Add grimshot / swappy integration tip.

Mark Stosberg 2021-03-01 09:51:14 -05:00
parent 1b8c788de0
commit a2284c4dcc
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

@ -12,6 +12,63 @@ This works as long as sway can match the PID of a new window to the PID of the e
bindsym $mod+Shift+Print exec slurp | grim -g - - | curl --form 'file=@-' | wl-copy && swaynag -m "screenshot uploaded & url copied to clipboard"
# Take screenshots and open them in annotation tool
It's super convenient to be able to take a screenshot and pass it to Swappy for possible annotations in one step.
Actions in the `.desktop` file feel like a natural place to offer these options.
Using rofi as a launcher, ".desktop" file actions are findable if the `-drun-show-actions` is passed.
With these actions, you can snapshot any of the following and have
the result opened in swappy:
- current window
- current output
- select a window
- select an area
Install this file into `~/.local/share/applications/grimshot-swappy.desktop`:
[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Annotation Tool
GenericName[fr]="Outil d'annotat"
GenericName[pt_BR]=Ferramenta de Anotação
Comment=A Wayland native snapshot editing tool
Comment[de]=Ein natives Wayland Bildschirmfoto-Bearbeitungswerkzeug
Comment[fr]="Un outil d'édition de capture d'écran avec support natif pour Wayland"
Comment[pt_BR]=Uma ferramenta de edição de snapshot nativa do Wayland
Exec=swappy -f %F
[Desktop Action current-window]
Name=Current Window
Exec=sh -c 'grimshot save active - | swappy -f -'
[Desktop Action current-output]
Name=Current Output
Exec=sh -c 'grimshot save output - | swappy -f -'
[Desktop Action select-window]
Name=Select Window
Exec=sh -c 'grimshot save window - | swappy -f -'
[Desktop Action select-area]
Name=Select Area
Exec=sh -c 'grimshot save area - | swappy -f -'
# HTML color picker
Bind this to a key, select a point on the screen and get a HTML color code for that point copied to the clipboard. Requires ImageMagick, `grim` and `slurp` to be installed.