycastData data = { .callback = callback, .userdata = userdata };
float dx = x2 - x1;
float dy = y2 - y1;
float dz = z2 - z1;
float length = sqrtf(dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz);
dGeomID ray = dCreateRay(world->space, length);
dGeomRaySet(ray, x1, y1, z1, dx, dy, dz);
dSpaceCollide2(ray, (dGeomID) world->space, &data, raycastCallback);
Collider* lovrWorldGetFirstCollider(World* world) {
return world->head;
void lovrWorldGetGravity(World* world, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
dReal gravity[4];
dWorldGetGravity(world->id, gravity);
*x = gravity[0];
*y = gravity[1];
*z = gravity[2];
void lovrWorldSetGravity(World* world, float x, float y, float z) {
dWorldSetGravity(world->id, x, y, z);
float lovrWorldGetResponseTime(World* world) {
return dWorldGetCFM(world->id);
void lovrWorldSetResponseTime(World* world, float responseTime) {
dWorldSetCFM(world->id, responseTime);
float lovrWorldGetTightness(World* world) {
return dWorldGetERP(world->id);
void lovrWorldSetTightness(World* world, float tightness) {
dWorldSetERP(world->id, tightness);
void lovrWorldGetLinearDamping(World* world, float* damping, float* threshold) {
*damping = dWorldGetLinearDamping(world->id);
*threshold = dWorldGetLinearDampingThreshold(world->id);
void lovrWorldSetLinearDamping(World* world, float damping, float threshold) {
dWorldSetLinearDamping(world->id, damping);
dWorldSetLinearDampingThreshold(world->id, threshold);
void lovrWorldGetAngularDamping(World* world, float* damping, float* threshold) {
*damping = dWorldGetAngularDamping(world->id);
*threshold = dWorldGetAngularDampingThreshold(world->id);
void lovrWorldSetAngularDamping(World* world, float damping, float threshold) {
dWorldSetAngularDamping(world->id, damping);
dWorldSetAngularDampingThreshold(world->id, threshold);
bool lovrWorldIsSleepingAllowed(World* world) {
return dWorldGetAutoDisableFlag(world->id);
void lovrWorldSetSleepingAllowed(World* world, bool allowed) {
dWorldSetAutoDisableFlag(world->id, allowed);
const char* lovrWorldGetTagName(World* world, uint32_t tag) {
return (tag == NO_TAG) ? NULL : world->tags[tag];
int lovrWorldDisableCollisionBetween(World* world, const char* tag1, const char* tag2) {
uint32_t i = findTag(world, tag1);
uint32_t j = findTag(world, tag2);
if (i == NO_TAG || j == NO_TAG) {
return NO_TAG;
world->masks[i] &= ~(1 << j);
world->masks[j] &= ~(1 << i);
return 0;
int lovrWorldEnableCollisionBetween(World* world, const char* tag1, const char* tag2) {
uint32_t i = findTag(world, tag1);
uint32_t j = findTag(world, tag2);
if (i == NO_TAG || j == NO_TAG) {
return NO_TAG;
world->masks[i] |= (1 << j);
world->masks[j] |= (1 << i);
return 0;
int lovrWorldIsCollisionEnabledBetween(World* world, const char* tag1, const char* tag2) {
uint32_t i = findTag(world, tag1);
uint32_t j = findTag(world, tag2);
if (i == NO_TAG || j == NO_TAG) {
return NO_TAG;
return (world->masks[i] & (1 << j)) && (world->masks[j] & (1 << i));
Collider* lovrColliderCreate(World* world, float x, float y, float z) {
Collider* collider = calloc(1, sizeof(Collider));
lovrAssert(collider, "Out of memory");
collider->ref = 1;
collider->body = dBodyCreate(world->id);
collider->world = world;
collider->friction = 0;
collider->restitution = 0;
collider->tag = NO_TAG;
dBodySetData(collider->body, collider);
arr_init(&collider->shapes, arr_alloc);
arr_init(&collider->joints, arr_alloc);
lovrColliderSetPosition(collider, x, y, z);
// Adjust the world's collider list
if (!collider->world->head) {
collider->world->head = collider;
} else {
collider->next = collider->world->head;
collider->next->prev = collider;
collider->world->head = collider;
// The world owns a reference to the collider
return collider;
void lovrColliderDestroy(void* ref) {
Collider* collider = ref;
void lovrColliderDestroyData(Collider* collider) {
if (!collider->body) {
size_t count;
Shape** shapes = lovrColliderGetShapes(collider, &count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
lovrColliderRemoveShape(collider, shapes[i]);
Joint** joints = lovrColliderGetJoints(collider, &count);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
lovrRelease(joints[i], lovrJointDestroy);
collider->body = NULL;
if (collider->next) collider->next->prev = collider->prev;
if (collider->prev) collider->prev->next = collider->next;
if (collider->world->head == collider) collider->world->head = collider->next;
collider->next = collider->prev = NULL;
// If the Collider is destroyed, the world lets go of its reference to this Collider
lovrRelease(collider, lovrColliderDestroy);
void lovrColliderInitInertia(Collider* collider, Shape* shape) {
// compute inertia matrix for default density
const float density = 1.0f;
float cx, cy, cz, mass, inertia[6];
lovrShapeGetMass(shape, density, &cx, &cy, &cz, &mass, inertia);
lovrColliderSetMassData(collider, cx, cy, cz, mass, inertia);
World* lovrColliderGetWorld(Collider* collider) {
return collider->world;
Collider* lovrColliderGetNext(Collider* collider) {
return collider->next;
void lovrColliderAddShape(Collider* collider, Shape* shape) {
if (shape->collider) {
lovrColliderRemoveShape(shape->collider, shape);
shape->collider = collider;
dGeomSetBody(shape->id, collider->body);
dSpaceID newSpace = collider->world->space;
dSpaceAdd(newSpace, shape->id);
void lovrColliderRemoveShape(Collider* collider, Shape* shape) {
if (shape->collider == collider) {
dSpaceRemove(collider->world->space, shape->id);
dGeomSetBody(shape->id, 0);
shape->collider = NULL;
lovrRelease(shape, lovrShapeDestroy);
Shape** lovrColliderGetShapes(Collider* collider, size_t* count) {
for (dGeomID geom = dBodyGetFirstGeom(collider->body); geom; geom = dBodyGetNextGeom(geom)) {
Shape* shape = dGeomGetData(geom);
if (shape) {
arr_push(&collider->shapes, shape);
*count = collider->shapes.length;
return collider->shapes.data;
Joint** lovrColliderGetJoints(Collider* collider, size_t* count) {
int jointCount = dBodyGetNumJoints(collider->body);
for (int i = 0; i < jointCount; i++) {
Joint* joint = dJointGetData(dBodyGetJoint(collider->body, i));
if (joint) {
arr_push(&collider->joints, joint);
*count = collider->joints.length;
return collider->joints.data;
void* lovrColliderGetUserData(Collider* collider) {
return collider->userdata;
void lovrColliderSetUserData(Collider* collider, void* data) {
collider->userdata = data;
const char* lovrColliderGetTag(Collider* collider) {
return lovrWorldGetTagName(collider->world, collider->tag);
bool lovrColliderSetTag(Collider* collider, const char* tag) {
if (!tag) {
collider->tag = NO_TAG;
return true;
collider->tag = findTag(collider->world, tag);
return collider->tag != NO_TAG;
float lovrColliderGetFriction(Collider* collider) {
return collider->friction;
void lovrColliderSetFriction(Collider* collider, float friction) {
collider->friction = friction;
float lovrColliderGetRestitution(Collider* collider) {
return collider->restitution;
void lovrColliderSetRestitution(Collider* collider, float restitution) {
collider->restitution = restitution;
bool lovrColliderIsKinematic(Collider* collider) {
return dBodyIsKinematic(collider->body);
void lovrColliderSetKinematic(Collider* collider, bool kinematic) {
if (kinematic) {
} else {
bool lovrColliderIsGravityIgnored(Collider* collider) {
return !dBodyGetGravityMode(collider->body);
void lovrColliderSetGravityIgnored(Collider* collider, bool ignored) {
dBodySetGravityMode(collider->body, !ignored);
bool lovrColliderIsSleepingAllowed(Collider* collider) {
return dBodyGetAutoDisableFlag(collider->body);
void lovrColliderSetSleepingAllowed(Collider* collider, bool allowed) {
dBodySetAutoDisableFlag(collider->body, allowed);
bool lovrColliderIsAwake(Collider* collider) {
return dBodyIsEnabled(collider->body);
void lovrColliderSetAwake(Collider* collider, bool awake) {
if (awake) {
} else {
float lovrColliderGetMass(Collider* collider) {
dMass m;
dBodyGetMass(collider->body, &m);
return m.mass;
void lovrColliderSetMass(Collider* collider, float mass) {
dMass m;
dBodyGetMass(collider->body, &m);
dMassAdjust(&m, mass);
dBodySetMass(collider->body, &m);
void lovrColliderGetMassData(Collider* collider, float* cx, float* cy, float* cz, float* mass, float inertia[6]) {
dMass m;
dBodyGetMass(collider->body, &m);
*cx = m.c[0];
*cy = m.c[1];
*cz = m.c[2];
*mass = m.mass;
// Diagonal
inertia[0] = m.I[0];
inertia[1] = m.I[5];
inertia[2] = m.I[10];
// Lower triangular
inertia[3] = m.I[4];
inertia[4] = m.I[8];
inertia[5] = m.I[9];
void lovrColliderSetMassData(Collider* collider, float cx, float cy, float cz, float mass, float inertia[6]) {
dMass m;
dBodyGetMass(collider->body, &m);
dMassSetParameters(&m, mass, cx, cy, cz, inertia[0], inertia[1], inertia[2], inertia[3], inertia[4], inertia[5]);
dBodySetMass(collider->body, &m);
void lovrColliderGetPosition(Collider* collider, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
const dReal* position = dBodyGetPosition(collider->body);
*x = position[0];
*y = position[1];
*z = position[2];
void lovrColliderSetPosition(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) {
dBodySetPosition(collider->body, x, y, z);
void lovrColliderGetOrientation(Collider* collider, quat orientation) {
const dReal* q = dBodyGetQuaternion(collider->body);
quat_set(orientation, q[1], q[2], q[3], q[0]);
void lovrColliderSetOrientation(Collider* collider, quat orientation) {
dReal q[4] = { orientation[3], orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2] };
dBodySetQuaternion(collider->body, q);
void lovrColliderGetLinearVelocity(Collider* collider, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
const dReal* velocity = dBodyGetLinearVel(collider->body);
*x = velocity[0];
*y = velocity[1];
*z = velocity[2];
void lovrColliderSetLinearVelocity(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) {
dBodySetLinearVel(collider->body, x, y, z);
void lovrColliderGetAngularVelocity(Collider* collider, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
const dReal* velocity = dBodyGetAngularVel(collider->body);
*x = velocity[0];
*y = velocity[1];
*z = velocity[2];
void lovrColliderSetAngularVelocity(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) {
dBodySetAngularVel(collider->body, x, y, z);
void lovrColliderGetLinearDamping(Collider* collider, float* damping, float* threshold) {
*damping = dBodyGetLinearDamping(collider->body);
*threshold = dBodyGetLinearDampingThreshold(collider->body);
void lovrColliderSetLinearDamping(Collider* collider, float damping, float threshold) {
dBodySetLinearDamping(collider->body, damping);
dBodySetLinearDampingThreshold(collider->body, threshold);
void lovrColliderGetAngularDamping(Collider* collider, float* damping, float* threshold) {
*damping = dBodyGetAngularDamping(collider->body);
*threshold = dBodyGetAngularDampingThreshold(collider->body);
void lovrColliderSetAngularDamping(Collider* collider, float damping, float threshold) {
dBodySetAngularDamping(collider->body, damping);
dBodySetAngularDampingThreshold(collider->body, threshold);
void lovrColliderApplyForce(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) {
dBodyAddForce(collider->body, x, y, z);
void lovrColliderApplyForceAtPosition(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z, float cx, float cy, float cz) {
dBodyAddForceAtPos(collider->body, x, y, z, cx, cy, cz);
void lovrColliderApplyTorque(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z) {
dBodyAddTorque(collider->body, x, y, z);
void lovrColliderGetLocalCenter(Collider* collider, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
dMass m;
dBodyGetMass(collider->body, &m);
*x = m.c[0];
*y = m.c[1];
*z = m.c[2];
void lovrColliderGetLocalPoint(Collider* collider, float wx, float wy, float wz, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
dReal local[4];
dBodyGetPosRelPoint(collider->body, wx, wy, wz, local);
*x = local[0];
*y = local[1];
*z = local[2];
void lovrColliderGetWorldPoint(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z, float* wx, float* wy, float* wz) {
dReal world[4];
dBodyGetRelPointPos(collider->body, x, y, z, world);
*wx = world[0];
*wy = world[1];
*wz = world[2];
void lovrColliderGetLocalVector(Collider* collider, float wx, float wy, float wz, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
dReal local[4];
dBodyVectorFromWorld(collider->body, wx, wy, wz, local);
*x = local[0];
*y = local[1];
*z = local[2];
void lovrColliderGetWorldVector(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z, float* wx, float* wy, float* wz) {
dReal world[4];
dBodyVectorToWorld(collider->body, x, y, z, world);
*wx = world[0];
*wy = world[1];
*wz = world[2];
void lovrColliderGetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(Collider* collider, float x, float y, float z, float* vx, float* vy, float* vz) {
dReal velocity[4];
dBodyGetRelPointVel(collider->body, x, y, z, velocity);
*vx = velocity[0];
*vy = velocity[1];
*vz = velocity[2];
void lovrColliderGetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(Collider* collider, float wx, float wy, float wz, float* vx, float* vy, float* vz) {
dReal velocity[4];
dBodyGetPointVel(collider->body, wx, wy, wz, velocity);
*vx = velocity[0];
*vy = velocity[1];
*vz = velocity[2];
void lovrColliderGetAABB(Collider* collider, float aabb[6]) {
dGeomID shape = dBodyGetFirstGeom(collider->body);
if (!shape) {
memset(aabb, 0, 6 * sizeof(float));
dGeomGetAABB(shape, aabb);
float otherAABB[6];
while ((shape = dBodyGetNextGeom(shape)) != NULL) {
dGeomGetAABB(shape, otherAABB);
aabb[0] = MIN(aabb[0], otherAABB[0]);
aabb[1] = MAX(aabb[1], otherAABB[1]);
aabb[2] = MIN(aabb[2], otherAABB[2]);
aabb[3] = MAX(aabb[3], otherAABB[3]);
aabb[4] = MIN(aabb[4], otherAABB[4]);
aabb[5] = MAX(aabb[5], otherAABB[5]);
void lovrShapeDestroy(void* ref) {
Shape* shape = ref;
void lovrShapeDestroyData(Shape* shape) {
if (shape->id) {
if (shape->type == SHAPE_MESH) {
dTriMeshDataID dataID = dGeomTriMeshGetData(shape->id);
shape->id = NULL;
ShapeType lovrShapeGetType(Shape* shape) {
return shape->type;
Collider* lovrShapeGetCollider(Shape* shape) {
return shape->collider;
bool lovrShapeIsEnabled(Shape* shape) {
return dGeomIsEnabled(shape->id);
void lovrShapeSetEnabled(Shape* shape, bool enabled) {
if (enabled) {
} else {
bool lovrShapeIsSensor(Shape* shape) {
return shape->sensor;
void lovrShapeSetSensor(Shape* shape, bool sensor) {
shape->sensor = sensor;
void* lovrShapeGetUserData(Shape* shape) {
return shape->userdata;
void lovrShapeSetUserData(Shape* shape, void* data) {
shape->userdata = data;
void lovrShapeGetPosition(Shape* shape, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
const dReal* position = dGeomGetOffsetPosition(shape->id);
*x = position[0];
*y = position[1];
*z = position[2];
void lovrShapeSetPosition(Shape* shape, float x, float y, float z) {
dGeomSetOffsetPosition(shape->id, x, y, z);
void lovrShapeGetOrientation(Shape* shape, quat orientation) {
dReal q[4];
dGeomGetOffsetQuaternion(shape->id, q);
quat_set(orientation, q[1], q[2], q[3], q[0]);
void lovrShapeSetOrientation(Shape* shape, quat orientation) {
dReal q[4] = { orientation[3], orientation[0], orientation[1], orientation[2] };
dGeomSetOffsetQuaternion(shape->id, q);
void lovrShapeGetMass(Shape* shape, float density, float* cx, float* cy, float* cz, float* mass, float inertia[6]) {
dMass m;
switch (shape->type) {
dMassSetSphere(&m, density, dGeomSphereGetRadius(shape->id));
case SHAPE_BOX: {
dReal lengths[4];
dGeomBoxGetLengths(shape->id, lengths);
dMassSetBox(&m, density, lengths[0], lengths[1], lengths[2]);
dReal radius, length;
dGeomCapsuleGetParams(shape->id, &radius, &length);
dMassSetCapsule(&m, density, 3, radius, length);
dReal radius, length;
dGeomCylinderGetParams(shape->id, &radius, &length);
dMassSetCylinder(&m, density, 3, radius, length);
case SHAPE_MESH: {
dMassSetTrimesh(&m, density, shape->id);
dGeomSetPosition(shape->id, -m.c[0], -m.c[1], -m.c[2]);
dMassTranslate(&m, -m.c[0], -m.c[1], -m.c[2]);
const dReal* position = dGeomGetOffsetPosition(shape->id);
dMassTranslate(&m, position[0], position[1], position[2]);
const dReal* rotation = dGeomGetOffsetRotation(shape->id);
dMassRotate(&m, rotation);
*cx = m.c[0];
*cy = m.c[1];
*cz = m.c[2];
*mass = m.mass;
// Diagonal
inertia[0] = m.I[0];
inertia[1] = m.I[5];
inertia[2] = m.I[10];
// Lower triangular
inertia[3] = m.I[4];
inertia[4] = m.I[8];
inertia[5] = m.I[9];
void lovrShapeGetAABB(Shape* shape, float aabb[6]) {
dGeomGetAABB(shape->id, aabb);
SphereShape* lovrSphereShapeCreate(float radius) {
lovrCheck(radius > 0.f, "SphereShape radius must be positive");
SphereShape* sphere = calloc(1, sizeof(SphereShape));
lovrAssert(sphere, "Out of memory");
sphere->ref = 1;
sphere->type = SHAPE_SPHERE;
sphere->id = dCreateSphere(0, radius);
dGeomSetData(sphere->id, sphere);
return sphere;
float lovrSphereShapeGetRadius(SphereShape* sphere) {
return dGeomSphereGetRadius(sphere->id);
void lovrSphereShapeSetRadius(SphereShape* sphere, float radius) {
lovrCheck(radius > 0.f, "SphereShape radius must be positive");
dGeomSphereSetRadius(sphere->id, radius);
BoxShape* lovrBoxShapeCreate(float x, float y, float z) {
BoxShape* box = calloc(1, sizeof(BoxShape));
lovrAssert(box, "Out of memory");
box->ref = 1;
box->type = SHAPE_BOX;
box->id = dCreateBox(0, x, y, z);
dGeomSetData(box->id, box);
return box;
void lovrBoxShapeGetDimensions(BoxShape* box, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
dReal dimensions[4];
dGeomBoxGetLengths(box->id, dimensions);
*x = dimensions[0];
*y = dimensions[1];
*z = dimensions[2];
void lovrBoxShapeSetDimensions(BoxShape* box, float x, float y, float z) {
lovrCheck(x > 0.f && y > 0.f && z > 0.f, "BoxShape dimensions must be positive");
dGeomBoxSetLengths(box->id, x, y, z);
CapsuleShape* lovrCapsuleShapeCreate(float radius, float length) {
lovrCheck(radius > 0.f && length > 0.f, "CapsuleShape dimensions must be positive");
CapsuleShape* capsule = calloc(1, sizeof(CapsuleShape));
lovrAssert(capsule, "Out of memory");
capsule->ref = 1;
capsule->type = SHAPE_CAPSULE;
capsule->id = dCreateCapsule(0, radius, length);
dGeomSetData(capsule->id, capsule);
return capsule;
float lovrCapsuleShapeGetRadius(CapsuleShape* capsule) {
dReal radius, length;
dGeomCapsuleGetParams(capsule->id, &radius, &length);
return radius;
void lovrCapsuleShapeSetRadius(CapsuleShape* capsule, float radius) {
lovrCheck(radius > 0.f, "CapsuleShape dimensions must be positive");
dGeomCapsuleSetParams(capsule->id, radius, lovrCapsuleShapeGetLength(capsule));
float lovrCapsuleShapeGetLength(CapsuleShape* capsule) {
dReal radius, length;
dGeomCapsuleGetParams(capsule->id, &radius, &length);
return length;
void lovrCapsuleShapeSetLength(CapsuleShape* capsule, float length) {
lovrCheck(length > 0.f, "CapsuleShape dimensions must be positive");
dGeomCapsuleSetParams(capsule->id, lovrCapsuleShapeGetRadius(capsule), length);
CylinderShape* lovrCylinderShapeCreate(float radius, float length) {
lovrCheck(radius > 0.f && length > 0.f, "CylinderShape dimensions must be positive");
CylinderShape* cylinder = calloc(1, sizeof(CylinderShape));
lovrAssert(cylinder, "Out of memory");
cylinder->ref = 1;
cylinder->type = SHAPE_CYLINDER;
cylinder->id = dCreateCylinder(0, radius, length);
dGeomSetData(cylinder->id, cylinder);
return cylinder;
float lovrCylinderShapeGetRadius(CylinderShape* cylinder) {
dReal radius, length;
dGeomCylinderGetParams(cylinder->id, &radius, &length);
return radius;
void lovrCylinderShapeSetRadius(CylinderShape* cylinder, float radius) {
lovrCheck(radius > 0.f, "CylinderShape dimensions must be positive");
dGeomCylinderSetParams(cylinder->id, radius, lovrCylinderShapeGetLength(cylinder));
float lovrCylinderShapeGetLength(CylinderShape* cylinder) {
dReal radius, length;
dGeomCylinderGetParams(cylinder->id, &radius, &length);
return length;
void lovrCylinderShapeSetLength(CylinderShape* cylinder, float length) {
lovrCheck(length > 0.f, "CylinderShape dimensions must be positive");
dGeomCylinderSetParams(cylinder->id, lovrCylinderShapeGetRadius(cylinder), length);
MeshShape* lovrMeshShapeCreate(int vertexCount, float* vertices, int indexCount, dTriIndex* indices) {
MeshShape* mesh = calloc(1, sizeof(MeshShape));
lovrAssert(mesh, "Out of memory");
mesh->ref = 1;
dTriMeshDataID dataID = dGeomTriMeshDataCreate();
dGeomTriMeshDataBuildSingle(dataID, vertices, 3 * sizeof(float), vertexCount, indices, indexCount, 3 * sizeof(dTriIndex));
dGeomTriMeshDataPreprocess2(dataID, (1U << dTRIDATAPREPROCESS_BUILD_FACE_ANGLES), NULL);
mesh->id = dCreateTriMesh(0, dataID, 0, 0, 0);
mesh->type = SHAPE_MESH;
mesh->vertices = vertices;
mesh->indices = indices;
dGeomSetData(mesh->id, mesh);
return mesh;
void lovrJointDestroy(void* ref) {
Joint* joint = ref;
void lovrJointDestroyData(Joint* joint) {
if (joint->id) {
joint->id = NULL;
JointType lovrJointGetType(Joint* joint) {
return joint->type;
void lovrJointGetColliders(Joint* joint, Collider** a, Collider** b) {
dBodyID bodyA = dJointGetBody(joint->id, 0);
dBodyID bodyB = dJointGetBody(joint->id, 1);
if (bodyA) {
*a = dBodyGetData(bodyA);
if (bodyB) {
*b = dBodyGetData(bodyB);
void* lovrJointGetUserData(Joint* joint) {
return joint->userdata;
void lovrJointSetUserData(Joint* joint, void* data) {
joint->userdata = data;
bool lovrJointIsEnabled(Joint* joint) {
return dJointIsEnabled(joint->id);
void lovrJointSetEnabled(Joint* joint, bool enable) {
if (enable) {
} else {
BallJoint* lovrBallJointCreate(Collider* a, Collider* b, float x, float y, float z) {
lovrAssert(a->world == b->world, "Joint bodies must exist in same World");
BallJoint* joint = calloc(1, sizeof(BallJoint));
lovrAssert(joint, "Out of memory");
joint->ref = 1;
joint->type = JOINT_BALL;
joint->id = dJointCreateBall(a->world->id, 0);
dJointSetData(joint->id, joint);
dJointAttach(joint->id, a->body, b->body);
lovrBallJointSetAnchor(joint, x, y, z);
return joint;
void lovrBallJointGetAnchors(BallJoint* joint, float* x1, float* y1, float* z1, float* x2, float* y2, float* z2) {
dReal anchor[4];
dJointGetBallAnchor(joint->id, anchor);
*x1 = anchor[0];
*y1 = anchor[1];
*z1 = anchor[2];
dJointGetBallAnchor2(joint->id, anchor);
*x2 = anchor[0];
*y2 = anchor[1];
*z2 = anchor[2];
void lovrBallJointSetAnchor(BallJoint* joint, float x, float y, float z) {
dJointSetBallAnchor(joint->id, x, y, z);
float lovrBallJointGetResponseTime(Joint* joint) {
return dJointGetBallParam(joint->id, dParamCFM);
void lovrBallJointSetResponseTime(Joint* joint, float responseTime) {
dJointSetBallParam(joint->id, dParamCFM, responseTime);
float lovrBallJointGetTightness(Joint* joint) {
return dJointGetBallParam(joint->id, dParamERP);
void lovrBallJointSetTightness(Joint* joint, float tightness) {
dJointSetBallParam(joint->id, dParamERP, tightness);
DistanceJoint* lovrDistanceJointCreate(Collider* a, Collider* b, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2) {
lovrAssert(a->world == b->world, "Joint bodies must exist in same World");
DistanceJoint* joint = calloc(1, sizeof(DistanceJoint));
lovrAssert(joint, "Out of memory");
joint->ref = 1;
joint->type = JOINT_DISTANCE;
joint->id = dJointCreateDBall(a->world->id, 0);
dJointSetData(joint->id, joint);
dJointAttach(joint->id, a->body, b->body);
lovrDistanceJointSetAnchors(joint, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2);
return joint;
void lovrDistanceJointGetAnchors(DistanceJoint* joint, float* x1, float* y1, float* z1, float* x2, float* y2, float* z2) {
dReal anchor[4];
dJointGetDBallAnchor1(joint->id, anchor);
*x1 = anchor[0];
*y1 = anchor[1];
*z1 = anchor[2];
dJointGetDBallAnchor2(joint->id, anchor);
*x2 = anchor[0];
*y2 = anchor[1];
*z2 = anchor[2];
void lovrDistanceJointSetAnchors(DistanceJoint* joint, float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2) {
dJointSetDBallAnchor1(joint->id, x1, y1, z1);
dJointSetDBallAnchor2(joint->id, x2, y2, z2);
float lovrDistanceJointGetDistance(DistanceJoint* joint) {
return dJointGetDBallDistance(joint->id);
void lovrDistanceJointSetDistance(DistanceJoint* joint, float distance) {
dJointSetDBallDistance(joint->id, distance);
float lovrDistanceJointGetResponseTime(Joint* joint) {
return dJointGetDBallParam(joint->id, dParamCFM);
void lovrDistanceJointSetResponseTime(Joint* joint, float responseTime) {
dJointSetDBallParam(joint->id, dParamCFM, responseTime);
float lovrDistanceJointGetTightness(Joint* joint) {
return dJointGetDBallParam(joint->id, dParamERP);
void lovrDistanceJointSetTightness(Joint* joint, float tightness) {
dJointSetDBallParam(joint->id, dParamERP, tightness);
HingeJoint* lovrHingeJointCreate(Collider* a, Collider* b, float x, float y, float z, float ax, float ay, float az) {
lovrAssert(a->world == b->world, "Joint bodies must exist in same World");
HingeJoint* joint = calloc(1, sizeof(HingeJoint));
lovrAssert(joint, "Out of memory");
joint->ref = 1;
joint->type = JOINT_HINGE;
joint->id = dJointCreateHinge(a->world->id, 0);
dJointSetData(joint->id, joint);
dJointAttach(joint->id, a->body, b->body);
lovrHingeJointSetAnchor(joint, x, y, z);
lovrHingeJointSetAxis(joint, ax, ay, az);
return joint;
void lovrHingeJointGetAnchors(HingeJoint* joint, float* x1, float* y1, float* z1, float* x2, float* y2, float* z2) {
dReal anchor[4];
dJointGetHingeAnchor(joint->id, anchor);
*x1 = anchor[0];
*y1 = anchor[1];
*z1 = anchor[2];
dJointGetHingeAnchor2(joint->id, anchor);
*x2 = anchor[0];
*y2 = anchor[1];
*z2 = anchor[2];
void lovrHingeJointSetAnchor(HingeJoint* joint, float x, float y, float z) {
dJointSetHingeAnchor(joint->id, x, y, z);
void lovrHingeJointGetAxis(HingeJoint* joint, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
dReal axis[4];
dJointGetHingeAxis(joint->id, axis);
*x = axis[0];
*y = axis[1];
*z = axis[2];
void lovrHingeJointSetAxis(HingeJoint* joint, float x, float y, float z) {
dJointSetHingeAxis(joint->id, x, y, z);
float lovrHingeJointGetAngle(HingeJoint* joint) {
return dJointGetHingeAngle(joint->id);
float lovrHingeJointGetLowerLimit(HingeJoint* joint) {
return dJointGetHingeParam(joint->id, dParamLoStop);
void lovrHingeJointSetLowerLimit(HingeJoint* joint, float limit) {
dJointSetHingeParam(joint->id, dParamLoStop, limit);
float lovrHingeJointGetUpperLimit(HingeJoint* joint) {
return dJointGetHingeParam(joint->id, dParamHiStop);
void lovrHingeJointSetUpperLimit(HingeJoint* joint, float limit) {
dJointSetHingeParam(joint->id, dParamHiStop, limit);
SliderJoint* lovrSliderJointCreate(Collider* a, Collider* b, float ax, float ay, float az) {
lovrAssert(a->world == b->world, "Joint bodies must exist in the same world");
SliderJoint* joint = calloc(1, sizeof(SliderJoint));
lovrAssert(joint, "Out of memory");
joint->ref = 1;
joint->type = JOINT_SLIDER;
joint->id = dJointCreateSlider(a->world->id, 0);
dJointSetData(joint->id, joint);
dJointAttach(joint->id, a->body, b->body);
lovrSliderJointSetAxis(joint, ax, ay, az);
return joint;
void lovrSliderJointGetAxis(SliderJoint* joint, float* x, float* y, float* z) {
dReal axis[4];
dJointGetSliderAxis(joint->id, axis);
*x = axis[0];
*y = axis[1];
*z = axis[2];
void lovrSliderJointSetAxis(SliderJoint* joint, float x, float y, float z) {
dJointSetSliderAxis(joint->id, x, y, z);
float lovrSliderJointGetPosition(SliderJoint* joint) {
return dJointGetSliderPosition(joint->id);
float lovrSliderJointGetLowerLimit(SliderJoint* joint) {
return dJointGetSliderParam(joint->id, dParamLoStop);
void lovrSliderJointSetLowerLimit(SliderJoint* joint, float limit) {
dJointSetSliderParam(joint->id, dParamLoStop, limit);
float lovrSliderJointGetUpperLimit(SliderJoint* joint) {
return dJointGetSliderParam(joint->id, dParamHiStop);
void lovrSliderJointSetUpperLimit(SliderJoint* joint, float limit) {
dJointSetSliderParam(joint->id, dParamHiStop, limit);