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<title>Fediverse.Party - explore federated networks</title>
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<title>Update October 2023</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/update-october-2023/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<h3 id="Fediparty-update-October-2023">Fediparty update, October 2023</h3><p>Hi, fedizens! Long time no see.</p><p><em>@lostinlight</em> here 👋, with a small announcement and a big question for everyone whos still reading this blog or RSS feed (is anyone out there? :)</p><p>Once upon a time <em>Fediverse.Party</em> tried to keep up with everything going on in Fedi. We posted about latest software releases and developments on the <a href="https://fediverse.party/en/chronicles/">Chronicles</a> page, via RSS and Friendica account. But no new posts have appeared for a long time.</p><p>Its because therere <strong>three great sources of Fediverse news</strong> now: <a href="https://fediversereport.com">fediversereport.com</a>, <a href="https://wedistribute.org">wedistribute.org</a>, and <a href="https://mitra.social/@weekinfediverse">@weekinfediverse</a>. They cover all the stories happening in our federated universe. Following them is the best way to stay well-informed!</p><p>What shall happen to Chronicles page of this website then? Removing it would not be right; yearly Fediverse recaps and Birthday posts should remain at least for the sake of history. Now that we have a <a href="https://boosty.to/fediparty">Boosty</a> page, I think itll be useful to post about website updates on a somewhat regular basis. Like release notes, but for a website. I hope itll help readers find out about new ActivityPub tools and Fediverse-related projects (even though some of the projects added to <em>Software</em> and <em>Developer tools</em> pages are not new, it just took a long time to find them).</p><p>So, here goes the summary of October site updates.</p><h3 id="Projects-added-to-Software">Projects added to <a href="https://fediverse.party/en/miscellaneous/">Software</a>:</h3><ul><li><strong><a href="https://github.com/mbinorg/mbin">Mbin</a></strong> a fork of kbin, community-focused;</li><li><strong><a href="https://github.com/rekcuFniarB/messy-fediverse">Messy</a></strong> single user ActivityPub instance intended to add Fediverse compatibility to existing Django-based sites;</li><li><strong><a href="https://gitlab.com/justindthomas/sofapub">SofaPub</a></strong> a minimally functional ActivityPub implementation in Rust;</li><li><strong><a href="https://codeberg.org/vidzy/vidzy">Vidzy</a></strong> federated alternative to TikTok;</li><li><strong><a href="https://codeberg.org/mjh/LibRate">LibRate</a></strong> libre media rating website for the Fediverse.</li></ul><br><h3 id="Projects-added-to-Developer-tools">Projects added to <a href="https://fediverse.party/en/tools/">Developer tools</a>:</h3><ul><li><strong><a href="https://codeberg.org/quigs/ghostcms-activitypub">GhostCMS ActivityPub</a></strong> an ExpressJS server that integrates with GhostCMS webhooks to publish ActivityPub content on the Fediverse;</li><li><strong><a href="https://github.com/gnh1201/gnuboard5-activitypub">Mobilizon Crossposter</a></strong> a modular crossposter to bridge events from external sources to Mobilizon;</li><li><strong><a href="https://github.com/Sevichecc/M-OAuth">M-OAuth</a></strong> access token generator for Akkoma, Pleroma, Mastodon APIs;</li><li><strong><a href="https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/idkfa/f">idkfa</a></strong> proxy designed to consolidate multiple AP actors; it presents a single unified activity interface to the outside world, while communicating with a cornucopia of internal servers;</li><li><strong><a href="https://github.com/importantimport/hatsu">Hatsu</a></strong> self-hosted and fully automated ActivityPub bridge for static sites;</li><li><strong><a href="https://git.qoto.org/fedipage/fedipage">Fedipage</a></strong> Hugo based static page generator and blog with ActivityPub support;</li><li><strong><a href="https://github.com/steve-bate/activitypub-testsuite">ActivityPub Test Suite</a></strong> server-independent, full-automated test suite primary focused on ActivityPub server compliance testing;</li><li><strong><a href="https:/
<summary type="html">&lt;h3 id=&quot;Fediparty-update-October-2023&quot;&gt;Fediparty update, October 2023&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Hi, fedizens! Long time no see.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;@lostinlight&lt;/em&gt; h</summary>
<category term="fediparty" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediparty/"/>
<title>Fediverse.Party turns 5</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-party-turns-five/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<h3 id="Fediverse-party-turns-5">Fediverse.party turns 5</h3><p>Can you believe its been five years already? Five years of helping novices gettheir bearings in the varied landscape that is Fediverse. Five years of guiding people towards smaller, niche instances to strengthen the federation. Five years of keeping up to date with all the diverse projects, big and small, that comprise our network.</p><p>This was achieved in large part due to all your pull requests with corrections and updates. <span class="u-goldenBg">Thanks to all the contributors!</span> By the way, since moving to Codeberg, our repository is getting almost twice more pull requests than it used to get on GitLab. ;)</p><p>Heres to five more years! 🎉</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;h3 id=&quot;Fediverse-party-turns-5&quot;&gt;Fediverse.party turns 5&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Can you believe its been five years already? Five years of helping novices</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Answers to Fediquiz (spoiler alert!)</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediquiz-answers/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>We celebrated Fediverses 14th birthday with <a href="https://14th.fediverse.party">a little quiz</a> about its history and key projects. A few of you asked us to publish the correct answers. Here we go!</p><p>There were three sets of questions, each having different number of answers. Furthermore, each attempt at the quiz presented you with new questions. To achieve that, we had three difficulty levels (easy, medium, hard), and we picked four questions from each. Shuffling them, we got a unique quiz every time. We hope it was fun :) Now lets get to the answers.</p><h3 id="Easy-questions">Easy questions</h3><p><strong>Which one is a video hosting platform?</strong> PeerTube.</p><p><strong>Which one is an image sharing platform?</strong> Pixelfed.</p><p><strong>Which one is a music sharing platform?</strong> Funkwhale.</p><p><strong>Which one is a platform for events and meetups?</strong> Mobilizon (although we shouldnt forget Gancio either).</p><p><strong>Which project has a small Arctic rodent as a mascot?</strong> Lemmy. <img src="/img/misc/lemmy.svg" style="display: inline; width: 45px; vertical-align: middle;"> We spent so-o-o much time trying to describe mascots in a way that is not a dead give-away.</p><p><strong>Which project has a large marine mammal as a mascot?</strong> Funkwhale. In fact, it has 3 whale mascots - blue Betty, green Harriet and pink Wanda! All drawm by a community member Robin.</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediquiz-answers/funkwhale-mascots.jpg" alt="illustration of 3 whales"></p><p><strong>Which project has a marine mollusk as a mascot?</strong> PeerTube. <img src="/img/mascots/peertube-1.png" style="display: inline"> The cuttlefish named Papa Sepia was created by David Revoy.</p><p><strong>Whose mascot looks like a cute bear and feeds on bamboo?</strong> Pixelfed. <img src="/img/mascots/pixelfed-1.png" style="display: inline"> You can find the original assets of red panda Fred <a href="https://github.com/pixelfed/brand-assets">here</a>.</p><p><strong>Which project has a small swift mammal with elongated ears as a mascot?</strong> Friendica. <img src="/img/mascots/friendica-1.png" style="display: inline"> The community named the mascot Flaxy OHare, it was drawn by lostinlight.</p><p><strong>Whose mascot animal is native to Australia and feeds on eucalyptus?</strong> Hubzilla. Its mascot is red koala. <img src="/img/mascots/hubzilla-1.png" style="display: inline"> The initial creator of Hubzilla lives in Australia.</p><p><strong>Which project has a small nocturnal fox as a mascot?</strong> Mobilizon. <img src="/en/post/fediquiz-answers/mobilizon.jpg" style="display: inline"> <a href="https://framablog.org/2020/10/27/photo-novel-guided-tour-of-mobilizon/">Rose</a> the fennec was designed by David Revoy.</p><p><strong>Which project has a flowering plant as a mascot?</strong> diaspora*. The word “diaspora” refers to the dispersal of seeds (or people) over a wide area and the asterisk in the name represents a fluffy dandelion seed.</p><p><strong>Which project does <i>not</i> directly contribute to Fediverses development?</strong> Twitter BlueSky.</p><p><strong>Which project directly contributes to Fediverses development and success?</strong> <a href="https://glitch-soc.github.io/docs">Glitch-Soc</a> a popular fork of Mastodon with extra features.</p><p><strong>Who was among the editors of ActivityPub specification?</strong> Christine Lemmer-Webber, but dont forget the other editors too: Jessica Tallon, Erin Shepherd, Amy Guy, and Evan Prodromou. Writing standards is hard; these folks deserve a medal!</p><h3 id="Somewhat-difficult-questions">Somewhat difficult questions</h3><p><strong>Which project was named after a music band?</strong> Mastodon.🤘 Actually, depending on the sources, the project <a href="https://mic.com/articles/173297/what-is-mastodon-everything-to-know-about-new-social-network">may</a> or <a href="http://mashable.com/2017/04/06/mastodon-band-social-media">may not</a> be named after the band, but Eugen Rochko, the creat
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;We celebrated Fediverses 14th birthday with &lt;a href=&quot;https://14th.fediverse.party&quot;&gt;a little quiz&lt;/a&gt; about its history and key projects.</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Fediverse turns 14 🎉</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-14-years-in-2022/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><span class="u-goldenBg">Happy 14th Birthday, Fedi! </span>  Teenage years are turbulent and always full of experiments. May your current popularity and success double in the nearest future!</p><p>Fediverse grew quite a bit over the last year. To all the new users - welcome! And to all the fedizens whove been with us for all these years - thank you!</p><p>To add a bit of playfulness to this day, we prepared a 🌟<a href="https://14th.fediverse.party">fun little quiz</a>🌟 for you. The source code will be revealed in a few days; we dont want to make it too easy to figure out the answers. :) Please share your scores, and add <strong>#FediQuiz</strong>, <strong>#Fediverse14</strong> or <strong>#HappyFedi2U</strong> hashtags for visibility.</p><p>Cheers,<a href="https://fediverse.party/en/about">Fediverse.party team</a></p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;u-goldenBg&quot;&gt;Happy 14th Birthday, Fedi! &lt;/span&gt;  Teenage years are turbulent and always full of experiments. May your current</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Fediparty moves to a new home</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse.party-moved-to-a-new-home/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><span class="u-goldenBg"><strong>Fediverse.Party and its Wiki finally finished migration to a new home!</strong></span></p><p>Feneas association, that has kindly hosted this website and its repository, <a href="https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fediparty/issues/46">is being dissolved</a>. Thank you to all Feneas members for having us (and hope to still meet you all in decentralized Web)!</p><p>Our code repository moved to <a href="https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fediparty">Codeberg</a> forge. The automated migration from GitLab to Codeberg works like a charm! Were excited and honoured to be part of <a href="https://social.anoxinon.de/@codeberg">Codeberg</a> community.</p><p>ActivityPub <a href="https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-fediverse-apps">Apps</a> and <a href="https://codeberg.org/fediverse/delightful-activitypub-development">Tools</a> lists are now part of #delightful lists curated by <a href="https://mastodon.social/@humanetech">@humanetech</a> (updates appear on the website, as always).</p><p>Please, update your bookmarks.</p><p>The website is now hosted by <a href="https://functional.cafe/@minoru">@minoru</a>. And we also have a <a href="https://mirror.fediverse.party">mirror</a>, just in case.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;u-goldenBg&quot;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Fediverse.Party and its Wiki finally finished migration to a new home!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Feneas ass</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Fediverse in 2021</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-in-2021/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><span class="u-goldenBg"><strong>Happy 2022, fedizens!</strong></span></p><p>At the end of each year we traditionally compile a digest of whats happened in Fediverse (beginning with <a href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-in-2019">2019</a> and <a href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-in-2020">2020</a>).</p><p>So, buckle your seatbelts and lets travel back in time. Let us watch the progress of glorious Fediverse in the past year.</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-in-2021/fedi-spaceship.jpg" alt="Fedi spaceship exploring decentralized worlds"><small class="u-block u-center"><span class="u-emphasize">Credits:</span> image from Pixabay</small></p><h3 id="Fediverse-in-numbers">Fediverse in numbers</h3><p>In 2021 Fediverse expanded from 5.027 to 7.744 known servers. Thats <span class="u-emphasize">about +2.700 nodes</span>! An impressive growth, compared to previous couple of years that showed a stable trend of 900-1.000 new servers a year.</p><p>In June <em>fediverse.party</em> started counting Plume, Lemmy and Mobilizon in yearly statistics. They account for only 222 servers though, so the rest of the statistics spike definitely indicates that Fediverse is growing! By the way, we <a href="https://nodes.fediverse.party">launched</a> our own Fediverse crawler in November, to make sure that these numbers are as accurate as possible.</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-in-2021/TLD-piechart.png" alt="Pie chart showing most popular TLDs in Fediverse"><small class="u-block u-center"><span class="u-emphasize">Credits:</span> pie chart by Minoru</small></p><p>The ammount of registered accounts went back up to 2019 levels and by the end of 2021 slightly surpassed that benchmark, reaching ~4.500.000.</p><p>We, fedizens, know that <span class="u-emphasize">numbers arent the most important thing in the world</span>. But grown-ups like numbers.</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-in-2021/little-prince-in-fedi.png" alt="Illustration of Little Prince and the Fox sitting on a planet"><small class="u-block u-center"><span class="u-emphasize">Credits:</span> image by Devran Topallar, Pixabay license</small></p><p>So lets mention that, despite smaller userbase, Fediverse is showing its true potential for free open source projects: those developers who officially join our corner of the Internet <a href="https://mastodon.online/@FediFollows/106647703394010040">enjoy higher follower numbers</a> than on centralized social networks. \O/</p><p>Seven networks growing most rapidly in online servers in 2021 were:</p><p>• Misskey 🎉 ~ quadrupled server numbers (+220)</p><p>• PeerTube 🎉 ~ tripled server numbers (+760)</p><p>• Funkwhale 🎉 ~ tripled server numbers (+83)</p><p>• Pleroma 🎉 ~ doubled server numbers (+483)</p><p>• WriteFreely 🎉 ~ doubled server numbers (+180)</p><p>• Pixelfed 🎉 ~ doubled server numbers (+106)</p><p>• Mastodon 🎉 ~ +28% (+792)</p><p><em>Note: these numbers are an approximation based on statistics voluntarily provided by server administrators. Servers go offline / online every hour, every day, so the numbers reflect only part of Fediverse at the time this article was published.</em></p><h3 id="Fediverse-in-projects">Fediverse in projects</h3><p>At least <span class="u-emphasize">13 new projects</span> joined Fediverse in 2021!</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/gotosocial/gotosocial">GoToSocial</a> social network server written in Golang</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/owncast/owncast">Owncast</a> self-hosted live streaming platform</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://code.podlibre.org/podlibre/castopod">Castopod</a> open-source platform made for podcasters who want to engage and interact with their audience</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/inventaire/inventaire">Inventaire</a> platform for cataloguing and sharing physical books from personal collections and independent libraries</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://git.jlel.se/jlelse/GoBlog">GoBlog</a> simple blogging system written in Go</p><p>🌟 <a href
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;u-goldenBg&quot;&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Happy 2022, fedizens!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;At the end of each year we traditionally compile a digest o</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Fediverse 13: party time</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-13-2021-party-time/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><span class="u-goldenBg">Happy 13th, Fediverse! </span></p><p>Last year Fediverse celebrated May 18th as an important, symbolic milestone to remember <a href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-12-years-in-2020">how it all began</a>. Lets make this a tradition and a day for friendly interactions, to boost the spirit of unity and vibrant culture!</p><h3 id="Lets-reintroduce-ourselves">Lets reintroduce ourselves</h3><p>Newcomers are usually advised to create an “introductions” post, telling a few words about themselves, allowing Fedi community to welcome them. Why not have <strong>#reintroductions</strong> as well, to help both newcomers and oldHeres get to know each other? Please, make a post <span class="u-goldenBg">in Fedi</span> with this hashtag; you can also use festive hashtags of the day - <strong>#Fediverse13</strong> and <strong>#HappyFedi2U</strong>.</p><p><strong>Note</strong>: If you speak Catalan or Spanish, join the <a href="https://bbb.exo.cat/b/rit-vd9-fhv">online meeting</a> of fedizens <a href="https://agora.fedi.cat/t/18-de-maig-fedianiversari/313">dedicated</a> to this special day (from 19h30 to 21h30 UTC+2).</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-13-2021-party-time/cat-es-meeting.png" alt="Festive illustration with a cake and candles"><small class="u-block u-center">Credits: promo image - by <a href="https://bcn.fedi.cat/@titi">@titi</a>, CC BY-SA</small></p><h3 id="Planting-the-seeds">Planting the seeds</h3><p>If you have accounts <span class="u-goldenBg">on mainstream social networks</span>, we suggest to turn this day into a chaotic <strong>celebration of sci-fi and fantasy films, books and memes</strong>! Find images from the films you like, add any text or quote to it and share! Theres only one catch - it should include the word “Fediverse” somewhere. Again, we suggest adding the tag <strong>#Fediverse13</strong> in the text of your post, so that other users on those platforms can find and reshare your posts. But if you think these tags may become the reason of shadow bans (which might happen on networks that have an allergy to competition), never mind. The mysterious word “Fediverse” on your images should be enough to tickle the curiosity of your readers, and its harder to shadow ban for text-on-image. If the plan works, people will go searching for this magic word, find our federating corner of the Internet and, hopefully, join to stay!</p><p><strong>PS.</strong> In case you resolutely prefer genres other than fantasy / sci-fi - the more the better, let it be any you like!<strong>PPS.</strong> If our community manages to come up with nice and creative images, we may feature some of them on our <a href="/en/crystalball">Crystal Ball</a> page, linking back to <em>Fedi accounts</em> of respective image authors. Of course, we shall search you out first and ask for a permission.</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-13-2021-party-time/memes-collage.jpg" alt="Example meme images"><small class="u-block u-center">Credits: examples created by <a href="https://mastodon.social/@humanetech">@humanetech</a></small></p><h3 id="Social-networking-reimagined">Social networking reimagined</h3><p>As more people discover federated networks, organizations slowly begin to acknowledge the existence of our alternative communication channels too and cautiously come to Fediverse to test the waters. Even the European Commission is interested and requested a 3-part <a href="https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/ec-ngi0-liaison-webinars-and-workshop-april-2021/1539">ActivityPub for Administrations</a> event. Its goals were to raise the awareness about various Fediverse projects and encourage representatives to create their own accounts or servers, thus establishing a presence in the federating social web.</p><p>For all of us this means opportunity. A true reimagination of social networking, creating spaces where people are <strong>united in diversity</strong>. A place free of Big Tech dominance, where beautiful culture thrives. Its hard to give up old ways
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;u-goldenBg&quot;&gt;Happy 13th, Fediverse! &lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Last year Fediverse celebrated May 18th as an important, symbolic mileston</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Fediverse in 2020</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-in-2020/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>Happy 2021, fedizens!</strong></p><p>One more year in Fediverse passed. Lets have a look at what we have achieved in 2020.</p><h3 id="Fediverse-in-numbers">Fediverse in numbers</h3><p>The number of servers grew from 5.027 last year to ~5.900 by the end of 2020. Thats <span class="u-emphasize">about 900</span> new instances.</p><p>The number of registered users, on the other hand, has decreased and by the end of the year remains slightly above 4.000.000. This may be due to the fact that several large servers went down during the year, and because some administrators periodically remove long inactive accounts to free up space for newcomers.</p><p>Whatever the reason, we may rejoice that more small instances keep appearing. Thats what Fediverse is supposed to be doing decentralizing!</p><p>Seven networks growing most rapidly in <em>online</em> server numbers in 2020 were:</p><p><a href="/en/peertube">PeerTube</a> 🎉 +320 servers</p><p><a href="/en/mastodon">Mastodon</a> 🎉 +237 servers</p><p><a href="/en/pleroma">Pleroma</a> 🎉 +224 servers</p><p><a href="https://github.com/writefreely/writefreely">WriteFreely</a> 🎉 +74 servers</p><p><a href="/en/misskey">Misskey</a> 🎉 +58 servers</p><p><a href="https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon">Mobilizon</a> 🎉 +45 servers</p><p><a href="/en/pixelfed">Pixelfed</a> 🎉 +40 servers</p><p><em>Note: these numbers are an approximation based on statistics voluntarily provided by server administrators. Servers go offline / online every hour, every day, so the numbers reflect only part of Fediverse at the time this article was published.</em></p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-in-2020/cosmos-2020.jpg" alt="Fediverse project logos in space with cats and UFOs"><small class="u-block u-center"><span class="u-emphasize">Credits:</span> picture is based on an image from Pixabay.com</small></p><h3 id="Fediverse-in-projects">Fediverse in projects</h3><p>At least <span class="u-emphasize">16 new projects</span> joined Fediverse in 2020!</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://gitlab.com/bonfire-ecosystem/activitypub">Bonfire</a> a plug &amp; play federated social network based on CommonsPub</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/mouse-reeve/bookwyrm">Bookwyrm</a> social reading and reviewing, a federated alternative to GoodReads</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/theoccasionoctopus/theoccasionoctopus-server">The Occasion Octopus</a> a federated network of Open Data for discovering interesting events</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://framagit.org/synalp/olki/olki">OLKi</a> linguistic corpora exchange platform, a simple gateway to Fediverse for scientific interaction</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/immers-space/immers">Immers Space</a> a virtual reality metaverse platform powered by Mozilla Hubs and ActivityPub-Express</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://git.sr.ht/~vpzom/lotide">Lotide</a> a federated forum / link aggregator</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://gitlab.com/ngerakines/tavern">Tavern</a> a minimalistic ActivityPub server</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/learn-awesome/learn">Learn Awesome</a> a review aggregation site generalized to all learning resources organized by topics, formats and difficulty</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://gitlab.com/openengiadina">OpenEngiadina</a> a knowledge base and a social network using ActivityPub and the Semantic Web</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/lowercasename/gathio">Gathio</a> self-destructing, shareable, no-registration event pages</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/assemblee-virtuelle/semapps">SemApps</a> a collaborative, generic knowledge management system for easing data storage and filtering</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/flockingbird/roost">FlockingBird</a> network for professionals, a LinkedIn alternative</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/hbz/skohub-pubsub">SkoHub</a> a publication / subscription infrastructure for Open Educational Resources; allows to follow specific subjects and be notifie
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Happy 2021, fedizens!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;One more year in Fediverse passed. Lets have a look at what we have achieved in 2020.&lt;/p&gt;
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Decorating a Fediverse tree (updated)</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/decorating-a-fediverse-tree/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<h3 id="Fediverse-Party-and-Fediverse-family-present-🎄">Fediverse.Party and Fediverse family present 🎄</h3><p><em>(for children aged 3 to 103)</em></p><p>Missing the joy of winter holidays? In search of small DIY tasks to relax and put you in the right mood? Not sure how to tear your kids away from a TV screen? Weve got you covered! 👍</p><p>Lets create a proper Fediverse atmosphere by <span class="u-goldenBg">making paper toys together!</span></p><p>This wonderful idea first came to <a href="https://mastodon.social/@Poudingue"><strong>@Poudingue</strong></a> when they <a href="https://mastodon.social/@Poudingue/104268850028274433">posted</a> a template of an adorable paper <a href="https://joinmastodon.org">Mastodon</a>.</p><p><img src="/en/post/decorating-a-fediverse-tree/Mastodon-by-Poudingue.jpg" alt="photo of a paper Mastodon"><small class="u-block u-center">Mastodon by @Poudingue, image by the author of the toy</small></p><p>Lets start with Mastodon. Download the template <a href="https://codeberg.org/lostinlight/distributopia/src/branch/main/papertoys/Mastodon_papertoy_yellow.jpg">here</a>.</p><h4 id="Youll-need">Youll need:</h4><ul class="article-list"> <li>scissors, cutter</li> <li>glue</li> <li>printer</li> <li>optionally, a pencil (or anything sharp to make wholes) and thread (if you wish to put your toys on an Xmas tree)</li> <li> optionally, some working surface where you can cut without being afraid to skretch the table <li>a bit of patience</li></ul><p><img src="/en/post/decorating-a-fediverse-tree/equipment.jpg" alt="photo of all the things needed for making paper toys"></p><p>If your printer is black-and-white, let it not stop you. Paper toys look fine even without colour!</p><p><img src="/en/post/decorating-a-fediverse-tree/bw-vs-colour.jpg" alt="photo of a black-and-white toy next to a colourful one"></p><p><span class="u-goldenBg">Do not try to make a perfect toy.</span> Were having fun! It doesnt matter if you cut it wrong by half a millimeter! Also, you can always correct it with scissors by trimming all the small parts before glueing them together, or even after the toy is assembled.</p><p>The <span class="u-goldenBg">general rules</span> are: cut along solid lines, fold along dashed lines. Its useful to fold and unfold all the dashed lines before starting to glue; makes it easier to work with the template.</p><p>Once youre finished with Mastodon, lets make red panda Fred, <a href="https://pixelfed.org">Pixelfeds</a> mascot. <a href="hhttps://codeberg.org/lostinlight/distributopia/src/branch/main/papertoys/Pixelfed-toy.jpg">Heres</a> the template. Its an easy paper toy - no small details. Just glue all the white parts to the insides of nearby facets, and were done!</p><p>Next on our list is <a href="https://joinpeertube.org">PeerTubes</a> mascot - grab the template for cuttlefish Papa Sepia: <a href="https://codeberg.org/lostinlight/distributopia/src/branch/main/papertoys/Peertube-toy-page-1.jpg">page 1</a>, <a href="https://codeberg.org/lostinlight/distributopia/src/branch/main/papertoys/Peertube-toy-page-2.jpg">page 2</a>.</p><p><img src="/en/post/decorating-a-fediverse-tree/papa-Sepia.jpg" alt="photo of PeerTube paper toy cutout"></p><p>This one may take a bit more time, with all its legs! If you wish to hang the toy somewhere, remember to make two wholes and put a thread through them, before you start glueing the top of the toy to its bottom.</p><p><img src="/en/post/decorating-a-fediverse-tree/peertube-paper-toy.jpg" alt="photo of PeerTube paper toy cutout"></p><p>And one more toy for the final touch. Let it be <a href="https://friendi.ca">Friendicas</a> Flaxy OHare. <a href="https://codeberg.org/lostinlight/distributopia/src/branch/main/papertoys/Friendica-toy.jpg">Template</a>.</p><p>The only tricky part here is glueing the top part to the body accurately. First apply glue to the left (or right) white part of the top piece and insert it into the slit at the body side. Do the same for the other
<summary type="html">&lt;h3 id=&quot;Fediverse-Party-and-Fediverse-family-present-🎄&quot;&gt;Fediverse.Party and Fediverse family present 🎄&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;(for children aged 3 to</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Fediverse.Party marks a 3 years milestone</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse.party-3-years-milestone/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<h3 id="Happy-Birthday-to-us-🎉">Happy Birthday to us! 🎉</h3><p>Time flies, and here we are, partying in Fediverse for almost 3 years! “Almost”, because, strictly speaking, the website went online somewhere in mid-winter. It took a couple of months to brainstorm <a href="https://dribbble.com/shots/4388271-Fediverse-Network-pages">design concepts</a> and make them reality. But November 25th was the day this domain was registered, which is as good as any day for looking back at the journey and for eating cakes!</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse.party-3-years-milestone/Fedi_Yay.jpg" alt="Illustrated postcard with mascots of popular Fediverse projects"><small class="u-block u-center"><span class="u-emphasize">Left to right:</span> mascots of Fediverse fennec for Mobilizon, octopus for PeerTube, Fox tan for Pleroma, red koala for Hubzilla, mastodon for Mastodon, Flaxy OHare for Friendica, Ai for Misskey, whale for Funkwhale, red panda Fred for Pixelfed.</small><small class="u-block u-center"><span class="u-emphasize">Credits:</span> octopus and fennec characters author <a href="https://framapiaf.org/@davidrevoy">David Revoy</a>; illustration by <a href="https://mastodon.xyz/@lightone">@lostinlight</a>, CC-BY-SA, <a href="https://codeberg.org/lostinlight/distributopia/src/branch/main/sticker-bay/promo-1">large version</a>.</small></p><p>This is a static website generated with Hexo, which allows lazy, stress-free maintenance, though, potentially, slightly limits functionality. Big thanks to Feneas administrator team, who make sure the website and its repository stay intact.</p><p><em>fediverse.party</em> should work for users who prefer to block scripts in the browser. This was done mostly for fun (CSS is fun). Has this actually been useful to anyone? Let us know, if it has.</p><p>Some things, like power and personal data, are best left decentralized. Other things, like knowledge and public data, benefit from centralization, for convenience. There were no certain plans for the website, except one: <span class="u-goldenBg">make finding Fediverse related things a bit easier</span>. So if youve bookmarked this website and returned to it later in search of GNU Socials new repository or a link to Mastodons Trunk that youve seen days ago but have forgotten since - then everything works as it should. One bookmark instead of many!</p><h3 id="Boring-statistics">Boring statistics</h3><p><svg class="f-highlight" role="img" aria-labelledby="f-snow" style="fill: #fecb52;"><use xlink:href="#icon-snowflake"></use></svg> Since our main goal is to gather information about Fediverse projects, we link to many external resources. Today its more than <span class="u-emphasize">700 external links</span>.</p><p><svg class="f-highlight" role="img" aria-labelledby="f-snow" style="fill: #fecb52;"><use xlink:href="#icon-snowflake"></use></svg> So far our repository has witnessed <span class="u-emphasize">518 commits</span>.</p><p>Maintenance work is hidden from visitors eyes and is mostly about keeping all the links up-to-date, removing broken and adding new ones, updating information.</p><p><svg class="f-highlight" role="img" aria-labelledby="f-snow" style="fill: #fecb52;"><use xlink:href="#icon-snowflake"></use></svg> Most importantly, <em>fediverse.party</em> has had <span class="u-emphasize">11 merge requests</span> by 10 amazing humans!</p><p>One of our contributors suggested using HTMLproofer for regularly checking all links, which became a huge time-saver. Many thanks to that clever person.</p><p>Most Fediverse projects have a community of their own with communications in dedicated chats and forums. Some projects dont have any official account which would share latest projects news. Following the progress of such projects becomes a tricky task. This is where your contributions and merge requests were a significant help. <span class="u-goldenBg">Thank you!</span></p><h3 id="Behind-the-scenes">Behind the scenes</h3><p>The websites design hasnt changed much si
<summary type="html">&lt;h3 id=&quot;Happy-Birthday-to-us-🎉&quot;&gt;Happy Birthday to us! 🎉&lt;/h3&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Time flies, and here we are, partying in Fediverse for almost 3 years! “Al</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Fediverse Birthday, 12 years and counting</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-12-years-in-2020/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>🎉 <span class="u-emphasize">Happy 12th, Fediverse! 🎉</span></p><p>On this day, twelve years ago, Mr. Evan Prodromou published his <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20130615111045/http://identi.ca/notice/1">first post</a> on <code>Identi.ca</code>. Although that project now belongs to history, Fediverse lives on and by year 2020 it has become an incredibly creative, colourful and cozy place, with the potential to attract even more good people.</p><p>However, Fediverse is still a small world. It doesnt matter whether youre connected to thousands of strangers or are a champion of Fedi blocking. Were still neighbours.</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-12-years-in-2020/dont-put-eggs-in-one-basket.jpg" alt="Illustration with constellation of stars forming a Phoenix, and glittering &quot;eggs&quot;-servers interconnected"><small class="u-block u-center">“Dont put all your eggs in one basket!”</small><small class="u-block u-center">Credits: Fediverse logo authors: <a href="https://mastodon.ml/@drq">@drq</a> and <a href="https://mastodont.cat/@nestort">@nestort</a>; mascot Fe-nix - idea suggested by <a href="https://mastodon.ml/@drq">@drq</a></small></p><p>Join the effort to spread the word about federated social networks, <strong>celebrating the dozen years of hard work by many different people</strong>: programmers, protocol architects, designers, system administrators, translators, alpha testers, moderators, community managers, and, of course, fedizens - the priceless users of our <em>(for now)</em> alternative social universe.</p><p>Have you learned something new in Fediverse? Have you met your IRL friends in it? Found a job? Lost a nerve? Spawned new life? Tracked down and fixed bugs? Had fun?</p><p>Please, write a post with the hashtags <strong>#Fediverse12</strong>, <strong>#HappyFedi2U</strong> and share your memories and memoirs! If you still have accounts in mainstream social media, help making these hashtags visible and invite your friends and followers to our new world of federated communication.</p><p>You can find some promotional materials in these <a href="https://codeberg.org/lostinlight/distributopia/src/branch/main/sticker-bay">folders</a>. Use them freely and dont forget to contribute any new materials you create.</p><p>🌟 <strong>See you in Fedi!</strong></p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;🎉 &lt;span class=&quot;u-emphasize&quot;&gt;Happy 12th, Fediverse! 🎉&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;On this day, twelve years ago, Mr. Evan Prodromou published his &lt;a h</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Fediverse in 2019</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-in-2019/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><strong>Happy 2020, fedizens!</strong></p><p>Storm of applause 👏 for all long-time Fediverse supporters, and a warm welcome 👍 to every new user who found Fediverse in 2019.</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-in-2019/in-fediverse.jpg" alt="Constellation of stars forming &quot;You're in Fediverse&quot; phrase"></p><p>Heres what happened to our small corner of the Internet in the past year.</p><h3 id="Fediverse-in-numbers">Fediverse in numbers</h3><p>In 2019 the reachable Fediverse grew from 3.986 instances to 5.027 - thats roughly 🎉 <span class="u-emphasize">1.000</span> new servers online.</p><p>The number of registered accounts increased from 2.500.000 users to roughly 4.300.000 - about 🎉 <span class="u-emphasize">1.800.000</span> newcomers explored Fediverse networks!</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-in-2019/is-growing.jpg" alt="Old-school North American family looks at the sky and says Wow Fediverse is growing"></p><p>Five networks growing most rapidly in <em>online</em> server numbers in 2019 were:</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-in-2019/top-growing.jpg" alt="Pleroma +182 servers, Mastodon +159, WriteFreely +147, Pixelfed +73, PeerTube +63"></p><p>Three other Fediverse platforms that expanded significantly in 2019:</p><p><a href="/en/misskey">Misskey</a> 🎉 +37 servers</p><p><a href="https://joinplu.me">Plume</a> 🎉 +23 servers</p><p><a href="/en/funkwhale">Funkwhale</a> 🎉 +15 servers</p><p><em>Please, note: these numbers are an approximation based on statistics voluntarily provided by server administrators. Highly volatile (servers go offline / online every day), the numbers reflect only part of Fediverse at a given period of time (today!).</em></p><h3 id="Fediverse-in-projects">Fediverse in projects</h3><p>At least <span class="u-emphasize">10 new networks</span> expressed a wish to become part of Fediverse!</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://joinmobilizon.org/en">Mobilizon</a> - a network to gather, organize, and mobilize</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://gitlab.com/bashrc2/epicyon">Epicyon</a> - ActivityPub server written in Python, for low-powered hardware</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk/f">Honk</a> - Go ActivityPub server focused on minimal setup and support costs</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/dessalines/lemmy">Lemmy</a> - a federated alternative to Reddit in Rust</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://gancio.org">Gancio</a> - a shared agenda for local communities, supports ActivityPub</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/wmurphyrd/guppe">Guppe</a> - project adds “groups” support: group-type actors forward posts to group members</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/KnzkDev/kanzaki">Kanzaki</a> - ActivityPub-speaking server in OCaml</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://the-federation.info/smithereen">Smithereen</a> - VKontakte-like social network written in Java</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://github.com/Faleidel/moontreeproject">MoonTreeProject</a> - link aggregator, a work in progress</p><p>🌟 <a href="https://gitlab.fancy.org.uk/speechmore">Speechmore</a> - a work in progress</p><p>→ For a full list of Fediverse projects in development see <a href="https://fediverse.party/en/miscellaneous">Miscellaneous</a> page.</p><h4 id="Project-forks">Project forks:</h4><p><a href="https://github.com/hometown-fork/hometown/wiki">Hometown</a> - a Mastodon fork that includes some unique features</p><p><a href="https://github.com/syuilo/dolphin">Dolphin</a> - single user microblogging server, sister project to Misskey</p><p><a href="https://github.com/Groundpolis/Groundpolis">Groundpolis</a> - microblogging network based on Misskey</p><h4 id="Related-new-projects">Related new projects:</h4><p><a href="https://forgefed.peers.community">ForgeFed</a>: an upcoming federation protocol, built as an extension to ActivityPub, for interoperability between version control services</p><h3 id="Fediverse-2019-timeline">Fediverse 2019 timeline</h3><p><code>January:</code> Mastodon <a href="https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/1014687
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Happy 2020, fedizens!&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Storm of applause 👏 for all long-time Fediverse supporters, and a warm welcome 👍 to every</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Call for Participation</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/zot-protocol-standardize-effort/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Join the efforts to standardize the Zot protocol, currently used in Hubzilla and Zap platforms. This is a community initiative to push Zot adoption for federated social web.</p><p>Initial call for participation was published <a href="https://www.w3.org/community/zot">here</a> (<a href="https://www.w3.org/community/zot/feed">RSS</a>).</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Join the efforts to standardize the Zot protocol, currently used in Hubzilla and Zap platforms. This is a community initiative to push Zo</summary>
<category term="hubzilla" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/hubzilla/"/>
<title>Fediverse parties on (links updated)</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-parties-on/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Hey, fedizens!</p><p>You may have noticed not a post has been published in the Chronicles since the end of 2018. Has Fediverse run out of news? Certainly not. Heres a brief overview of what has happened during this period.</p><h3 id="Dull-figures">Dull figures</h3><p>The 2018 report (update: link not available anymore) reveals that the world of federating networks has greatly expanded. The first three months of 2019 have seen about 450 new servers - hopefully, some of them will stay online (and updated). New accounts are being created and, apparenty, people remember about their old accounts, as the number of active users on most Fediverse networks increases weekly. If you wish to research figures, subscribe to <a href="https://socialhome.network/u/thefederation">Federation stats bot</a> via any diaspora protocol platform (<a href="https://diasporafoundation.org">diaspora</a>, <a href="https://friendi.ca">Friendica</a>, <a href="https://hubzilla.org">Hubzilla</a> or <a href="https://socialhome.network">Socialhome</a>). Provided numbers are an approximation, and some projects are misrepresented: Friendica, Hubzilla real server numbers, GNU Social account numbers stand higher than metrics show. This is due to technical issues (mainly with <a href="https://github.com/jhass/nodeinfo">NodeInfo</a> / <a href="https://github.com/jaywink/nodeinfo2">NodeInfo2</a>), and because some servers opt out of taking part in statistics. The good news is Fediverse keeps growing!</p><h3 id="New-kids-on-the-block">New kids on the block</h3><p><a href="https://activitypub.rocks">ActivityPub</a> protocol stirred up many developers. Not a month passes now without a new federating project. The young blood of 2019 are <a href="https://joinmobilizon.org">Mobilizon</a> and <a href="https://gitlab.com/tuxcrafting/smilodon">Smilodon</a>. Fediverse developing software and related tools are all listed <a href="https://fediverse.party/en/miscellaneous">here</a>. Theres also a <a href="https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fediparty/wiki/?action=_pages">Wiki</a>.</p><p>At the same time several projects are being abandoned. Osada is one of those - the lead developer announced that the software wont get any future updates. The world of OStatus federating projects (GNU Social, postActiv) has also been quiet for a long while.</p><p>Among older projects <a href="https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/tags">Pleroma</a>, a lightweight microblogging network, has recently had its first stable release.</p><p>A fine end to the year 2018, diaspora project got an <a href="https://www.nequalsonelifestyle.com/2018/12/29/diaspora-api-first-transactions-ever-authentication">API</a>. Its still a work in progress, with luck well see more diaspora-related applications this year.</p><p>Not everyone is excited about ActivityPub protocol. Diaspora developer shared <a href="https://schub.io/blog/2019/01/13/activitypub-final-thoughts-one-year-later.html">final thoughts</a> on the topic. Pleroma has implemented its own LitePub protocol version. Nevertheless, the majority of Fediverse new apps support federation over ActivityPub, and theres a <a href="https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks">forum</a> where developers meet to discuss things.</p><h3 id="Unexpecto-patronum">Unexpecto patronum</h3><p>In other news, Mastodon project received a Stack Zero grant from Samsung Next and was definitely noticed by <a href="https://github.com/google/data-transfer-project/tree/master/extensions/data-transfer/portability-data-transfer-mastodon">Google</a>, <a href="https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/pull/10013">Keybase</a> and the Meet group corporation.</p><p>Friendica now has a mascot! Its name is Flaxy OHare. 🐰</p><p><img src="Friendica-mascot.png" alt="Friendica mascot"></p><h3 id="Fediverse-Party-update">Fediverse.Party update</h3><p>Initially this website was created as a guide for newcomers to Fediverse, a modern source of information one can use as a reference. As federating projects multiply, it becomes tricky to cover all the thin
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Hey, fedizens!&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may have noticed not a post has been published in the Chronicles since the end of 2018. Has Fediverse run out o</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Fediverse glossary</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-glossary/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Peter Gossner wrote an extensive Fediverse tech <a href="https://tilde.town/%7Epetegozz/Fediverse_Glossary">glossary</a>. Heres the <strong>Dedication</strong> excerpt:</p><pre><code>&quot;For Artists and Hackers, Academics, and Admins. For Humans who Grok stuff. Those self taught, and persistent. For those who build for Us: Tools to own and run. For People in Community: Who will not be a Commodity, For Our Internet, And all who sail on her. Useful may it be. Save time may it much&quot;.</code></pre><p>This is the right time to notice that <em>fediverse.party</em> is looking for authors! Anyone who would like to write about federated social platforms in a simple, user-friendly way, please, see the <a href="https://codeberg.org/fediverse/fediparty/issues/4">issue</a> for details. One-time contributions, series of posts, a best-seller book about Fediverse… You name it. Fediverse Chronicles are waiting for you!</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Peter Gossner wrote an extensive Fediverse tech &lt;a href=&quot;https://tilde.town/%7Epetegozz/Fediverse_Glossary&quot;&gt;glossary&lt;/a&gt;. Heres the &lt;str</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Friendica hackathon 2018</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/friendica-hackathon-2018/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Join Friendica hackathon this weekend, offline in Berlin, or online.Work will be focused on the open issues of the upcoming 2018.12 release.Read the <a href="https://friendi.ca/2018/11/13/friendica-hackathon-2018">announcement</a> for contacts and details.</p><p>Happy hacking!</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Join Friendica hackathon this weekend, offline in Berlin, or online.
Work will be focused on the open issues of the upcoming 2018.12 rele</summary>
<category term="friendica" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/friendica/"/>
<title>Fediverse saves you from pickup artists, and 7 more reasons you should make a Fediverse account</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-saves-from-pickup-artists-and-7-more-reasons-to-join/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>The Internet is huge with millions of websites and web services, however, like in offline world people tend to move from countryside to towns to cities, Internet users concentrate on large well-known platforms. We are all familiar with the names of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Weibo, Vkontakte, Google, YouTube, Tinder. These services may be useful, but they arent the only ones.</p><p>Compared to popular mass giants, Fediverse networks are like precious gems. Few people heard of them, but they are out there, waiting for you to find them.</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-saves-from-pickup-artists-and-7-more-reasons-to-join/fediverse-sign.jpg" alt="sign welcoming to Fediverse"></p><p>“Fediverse” means federated universe. Theres no one website to sign up to. Instead you will find <a href="https://the-federation.info">hundreds</a> of websites (servers) powered by citizens all around the world, independent from and uncontrolled by any single company. These servers are all interconnected, so no matter where you register<sup class="footnote-ref"><a href="#fn1" id="fnref1">[1]</a></sup>, youll be able to connect with friends and users of other servers.</p><p>Instead of listing “one hundred suits them all” reasons why you should switch to federated social platforms, lets look at reasons for each particular person. Thats what Fediverse is good at - <em>providing choices</em>.</p><ul class="article-list"><ul><li><strong>If youre an extrovert, linguist</strong></li></ul><p>Federated socializing is your cup of tea. Currently<sup class="footnote-ref"><a href="#fn2" id="fnref2">[2]</a></sup> there are about 3.500.000 registered users in Fediverse online world. Compared to corporate giants, thats like a small eco village.</p><p><img src="/en/post/fediverse-saves-from-pickup-artists-and-7-more-reasons-to-join/fediverse-garden.jpg" alt="image of Fediverse network icons"></p><p>Its natural in Fediverse to welcome new users, to start conversations with anyone who shares your interests, to follow strangers. Do you easily connect with people from other cultures and regions? Would you like to broaden your social network and become neighbours and friends with people from somewhere on the other side of the map from you? We have communities dedicated to all sorts of <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#hobbies">hobbies</a>, <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#regional">regions</a>, <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#languages">languages</a>, political and social <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#political-and-social-views">views</a>, <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#ecology-and-animals">ecology and animal</a> related servers, <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#entertainment">books, shows and games</a>. Choose your community.</p><ul><li><strong>If youre an introvert, nerd, geek, scholar, developer</strong></li></ul><p>A wonder youre still not part of Fediverse! Its your space, its full of people like you. Were scattered across Fediverse servers, searching for kindred spirits. There are communities for <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#sciences">researchers</a>, <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#humanities">bookworms</a>, <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#gamedev">game developers</a>, web developers and <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#servers-for-techies">techies</a>, as well as servers run by respectable <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#run-by-tech-savvy-organizations">organizations</a> and <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#notable-mention">entities</a>.</p><ul><li><strong>If youre a content creator, freelance artist</strong></li></ul><p>Your content should be yours, without granting the explicit rights to any corporate third parties. Fediverse communities have high opinions of creators and willingly support their work through donations. We have communities for <a href="/en/portal/servers/index.html#humanities">writers, artists and photographers</a>. Herere recommentations on <a href="https://blog.j
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;The Internet is huge with millions of websites and web services, however, like in offline world people tend to move from countryside to t</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Contributors wanted (updated)</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fediverse-info-contributors-wanted/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Now that <a href="http://The-Federation.Info">The-Federation.Info</a> includes diaspora, OStatus and ActivityPub powered networks, its the time to join and help squashing bugs and resolving <a href="https://github.com/thefederationinfo/the-federation.info/issues">issues</a>. If you know someone fluent in Python / VueJS or someone who wants to learn those, please, spread the word that they are very welcome to join the project and will get initial help to start contributing. Thanks!</p><p>Initial call for contributors was published <a href="https://socialhome.network/content/1092839/organization-news-the-federation-info-is-now">here</a>.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Now that &lt;a href=&quot;http://The-Federation.Info&quot;&gt;The-Federation.Info&lt;/a&gt; includes diaspora, OStatus and ActivityPub powered networks, its t</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Hubzilla moves to Framagit</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/hubzilla-moves-to-frama-gitlab/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Hubzilla project <a href="https://hub.somaton.com/channel/mario/?f=&amp;mid=52909e13dabe30274cbe792a357752883741cf57cff661cc8702aefb7b1483cc@hub.somaton.com">moved</a> <a href="https://framagit.org/hubzilla/core">source code</a> to <a href="https://framasoft.org">Framasoft</a>s GitLab instance. GitHub repos are archived and wont receive updates anymore but will stay intact for a short transition period. Dont forget to point your installation to new repository.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Hubzilla project &lt;a href=&quot;https://hub.somaton.com/channel/mario/?f=&amp;amp;mid=52909e13dabe30274cbe792a357752883741cf57cff661cc8702aefb7b148</summary>
<category term="hubzilla" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/hubzilla/"/>
<title>Fedicrypt - what would it take? (links updated)</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/fedicrypt-what-would-it-take/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Fediverse social networks hugely benefit from federated architecture. However, like centralized platforms, they store all the data “in the cloud”. Fediverse trust model implies trust in ones server administrator and hosting provider. Latest <a href="https://chaos.social/@leah/99837391793032137">research by Leah</a> shows that administrators tend to choose large, popular providers. And judging by network statistics, users tend to flock to large Fediverse instances.</p><p>Hypolite Petovan, Friendica developer, <a href="https://blog.mrpetovan.com/web-development/encrypting-private-data-in-a-social-network-web-app">wrote a summary</a> on what it would take to make private data in Fediverse networks truely private. He uses Friendica network as a reference, but this applies to all Fediverse networks that have limited view messages.</p><p>If you consider this topic important, join the discussion.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Fediverse social networks hugely benefit from federated architecture. However, like centralized platforms, they store all the data “in th</summary>
<category term="friendica" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/friendica/"/>
<title>Toot toot</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/native-linux-client-tootle/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href="https://github.com/bleakgrey/tootle">Tootle</a> is a new Linux GTK3 client for elementary OS and Mastodon. Users confirmed that it also works with Pleroma. Available in elementary OS <a href="https://appcenter.elementary.io/com.github.bleakgrey.tootle.desktop">AppCenter</a>.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https://github.com/bleakgrey/tootle&quot;&gt;Tootle&lt;/a&gt; is a new Linux GTK3 client for elementary OS and Mastodon. Users confirmed that </summary>
<category term="mastodon" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/mastodon/"/>
<title>New brutal Mastodon client</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/new-brutal-mastodon-web-client/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p><a href="https://github.com/jfmcbrayer/brutaldon">Brutaldon</a> is a brutal, Web 1.0 web interface for Mastodon. You can use it as a client for any instance. You do not need a separate brutaldon account. It is compatible with almost any web browser, including text-mode browsers like lynx, w3m, or eww.Screenshots, issues tracker, and source code are available <a href="https://github.com/jfmcbrayer/brutaldon">here</a>.</p><p>This adds to several other alternative Mastodon frontends, like <a href="https://github.com/nolanlawson/pinafore">Pinafore</a> and <a href="https://github.com/halcyon-suite/halcyon">Halcyon</a>. The latter can be used with <a href="https://fediverse.party/en/pleroma">Pleroma</a>, as well as a new diaspora-like frontend <a href="https://github.com/kaniini/feather">Feather</a>.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;https://github.com/jfmcbrayer/brutaldon&quot;&gt;Brutaldon&lt;/a&gt; is a brutal, Web 1.0 web interface for Mastodon. You can use it as a clie</summary>
<category term="mastodon" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/mastodon/"/>
<title>Misskey part of Fediverse</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/misskey-sophisticated-new-project/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Welcome <a href="https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey">Misskey</a> - a sophisticated microblogging platform. It brings polls, recommended users, server info, dark mode, emoji reactions and much more! Misskey network communicates with ActivityPub servers, so you can follow users from Mastodon, Pleroma and other compatible Fediverse platforms.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Welcome &lt;a href=&quot;https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey&quot;&gt;Misskey&lt;/a&gt; - a sophisticated microblogging platform. It brings polls, recommend</summary>
<category term="misskey" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/misskey/"/>
<title>+ 1 Rust project</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/rustodon-activitypub-server/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>As Fediverse is growing, we shall likely see more and more projects appearing, which is brilliant!And here comes <a href="https://github.com/rustodon/rustodon">Rustodon</a> - a Mastodon-compatible, ActivityPub-speaking server in Rust. Its currently heavy under development but you can already check out the progress or join and contribute.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;As Fediverse is growing, we shall likely see more and more projects appearing, which is brilliant!
And here comes &lt;a href=&quot;https://github</summary>
<category term="fediverse" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/fediverse/"/>
<title>Pinafore Mastodon web client</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/mastodon-alternative-web-client/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Pinafore is a new Mastodon web client: simple, fast on low-end laptops and phones. Mastodon already has several alternative clients, as well as multiple mobile apps and command-line tools. All thanks to its good open API and thriving community. Read more about Pinafore <a href="https://nolanlawson.com/2018/04/09/introducing-pinafore-for-mastodon">here</a>.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Pinafore is a new Mastodon web client: simple, fast on low-end laptops and phones. Mastodon already has several alternative clients, as w</summary>
<category term="mastodon" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/mastodon/"/>
<title>Gopher Support in Pleroma</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/gopher-in-pleroma/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Pleroma is a high-performance and low-resource federating server meant to run even on small devices like Raspberry Pi. And now it supports Gopher protocol! Simplicity is perfection.Read the announcement <a href="https://blog.soykaf.com/post/gopher-support-in-pleroma">here</a>.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Pleroma is a high-performance and low-resource federating server meant to run even on small devices like Raspberry Pi. And now it support</summary>
<category term="pleroma" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/pleroma/"/>
<title>diaspora* calling coders</title>
<link href="https://fediverse.party/en/post/diaspora-calling-coders/"/>
<content type="html"><![CDATA[<p>Its been wonderful to see many new members joining diaspora community over the past few days.</p><p>You may have noticed that diaspora* is missing some features.</p><p>As an open-source Free Software project, diaspora* is created by its community. Now that youre part of this community, wed love you to help us improve it for everyone.</p><p>Read the official call for help <a href="https://pod.diaspora.software/posts/aa5372c012800136f4ed5254001bd39e">here</a>.</p>]]></content>
<summary type="html">&lt;p&gt;Its been wonderful to see many new members joining diaspora community over the past few days.&lt;/p&gt;
&lt;p&gt;You may have noticed that diaspora*</summary>
<category term="diaspora" scheme="https://fediverse.party/tags/diaspora/"/>