Michel DHOOGE 5b05c8b9b1
fix: use a more generic way to print NUL with awk
Only gawk undestands the \0 syntax
feat(mimelist): use `mimetype` for better type detection
docs(mimelist): add author & dependencies
2024-02-09 23:14:58 +05:30

23 lines
617 B
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env sh
# Description: Find and list files by mime type in smart context
# Dependencies:
# - file
# - mimetype (optional, PERL File MimeInfo)
# Shell: POSIX compliant
# Author: Arun Prakash Jana, Michel DHOOGE
# shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091
. "$(dirname "$0")"/.nnn-plugin-helper
printf "mime (e.g., video/audio/image): "
read -r mime
printf "%s" "+l" > "$NNN_PIPE"
if type mimetype >/dev/null 2>&1; then
find . | mimetype -f - | grep "$mime" | awk -F: '{printf "%s%c", $1, 0}' > "$NNN_PIPE"
find . | file -if- | grep "$mime" | awk -F: '{printf "%s%c", $1, 0}' > "$NNN_PIPE"