Arun Prakash Jana 3096dfefde
Polish change directory logic
1. Strip end spaces and slashes
2. Do NOT change dir if in the same dir
3. Don't go back beyond startup dir with '-'
4. Reset oldpath on cd (other than cd . and ..)
5. Reset filter
6. Update features in README
2017-04-25 22:07:09 +05:30

100 lines
3.9 KiB

/* See LICENSE file for copyright and license details. */
#define CWD "cwd: "
#define CURSR " > "
#define EMPTY " "
static int mtimeorder = 0; /* Set to 1 to sort by time modified */
static int sizeorder = 0; /* Set to 1 to sort by file size */
static int bsizeorder = 0; /* Set to 1 to sort by blocks used including content */
static int idletimeout = 0; /* Screensaver timeout in seconds, 0 to disable */
static int showhidden = 0; /* Set to 1 to show hidden files by default */
static int showdetail = 0; /* Set to show additional file info */
static char *idlecmd = "rain"; /* The screensaver program */
static struct assoc assocs[] = {
{ "\\.(c|cpp|h|log|md|py|sh|txt)$", "text" },
{ "\\.(3g2|3gp|asf|avi|divx|flv|m2v|m4v|mkv|mov|mp4|mp4v|mpeg|mpg|ogv|qt|rm|rmvb|vob|webm|wmv)$", "video" },
{ "\\.(aac|ac3|amr|flac|m4a|m4b|m4p|mp3|mp4a|ogg|opus|ra|wav|wma)$", "audio" },
{ "\\.(bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|pbm|pgm|png|svg|tiff|webp)$", "image" },
{ "\\.pdf$", "pdf" },
static struct key bindings[] = {
/* Quit */
{ 'q', SEL_QUIT, "", "" },
{ 'Q', SEL_CDQUIT, "", "" },
/* Back */
{ KEY_LEFT, SEL_BACK, "", "" },
{ 'h', SEL_BACK, "", "" },
{ CONTROL('H'), SEL_BACK, "", "" },
/* Inside */
{ KEY_ENTER, SEL_GOIN, "", "" },
{ '\r', SEL_GOIN, "", "" },
{ KEY_RIGHT, SEL_GOIN, "", "" },
{ 'l', SEL_GOIN, "", "" },
/* Filter */
{ '/', SEL_FLTR, "", "" },
/* Next */
{ 'j', SEL_NEXT, "", "" },
{ KEY_DOWN, SEL_NEXT, "", "" },
{ CONTROL('N'), SEL_NEXT, "", "" },
/* Previous */
{ 'k', SEL_PREV, "", "" },
{ KEY_UP, SEL_PREV, "", "" },
{ CONTROL('P'), SEL_PREV, "", "" },
/* Page down */
{ KEY_NPAGE, SEL_PGDN, "", "" },
{ CONTROL('D'), SEL_PGDN, "", "" },
/* Page up */
{ KEY_PPAGE, SEL_PGUP, "", "" },
{ CONTROL('U'), SEL_PGUP, "", "" },
/* First entry */
{ KEY_HOME, SEL_HOME, "", "" },
{ 'g', SEL_HOME, "", "" },
{ CONTROL('A'), SEL_HOME, "", "" },
{ '^', SEL_HOME, "", "" },
/* Last entry */
{ KEY_END, SEL_END, "", "" },
{ 'G', SEL_END, "", "" },
{ CONTROL('E'), SEL_END, "", "" },
{ '$', SEL_END, "", "" },
/* Change dir */
{ 'c', SEL_CD, "", "" },
/* HOME */
{ '~', SEL_CDHOME, "", "" },
/* Initial directory */
{ '&', SEL_CDBEGIN, "", "" },
/* Last visited dir */
{ '-', SEL_CDLAST, "", "" },
/* Toggle hide .dot files */
{ '.', SEL_TOGGLEDOT, "", "" },
/* Detailed listing */
{ 'd', SEL_DETAIL, "", "" },
/* File details */
{ 'D', SEL_STATS, "", "" },
/* Show mediainfo short */
{ 'm', SEL_MEDIA, "", "" },
/* Show mediainfo full */
{ 'M', SEL_FMEDIA, "", "" },
/* Open dir in desktop file manager */
{ 'o', SEL_DFB, "", "" },
/* Toggle sort by size */
{ 's', SEL_FSIZE, "", "" },
/* Sort by total block size including dir contents */
{ 'S', SEL_BSIZE, "", "" },
/* Toggle sort by time */
{ 't', SEL_MTIME, "", "" },
{ CONTROL('L'), SEL_REDRAW, "", "" },
/* Copy currently selected file path */
{ CONTROL('K'), SEL_COPY, "", "" },
/* Show help */
{ '?', SEL_HELP, "", "" },
/* Run command */
{ 'z', SEL_RUN, "top", "" },
{ '!', SEL_RUN, "sh", "SHELL" },
/* Run command with argument */
{ 'e', SEL_RUNARG, "vi", "EDITOR" },
{ 'p', SEL_RUNARG, "less", "PAGER" },