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entourage8 32a7e42046 [downloader/hlsnative] Fix byterange logic
In cases where the EXT-X-MAP tag had the BYTERANGE attribute set it would
set the byte_range variable in a too-broad scope.

If subsequent fragments didn't have their own byterange specified
(for example because they had unique URIs or the byterange was in the URI)
the fragment would erroneously limit its byterange to that of the MAP.

This commit decouples the MAP byterange from Media Segment byteranges
and makes Media Segment byteranges picked up from a previous EXT-X-BYTERANGE
tag follow the RFC8216 spec by only using it on the next Media Segment.
2025-01-02 01:37:54 +01:00

389 lines
18 KiB

import binascii
import io
import re
import urllib.parse
from . import get_suitable_downloader
from .external import FFmpegFD
from .fragment import FragmentFD
from .. import webvtt
from ..dependencies import Cryptodome
from ..utils import (
class HlsFD(FragmentFD):
Download segments in a m3u8 manifest. External downloaders can take over
the fragment downloads by supporting the 'm3u8_frag_urls' protocol and
re-defining 'supports_manifest' function
FD_NAME = 'hlsnative'
def _has_drm(manifest): # TODO: https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/pull/5039
return bool(re.search('|'.join((
r'#EXT-X-(?:SESSION-)?KEY:.*?URI="skd://', # Apple FairPlay
r'#EXT-X-(?:SESSION-)?KEY:.*?KEYFORMAT="com\.apple\.streamingkeydelivery"', # Apple FairPlay
r'#EXT-X-(?:SESSION-)?KEY:.*?KEYFORMAT="com\.microsoft\.playready"', # Microsoft PlayReady
r'#EXT-X-FAXS-CM:', # Adobe Flash Access
)), manifest))
def can_download(cls, manifest, info_dict, allow_unplayable_formats=False):
# r'#EXT-X-BYTERANGE', # playlists composed of byte ranges of media files [2]
# Live streams heuristic does not always work (e.g. geo restricted to Germany
# http://hls-geo.daserste.de/i/videoportal/Film/c_620000/622873/format,716451,716457,716450,716458,716459,.mp4.csmil/index_4_av.m3u8?null=0)
# r'#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:(?!0$)', # live streams [3]
# This heuristic also is not correct since segments may not be appended as well.
# Twitch vods of finished streams have EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT despite
# no segments will definitely be appended to the end of the playlist.
# r'#EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE:EVENT', # media segments may be appended to the end of
# # event media playlists [4]
# r'#EXT-X-MAP:', # media initialization [5]
# 1. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
# 2. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
# 3. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
# 4. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
# 5. https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-pantos-http-live-streaming-17#section-
if not allow_unplayable_formats:
r'#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=(?!NONE|AES-128)', # encrypted streams [1], but not necessarily DRM
def check_results():
yield not info_dict.get('is_live')
yield not re.search(feature, manifest)
if not allow_unplayable_formats:
yield not cls._has_drm(manifest)
return all(check_results())
def real_download(self, filename, info_dict):
man_url = info_dict['url']
self.to_screen(f'[{self.FD_NAME}] Downloading m3u8 manifest')
urlh = self.ydl.urlopen(self._prepare_url(info_dict, man_url))
man_url = urlh.url
s = urlh.read().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
can_download, message = self.can_download(s, info_dict, self.params.get('allow_unplayable_formats')), None
if can_download:
has_ffmpeg = FFmpegFD.available()
no_crypto = not Cryptodome.AES and '#EXT-X-KEY:METHOD=AES-128' in s
if no_crypto and has_ffmpeg:
can_download, message = False, 'The stream has AES-128 encryption and pycryptodomex is not available'
elif no_crypto:
message = ('The stream has AES-128 encryption and neither ffmpeg nor pycryptodomex are available; '
'Decryption will be performed natively, but will be extremely slow')
elif info_dict.get('extractor_key') == 'Generic' and re.search(r'(?m)#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:(?!0$)', s):
install_ffmpeg = '' if has_ffmpeg else 'install ffmpeg and '
message = ('Live HLS streams are not supported by the native downloader. If this is a livestream, '
f'please {install_ffmpeg}add "--downloader ffmpeg --hls-use-mpegts" to your command')
if not can_download:
if self._has_drm(s) and not self.params.get('allow_unplayable_formats'):
if info_dict.get('has_drm') and self.params.get('test'):
self.to_screen(f'[{self.FD_NAME}] This format is DRM protected', skip_eol=True)
'This format is DRM protected; Try selecting another format with --format or '
'add --check-formats to automatically fallback to the next best format', tb=False)
return False
message = message or 'Unsupported features have been detected'
fd = FFmpegFD(self.ydl, self.params)
self.report_warning(f'{message}; extraction will be delegated to {fd.get_basename()}')
return fd.real_download(filename, info_dict)
elif message:
is_webvtt = info_dict['ext'] == 'vtt'
if is_webvtt:
real_downloader = None # Packing the fragments is not currently supported for external downloader
real_downloader = get_suitable_downloader(
info_dict, self.params, None, protocol='m3u8_frag_urls', to_stdout=(filename == '-'))
if real_downloader and not real_downloader.supports_manifest(s):
real_downloader = None
if real_downloader:
self.to_screen(f'[{self.FD_NAME}] Fragment downloads will be delegated to {real_downloader.get_basename()}')
def is_ad_fragment_start(s):
return ((s.startswith('#ANVATO-SEGMENT-INFO') and 'type=ad' in s)
or (s.startswith('#UPLYNK-SEGMENT') and s.endswith(',ad')))
def is_ad_fragment_end(s):
return ((s.startswith('#ANVATO-SEGMENT-INFO') and 'type=master' in s)
or (s.startswith('#UPLYNK-SEGMENT') and s.endswith(',segment')))
fragments = []
media_frags = 0
ad_frags = 0
ad_frag_next = False
for line in s.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line:
if line.startswith('#'):
if is_ad_fragment_start(line):
ad_frag_next = True
elif is_ad_fragment_end(line):
ad_frag_next = False
if ad_frag_next:
ad_frags += 1
media_frags += 1
ctx = {
'filename': filename,
'total_frags': media_frags,
'ad_frags': ad_frags,
if real_downloader:
self._prepare_and_start_frag_download(ctx, info_dict)
extra_state = ctx.setdefault('extra_state', {})
format_index = info_dict.get('format_index')
extra_segment_query = None
if extra_param_to_segment_url := info_dict.get('extra_param_to_segment_url'):
extra_segment_query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(extra_param_to_segment_url)
extra_key_query = None
if extra_param_to_key_url := info_dict.get('extra_param_to_key_url'):
extra_key_query = urllib.parse.parse_qs(extra_param_to_key_url)
i = 0
media_sequence = 0
decrypt_info = {'METHOD': 'NONE'}
external_aes_key = traverse_obj(info_dict, ('hls_aes', 'key'))
if external_aes_key:
external_aes_key = binascii.unhexlify(remove_start(external_aes_key, '0x'))
assert len(external_aes_key) in (16, 24, 32), 'Invalid length for HLS AES-128 key'
external_aes_iv = traverse_obj(info_dict, ('hls_aes', 'iv'))
if external_aes_iv:
external_aes_iv = binascii.unhexlify(remove_start(external_aes_iv, '0x').zfill(32))
byte_range = {}
byte_range_offset = 0
discontinuity_count = 0
frag_index = 0
ad_frag_next = False
for line in s.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line:
if not line.startswith('#'):
if format_index and discontinuity_count != format_index:
if ad_frag_next:
frag_index += 1
if frag_index <= ctx['fragment_index']:
frag_url = urljoin(man_url, line)
if extra_segment_query:
frag_url = update_url_query(frag_url, extra_segment_query)
'frag_index': frag_index,
'url': frag_url,
'decrypt_info': decrypt_info,
'byte_range': byte_range,
'media_sequence': media_sequence,
media_sequence += 1
# If the byte_range is truthy, reset it after appending a fragment that uses it
if byte_range:
byte_range_offset = byte_range.get('end', 0)
byte_range = {}
elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-MAP'):
if format_index and discontinuity_count != format_index:
if frag_index > 0:
'Initialization fragment found after media fragments, unable to download')
return False
frag_index += 1
map_info = parse_m3u8_attributes(line[11:])
frag_url = urljoin(man_url, map_info.get('URI'))
if extra_segment_query:
frag_url = update_url_query(frag_url, extra_segment_query)
map_byte_range = {}
if map_info.get('BYTERANGE'):
splitted_byte_range = map_info.get('BYTERANGE').split('@')
sub_range_start = int(splitted_byte_range[1]) if len(splitted_byte_range) == 2 else 0
map_byte_range = {
'start': sub_range_start,
'end': sub_range_start + int(splitted_byte_range[0]),
'frag_index': frag_index,
'url': frag_url,
'decrypt_info': decrypt_info,
'byte_range': map_byte_range,
'media_sequence': media_sequence,
media_sequence += 1
elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-KEY'):
decrypt_url = decrypt_info.get('URI')
decrypt_info = parse_m3u8_attributes(line[11:])
if decrypt_info['METHOD'] == 'AES-128':
if external_aes_iv:
decrypt_info['IV'] = external_aes_iv
elif 'IV' in decrypt_info:
decrypt_info['IV'] = binascii.unhexlify(decrypt_info['IV'][2:].zfill(32))
if external_aes_key:
decrypt_info['KEY'] = external_aes_key
decrypt_info['URI'] = urljoin(man_url, decrypt_info['URI'])
if extra_key_query or extra_segment_query:
# Fall back to extra_segment_query to key for backwards compat
decrypt_info['URI'] = update_url_query(
decrypt_info['URI'], extra_key_query or extra_segment_query)
if decrypt_url != decrypt_info['URI']:
decrypt_info['KEY'] = None
elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE'):
media_sequence = int(line[22:])
elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-BYTERANGE'):
splitted_byte_range = line[17:].split('@')
sub_range_start = int(splitted_byte_range[1]) if len(splitted_byte_range) == 2 else byte_range_offset
byte_range = {
'start': sub_range_start,
'end': sub_range_start + int(splitted_byte_range[0]),
elif is_ad_fragment_start(line):
ad_frag_next = True
elif is_ad_fragment_end(line):
ad_frag_next = False
elif line.startswith('#EXT-X-DISCONTINUITY'):
discontinuity_count += 1
i += 1
# We only download the first fragment during the test
if self.params.get('test', False):
fragments = [fragments[0] if fragments else None]
if real_downloader:
info_dict['fragments'] = fragments
fd = real_downloader(self.ydl, self.params)
# TODO: Make progress updates work without hooking twice
# for ph in self._progress_hooks:
# fd.add_progress_hook(ph)
return fd.real_download(filename, info_dict)
if is_webvtt:
def pack_fragment(frag_content, frag_index):
output = io.StringIO()
adjust = 0
overflow = False
mpegts_last = None
for block in webvtt.parse_fragment(frag_content):
if isinstance(block, webvtt.CueBlock):
extra_state['webvtt_mpegts_last'] = mpegts_last
if overflow:
extra_state['webvtt_mpegts_adjust'] += 1
overflow = False
block.start += adjust
block.end += adjust
dedup_window = extra_state.setdefault('webvtt_dedup_window', [])
ready = []
i = 0
is_new = True
while i < len(dedup_window):
wcue = dedup_window[i]
wblock = webvtt.CueBlock.from_json(wcue)
i += 1
if wblock.hinges(block):
wcue['end'] = block.end
is_new = False
if wblock == block:
is_new = False
if wblock.end > block.start:
i -= 1
del dedup_window[i]
if is_new:
for block in ready:
# we only emit cues once they fall out of the duplicate window
elif isinstance(block, webvtt.Magic):
# take care of MPEG PES timestamp overflow
if block.mpegts is None:
block.mpegts = 0
extra_state.setdefault('webvtt_mpegts_adjust', 0)
block.mpegts += extra_state['webvtt_mpegts_adjust'] << 33
if block.mpegts < extra_state.get('webvtt_mpegts_last', 0):
overflow = True
block.mpegts += 1 << 33
mpegts_last = block.mpegts
if frag_index == 1:
extra_state['webvtt_mpegts'] = block.mpegts or 0
extra_state['webvtt_local'] = block.local or 0
# XXX: block.local = block.mpegts = None ?
if block.mpegts is not None and block.local is not None:
adjust = (
(block.mpegts - extra_state.get('webvtt_mpegts', 0))
- (block.local - extra_state.get('webvtt_local', 0))
elif isinstance(block, webvtt.HeaderBlock):
if frag_index != 1:
# XXX: this should probably be silent as well
# or verify that all segments contain the same data
f'Discarding a {type(block).__name__} block found in the middle of the stream; '
'if the subtitles display incorrectly,'))
return output.getvalue().encode()
def fin_fragments():
dedup_window = extra_state.get('webvtt_dedup_window')
if not dedup_window:
return b''
output = io.StringIO()
for cue in dedup_window:
return output.getvalue().encode()
if len(fragments) == 1:
self.download_and_append_fragments(ctx, fragments, info_dict)
ctx, fragments, info_dict, pack_func=pack_fragment, finish_func=fin_fragments)
return self.download_and_append_fragments(ctx, fragments, info_dict)