add wp-fractional-scale-v1

Phileas Lebada 2024-03-09 10:56:10 +00:00
parent 68a5cde190
commit 0f78d0607d
1 changed files with 10 additions and 0 deletions


@ -797,3 +797,13 @@ bindsym --locked XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@
Sometimes the kernel driver has trouble detecting hotplugged monitors on some ports. Try this (adapt `card0` and `DP-1` to the GPU and connector you're using):
echo detect | sudo tee /sys/class/drm/card0-DP-1/status
### How do I utilize `wp-fractional-scale-v1` since Sway 1.9?
[Fractional scale protocol](
> This protocol allows a compositor to suggest for surfaces to render at fractional scales.
* recent [versions of Chrome/Chromium/Blink Derivatives]( utilize it automatically
* [recent Firefox versions]( require `about:config` `widget.wayland.fractional-scale.enabled=true`, which is as of 2024-03 having two bugs. [Context Menu Broken](, [Blurred Maximized Windows](
* [mpv]( in standard configuration/wayland mode will utilize it automatically and appears to have no known issues