Fenveireth 837605d68d swaybar: use text subpixel antialias only where it would look good
Closes #5605

Text Subpixel antialiasing is :

- FreeType makes glyph bitmaps containing coverage percentage for each
  subpixel, instead of pixel
- Then draw by performing the blend for each subpixel, instead of pixel (e.g.
  dual-source blending in opengl)

And there's only one Alpha channel, so this extra coverage data can't
leave Cairo to reach the compositor through there.
Therefore, it can't work as intended if output text alpha != bar background
alpha. Disable it for those cases, enable it elsewhere

As for color emojis, they are RGBA bitmaps. If drawn with text alpha=1.0
and background alpha=1.0 (should be completely opaque bar), then with
'CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE' then texels with alpha < 1.0 result in a blend with
whatever's behind the bar, instead of the bar background
2021-03-07 19:18:53 -05:00

847 lines
27 KiB

#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <assert.h>
#include <linux/input-event-codes.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "cairo.h"
#include "pango.h"
#include "pool-buffer.h"
#include "swaybar/bar.h"
#include "swaybar/config.h"
#include "swaybar/i3bar.h"
#include "swaybar/ipc.h"
#include "swaybar/render.h"
#include "swaybar/status_line.h"
#include "swaybar/tray/tray.h"
#include "wlr-layer-shell-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h"
static const int WS_HORIZONTAL_PADDING = 5;
static const double WS_VERTICAL_PADDING = 1.5;
static const double BORDER_WIDTH = 1;
struct render_context {
cairo_t *cairo;
struct swaybar_output *output;
cairo_font_options_t *textaa_sharp;
cairo_font_options_t *textaa_safe;
uint32_t background_color;
static void choose_text_aa_mode(struct render_context *ctx, uint32_t fontcolor) {
uint32_t salpha = fontcolor & 0xFF;
uint32_t balpha = ctx->background_color & 0xFF;
// Subpixel antialiasing requires blend be done in cairo, not compositor
cairo_font_options_t *fo = salpha == balpha ?
ctx->textaa_sharp : ctx->textaa_safe;
cairo_set_font_options(ctx->cairo, fo);
// Color emojis, being semitransparent bitmaps, are leaky with 'SOURCE'
cairo_operator_t op = salpha == 0xFF ?
cairo_set_operator(ctx->cairo, op);
static uint32_t render_status_line_error(struct render_context *ctx, double *x) {
struct swaybar_output *output = ctx->output;
const char *error = output->bar->status->text;
if (!error) {
return 0;
uint32_t height = output->height * output->scale;
cairo_t *cairo = ctx->cairo;
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, 0xFF0000FF);
int margin = 3 * output->scale;
double ws_vertical_padding =
output->bar->config->status_padding * output->scale;
char *font = output->bar->config->font;
int text_width, text_height;
get_text_size(cairo, font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
output->scale, false, "%s", error);
uint32_t ideal_height = text_height + ws_vertical_padding * 2;
uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < ideal_surface_height) {
return ideal_surface_height;
*x -= text_width + margin;
double text_y = height / 2.0 - text_height / 2.0;
cairo_move_to(cairo, *x, (int)floor(text_y));
choose_text_aa_mode(ctx, 0xFF0000FF);
pango_printf(cairo, font, output->scale, false, "%s", error);
*x -= margin;
return output->height;
static uint32_t render_status_line_text(struct render_context *ctx, double *x) {
struct swaybar_output *output = ctx->output;
const char *text = output->bar->status->text;
if (!text) {
return 0;
cairo_t *cairo = ctx->cairo;
struct swaybar_config *config = output->bar->config;
uint32_t fontcolor = output->focused ?
config->colors.focused_statusline : config->colors.statusline;
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, fontcolor);
int text_width, text_height;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
output->scale, config->pango_markup, "%s", text);
double ws_vertical_padding = config->status_padding * output->scale;
int margin = 3 * output->scale;
uint32_t ideal_height = text_height + ws_vertical_padding * 2;
uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < ideal_surface_height) {
return ideal_surface_height;
*x -= text_width + margin;
uint32_t height = output->height * output->scale;
double text_y = height / 2.0 - text_height / 2.0;
cairo_move_to(cairo, *x, (int)floor(text_y));
choose_text_aa_mode(ctx, fontcolor);
pango_printf(cairo, config->font, output->scale,
config->pango_markup, "%s", text);
*x -= margin;
return output->height;
static void render_sharp_rectangle(cairo_t *cairo, uint32_t color,
double x, double y, double width, double height) {
cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, color);
cairo_set_antialias(cairo, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, x, y, width, height);
static void render_sharp_line(cairo_t *cairo, uint32_t color,
double x, double y, double width, double height) {
if (width > 1 && height > 1) {
render_sharp_rectangle(cairo, color, x, y, width, height);
} else {
cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, color);
cairo_set_antialias(cairo, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE);
if (width == 1) {
x += 0.5;
height += y;
width = x;
if (height == 1) {
y += 0.5;
width += x;
height = y;
cairo_move_to(cairo, x, y);
cairo_set_line_width(cairo, 1.0);
cairo_line_to(cairo, width, height);
static enum hotspot_event_handling block_hotspot_callback(
struct swaybar_output *output, struct swaybar_hotspot *hotspot,
double x, double y, uint32_t button, void *data) {
struct i3bar_block *block = data;
struct status_line *status = output->bar->status;
return i3bar_block_send_click(status, block, x, y,
x - (double)hotspot->x / output->scale,
y - (double)hotspot->y / output->scale,
(double)hotspot->width / output->scale,
(double)hotspot->height / output->scale,
output->scale, button);
static void i3bar_block_unref_callback(void *data) {
static uint32_t render_status_block(struct render_context *ctx,
struct i3bar_block *block, double *x, bool edge, bool use_short_text) {
if (!block->full_text || !*block->full_text) {
return 0;
char* text = block->full_text;
if (use_short_text && block->short_text && *block->short_text) {
text = block->short_text;
cairo_t *cairo = ctx->cairo;
struct swaybar_output *output = ctx->output;
struct swaybar_config *config = output->bar->config;
int text_width, text_height;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
output->scale, block->markup, "%s", text);
int margin = 3 * output->scale;
double ws_vertical_padding = config->status_padding * output->scale;
int width = text_width;
if (block->min_width_str) {
int w;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &w, NULL, NULL,
output->scale, block->markup, "%s", block->min_width_str);
block->min_width = w;
if (width < block->min_width) {
width = block->min_width;
double block_width = width;
uint32_t ideal_height = text_height + ws_vertical_padding * 2;
uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < ideal_surface_height) {
return ideal_surface_height;
*x -= width;
if ((block->border || block->urgent) && block->border_left > 0) {
*x -= (block->border_left * output->scale + margin);
block_width += block->border_left * output->scale + margin;
if ((block->border || block->urgent) && block->border_right > 0) {
*x -= (block->border_right * output->scale + margin);
block_width += block->border_right * output->scale + margin;
int sep_width, sep_height;
int sep_block_width = block->separator_block_width;
if (!edge) {
if (config->sep_symbol) {
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &sep_width, &sep_height, NULL,
output->scale, false, "%s", config->sep_symbol);
uint32_t _ideal_height = sep_height + ws_vertical_padding * 2;
uint32_t _ideal_surface_height = _ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < _ideal_surface_height) {
return _ideal_surface_height;
if (block->separator && sep_width > sep_block_width) {
sep_block_width = sep_width + margin * 2;
*x -= sep_block_width;
} else if (config->status_edge_padding) {
*x -= config->status_edge_padding * output->scale;
uint32_t height = output->height * output->scale;
if (output->bar->status->click_events) {
struct swaybar_hotspot *hotspot = calloc(1, sizeof(struct swaybar_hotspot));
hotspot->x = *x;
hotspot->y = 0;
hotspot->width = width;
hotspot->height = height;
hotspot->callback = block_hotspot_callback;
hotspot->destroy = i3bar_block_unref_callback;
hotspot->data = block;
wl_list_insert(&output->hotspots, &hotspot->link);
double x_pos = *x;
double y_pos = ws_vertical_padding;
double render_height = height - ws_vertical_padding * 2;
uint32_t bg_color = block->urgent
? config->colors.urgent_workspace.background : block->background;
if (bg_color) {
render_sharp_rectangle(cairo, bg_color, x_pos, y_pos,
block_width, render_height);
ctx->background_color = bg_color;
uint32_t border_color = block->urgent
? config->colors.urgent_workspace.border : block->border;
if (border_color && block->border_top > 0) {
render_sharp_line(cairo, border_color, x_pos, y_pos,
block_width, block->border_top * output->scale);
if (border_color && block->border_bottom > 0) {
render_sharp_line(cairo, border_color, x_pos,
y_pos + render_height - block->border_bottom * output->scale,
block_width, block->border_bottom * output->scale);
if (border_color && block->border_left > 0) {
render_sharp_line(cairo, border_color, x_pos, y_pos,
block->border_left * output->scale, render_height);
x_pos += block->border_left * output->scale + margin;
double offset = 0;
if (strncmp(block->align, "left", 5) == 0) {
offset = x_pos;
} else if (strncmp(block->align, "right", 5) == 0) {
offset = x_pos + width - text_width;
} else if (strncmp(block->align, "center", 6) == 0) {
offset = x_pos + (width - text_width) / 2;
double text_y = height / 2.0 - text_height / 2.0;
cairo_move_to(cairo, offset, (int)floor(text_y));
uint32_t color = output->focused ?
config->colors.focused_statusline : config->colors.statusline;
color = block->color_set ? block->color : color;
color = block->urgent ? config->colors.urgent_workspace.text : color;
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, color);
choose_text_aa_mode(ctx, color);
pango_printf(cairo, config->font, output->scale,
block->markup, "%s", text);
x_pos += width;
if (block->border && block->border_right > 0) {
x_pos += margin;
render_sharp_line(cairo, border_color, x_pos, y_pos,
block->border_right * output->scale, render_height);
x_pos += block->border_right * output->scale;
if (!edge && block->separator) {
if (output->focused) {
color = config->colors.focused_separator;
} else {
color = config->colors.separator;
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, color);
if (config->sep_symbol) {
offset = x_pos + (sep_block_width - sep_width) / 2;
double sep_y = height / 2.0 - sep_height / 2.0;
cairo_move_to(cairo, offset, (int)floor(sep_y));
choose_text_aa_mode(ctx, color);
pango_printf(cairo, config->font, output->scale, false,
"%s", config->sep_symbol);
} else {
cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
cairo_set_line_width(cairo, 1);
cairo_move_to(cairo, x_pos + sep_block_width / 2, margin);
cairo_line_to(cairo, x_pos + sep_block_width / 2, height - margin);
return output->height;
static void predict_status_block_pos(cairo_t *cairo,
struct swaybar_output *output, struct i3bar_block *block, double *x,
bool edge) {
if (!block->full_text || !*block->full_text) {
struct swaybar_config *config = output->bar->config;
int text_width, text_height;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
output->scale, block->markup, "%s", block->full_text);
int margin = 3 * output->scale;
double ws_vertical_padding = config->status_padding * output->scale;
int width = text_width;
if (block->min_width_str) {
int w;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &w, NULL, NULL,
output->scale, block->markup, "%s", block->min_width_str);
block->min_width = w;
if (width < block->min_width) {
width = block->min_width;
uint32_t ideal_height = text_height + ws_vertical_padding * 2;
uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < ideal_surface_height) {
*x -= width;
if ((block->border || block->urgent) && block->border_left > 0) {
*x -= (block->border_left * output->scale + margin);
if ((block->border || block->urgent) && block->border_right > 0) {
*x -= (block->border_right * output->scale + margin);
int sep_width, sep_height;
int sep_block_width = block->separator_block_width;
if (!edge) {
if (config->sep_symbol) {
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &sep_width, &sep_height, NULL,
output->scale, false, "%s", config->sep_symbol);
uint32_t _ideal_height = sep_height + ws_vertical_padding * 2;
uint32_t _ideal_surface_height = _ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < _ideal_surface_height) {
if (sep_width > sep_block_width) {
sep_block_width = sep_width + margin * 2;
*x -= sep_block_width;
} else if (config->status_edge_padding) {
*x -= config->status_edge_padding * output->scale;
static double predict_status_line_pos(cairo_t *cairo,
struct swaybar_output *output, double x) {
bool edge = x == output->width * output->scale;
struct i3bar_block *block;
wl_list_for_each(block, &output->bar->status->blocks, link) {
predict_status_block_pos(cairo, output, block, &x, edge);
edge = false;
return x;
static uint32_t predict_workspace_button_length(cairo_t *cairo,
struct swaybar_output *output,
struct swaybar_workspace *ws) {
struct swaybar_config *config = output->bar->config;
int text_width, text_height;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
output->scale, config->pango_markup, "%s", ws->label);
int ws_vertical_padding = WS_VERTICAL_PADDING * output->scale;
int ws_horizontal_padding = WS_HORIZONTAL_PADDING * output->scale;
int border_width = BORDER_WIDTH * output->scale;
uint32_t ideal_height = ws_vertical_padding * 2 + text_height
+ border_width * 2;
uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < ideal_surface_height) {
return 0;
uint32_t width = text_width + ws_horizontal_padding * 2 + border_width * 2;
if (width < config->workspace_min_width * output->scale) {
width = config->workspace_min_width * output->scale;
return width;
static uint32_t predict_workspace_buttons_length(cairo_t *cairo,
struct swaybar_output *output) {
uint32_t width = 0;
if (output->bar->config->workspace_buttons) {
struct swaybar_workspace *ws;
wl_list_for_each(ws, &output->workspaces, link) {
width += predict_workspace_button_length(cairo, output, ws);
return width;
static uint32_t predict_binding_mode_indicator_length(cairo_t *cairo,
struct swaybar_output *output) {
const char *mode = output->bar->mode;
if (!mode) {
return 0;
struct swaybar_config *config = output->bar->config;
if (!config->binding_mode_indicator) {
return 0;
int text_width, text_height;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
output->scale, output->bar->mode_pango_markup,
"%s", mode);
int ws_vertical_padding = WS_VERTICAL_PADDING * output->scale;
int ws_horizontal_padding = WS_HORIZONTAL_PADDING * output->scale;
int border_width = BORDER_WIDTH * output->scale;
uint32_t ideal_height = text_height + ws_vertical_padding * 2
+ border_width * 2;
uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < ideal_surface_height) {
return 0;
uint32_t width = text_width + ws_horizontal_padding * 2 + border_width * 2;
if (width < config->workspace_min_width * output->scale) {
width = config->workspace_min_width * output->scale;
return width;
static uint32_t render_status_line_i3bar(struct render_context *ctx, double *x) {
struct swaybar_output *output = ctx->output;
uint32_t max_height = 0;
bool edge = *x == output->width * output->scale;
struct i3bar_block *block;
bool use_short_text = false;
cairo_t *cairo = ctx->cairo;
double reserved_width =
predict_workspace_buttons_length(cairo, output) +
predict_binding_mode_indicator_length(cairo, output) +
3 * output->scale; // require a bit of space for margin
double predicted_full_pos =
predict_status_line_pos(cairo, output, *x);
if (predicted_full_pos < reserved_width) {
use_short_text = true;
wl_list_for_each(block, &output->bar->status->blocks, link) {
uint32_t h = render_status_block(ctx, block, x, edge,
max_height = h > max_height ? h : max_height;
edge = false;
return max_height;
static uint32_t render_status_line(struct render_context *ctx, double *x) {
struct status_line *status = ctx->output->bar->status;
switch (status->protocol) {
return render_status_line_error(ctx, x);
return render_status_line_text(ctx, x);
return render_status_line_i3bar(ctx, x);
return 0;
return 0;
static uint32_t render_binding_mode_indicator(struct render_context *ctx,
double x) {
struct swaybar_output *output = ctx->output;
const char *mode = output->bar->mode;
if (!mode) {
return 0;
cairo_t *cairo = ctx->cairo;
struct swaybar_config *config = output->bar->config;
int text_width, text_height;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
output->scale, output->bar->mode_pango_markup,
"%s", mode);
int ws_vertical_padding = WS_VERTICAL_PADDING * output->scale;
int ws_horizontal_padding = WS_HORIZONTAL_PADDING * output->scale;
int border_width = BORDER_WIDTH * output->scale;
uint32_t ideal_height = text_height + ws_vertical_padding * 2
+ border_width * 2;
uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < ideal_surface_height) {
return ideal_surface_height;
uint32_t width = text_width + ws_horizontal_padding * 2 + border_width * 2;
if (width < config->workspace_min_width * output->scale) {
width = config->workspace_min_width * output->scale;
uint32_t height = output->height * output->scale;
cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, config->colors.binding_mode.background);
ctx->background_color = config->colors.binding_mode.background;
cairo_rectangle(cairo, x, 0, width, height);
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, config->colors.binding_mode.border);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, x, 0, width, border_width);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, x, 0, border_width, height);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, x + width - border_width, 0, border_width, height);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, x, height - border_width, width, border_width);
double text_y = height / 2.0 - text_height / 2.0;
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, config->colors.binding_mode.text);
cairo_move_to(cairo, x + width / 2 - text_width / 2, (int)floor(text_y));
choose_text_aa_mode(ctx, config->colors.binding_mode.text);
pango_printf(cairo, config->font, output->scale,
output->bar->mode_pango_markup, "%s", mode);
return output->height;
static enum hotspot_event_handling workspace_hotspot_callback(
struct swaybar_output *output, struct swaybar_hotspot *hotspot,
double x, double y, uint32_t button, void *data) {
if (button != BTN_LEFT) {
ipc_send_workspace_command(output->bar, (const char *)data);
static uint32_t render_workspace_button(struct render_context *ctx,
struct swaybar_workspace *ws, double *x) {
struct swaybar_output *output = ctx->output;
struct swaybar_config *config = output->bar->config;
struct box_colors box_colors;
if (ws->urgent) {
box_colors = config->colors.urgent_workspace;
} else if (ws->focused) {
box_colors = config->colors.focused_workspace;
} else if (ws->visible) {
box_colors = config->colors.active_workspace;
} else {
box_colors = config->colors.inactive_workspace;
uint32_t height = output->height * output->scale;
cairo_t *cairo = ctx->cairo;
int text_width, text_height;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, &text_width, &text_height, NULL,
output->scale, config->pango_markup, "%s", ws->label);
int ws_vertical_padding = WS_VERTICAL_PADDING * output->scale;
int ws_horizontal_padding = WS_HORIZONTAL_PADDING * output->scale;
int border_width = BORDER_WIDTH * output->scale;
uint32_t ideal_height = ws_vertical_padding * 2 + text_height
+ border_width * 2;
uint32_t ideal_surface_height = ideal_height / output->scale;
if (!output->bar->config->height &&
output->height < ideal_surface_height) {
return ideal_surface_height;
uint32_t width = text_width + ws_horizontal_padding * 2 + border_width * 2;
if (width < config->workspace_min_width * output->scale) {
width = config->workspace_min_width * output->scale;
cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, box_colors.background);
ctx->background_color = box_colors.background;
cairo_rectangle(cairo, *x, 0, width, height);
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, box_colors.border);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, *x, 0, width, border_width);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, *x, 0, border_width, height);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, *x + width - border_width, 0, border_width, height);
cairo_rectangle(cairo, *x, height - border_width, width, border_width);
double text_y = height / 2.0 - text_height / 2.0;
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, box_colors.text);
cairo_move_to(cairo, *x + width / 2 - text_width / 2, (int)floor(text_y));
choose_text_aa_mode(ctx, box_colors.text);
pango_printf(cairo, config->font, output->scale, config->pango_markup,
"%s", ws->label);
struct swaybar_hotspot *hotspot = calloc(1, sizeof(struct swaybar_hotspot));
hotspot->x = *x;
hotspot->y = 0;
hotspot->width = width;
hotspot->height = height;
hotspot->callback = workspace_hotspot_callback;
hotspot->destroy = free;
hotspot->data = strdup(ws->name);
wl_list_insert(&output->hotspots, &hotspot->link);
*x += width;
return output->height;
static uint32_t render_to_cairo(struct render_context *ctx) {
cairo_t *cairo = ctx->cairo;
struct swaybar_output *output = ctx->output;
struct swaybar *bar = output->bar;
struct swaybar_config *config = bar->config;
cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_SOURCE);
if (output->focused) {
ctx->background_color = config->colors.focused_background;
} else {
ctx->background_color = config->colors.background;
cairo_set_source_u32(cairo, ctx->background_color);
int th;
get_text_size(cairo, config->font, NULL, &th, NULL, output->scale, false, "");
uint32_t max_height = (th + WS_VERTICAL_PADDING * 4) / output->scale;
* Each render_* function takes the actual height of the bar, and returns
* the ideal height. If the actual height is too short, the render function
* can do whatever it wants - the buffer won't be committed. If the actual
* height is too tall, the render function should adapt its drawing to
* utilize the available space.
double x = output->width * output->scale;
if (bar->tray) {
uint32_t h = render_tray(cairo, output, &x);
max_height = h > max_height ? h : max_height;
if (bar->status) {
uint32_t h = render_status_line(ctx, &x);
max_height = h > max_height ? h : max_height;
x = 0;
if (config->workspace_buttons) {
struct swaybar_workspace *ws;
wl_list_for_each(ws, &output->workspaces, link) {
uint32_t h = render_workspace_button(ctx, ws, &x);
max_height = h > max_height ? h : max_height;
if (config->binding_mode_indicator) {
uint32_t h = render_binding_mode_indicator(ctx, x);
max_height = h > max_height ? h : max_height;
return max_height > output->height ? max_height : output->height;
static void output_frame_handle_done(void *data, struct wl_callback *callback,
uint32_t time) {
struct swaybar_output *output = data;
output->frame_scheduled = false;
if (output->dirty) {
output->dirty = false;
static const struct wl_callback_listener output_frame_listener = {
.done = output_frame_handle_done
void render_frame(struct swaybar_output *output) {
assert(output->surface != NULL);
if (!output->layer_surface) {
struct render_context ctx = { 0 };
ctx.output = output;
cairo_surface_t *recorder = cairo_recording_surface_create(
cairo_t *cairo = cairo_create(recorder);
cairo_set_antialias(cairo, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_BEST);
ctx.cairo = cairo;
cairo_font_options_t *fo = cairo_font_options_create();
cairo_font_options_set_hint_style(fo, CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_FULL);
cairo_font_options_set_antialias(fo, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_GRAY);
ctx.textaa_safe = fo;
if (output->subpixel == WL_OUTPUT_SUBPIXEL_NONE) {
ctx.textaa_sharp = ctx.textaa_safe;
} else {
fo = cairo_font_options_create();
cairo_font_options_set_hint_style(fo, CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_FULL);
cairo_font_options_set_antialias(fo, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL);
ctx.textaa_sharp = fo;
cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR);
uint32_t height = render_to_cairo(&ctx);
int config_height = output->bar->config->height;
if (config_height > 0) {
height = config_height;
if (height != output->height || output->width == 0) {
// Reconfigure surface
zwlr_layer_surface_v1_set_size(output->layer_surface, 0, height);
if (strcmp(output->bar->config->mode, "dock") == 0) {
zwlr_layer_surface_v1_set_exclusive_zone(output->layer_surface, height);
// TODO: this could infinite loop if the compositor assigns us a
// different height than what we asked for
} else if (height > 0) {
// Replay recording into shm and send it off
output->current_buffer = get_next_buffer(output->bar->shm,
output->width * output->scale,
output->height * output->scale);
if (!output->current_buffer) {
cairo_t *shm = output->current_buffer->cairo;
cairo_set_operator(shm, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR);
cairo_set_source_surface(shm, recorder, 0.0, 0.0);
wl_surface_set_buffer_scale(output->surface, output->scale);
output->current_buffer->buffer, 0, 0);
wl_surface_damage(output->surface, 0, 0,
output->width, output->height);
struct wl_callback *frame_callback = wl_surface_frame(output->surface);
wl_callback_add_listener(frame_callback, &output_frame_listener, output);
output->frame_scheduled = true;
if (ctx.textaa_sharp != ctx.textaa_safe) {