mirror of
synced 2025-03-18 04:24:37 +00:00
Using https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade 1. `__future__` imports and `coding: utf-8` were removed 2. Files were rewritten with `pyupgrade --py36-plus --keep-percent-format` 3. f-strings were cherry-picked from `pyupgrade --py36-plus` Extractors are left untouched (except removing header) to avoid unnecessary merge conflicts
347 lines
13 KiB
347 lines
13 KiB
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import time
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (
class VikiBaseIE(InfoExtractor):
_VALID_URL_BASE = r'https?://(?:www\.)?viki\.(?:com|net|mx|jp|fr)/'
_API_URL_TEMPLATE = 'https://api.viki.io%s'
_DEVICE_ID = '112395910d'
_APP = '100005a'
_APP_VERSION = '6.11.3'
_APP_SECRET = 'd96704b180208dbb2efa30fe44c48bd8690441af9f567ba8fd710a72badc85198f7472'
_token = None
'geo': 'Sorry, this content is not available in your region.',
'upcoming': 'Sorry, this content is not yet available.',
'paywall': 'Sorry, this content is only available to Viki Pass Plus subscribers',
def _stream_headers(self, timestamp, sig):
return {
'X-Viki-manufacturer': 'vivo',
'X-Viki-device-model': 'vivo 1606',
'X-Viki-device-os-ver': '6.0.1',
'X-Viki-connection-type': 'WIFI',
'X-Viki-carrier': '',
'X-Viki-as-id': '100005a-1625321982-3932',
'timestamp': str(timestamp),
'signature': str(sig),
'x-viki-app-ver': self._APP_VERSION
def _api_query(self, path, version=4, **kwargs):
path += '?' if '?' not in path else '&'
query = f'/v{version}/{path}app={self._APP}'
if self._token:
query += '&token=%s' % self._token
return query + ''.join(f'&{name}={val}' for name, val in kwargs.items())
def _sign_query(self, path):
timestamp = int(time.time())
query = self._api_query(path, version=5)
sig = hmac.new(
self._APP_SECRET.encode('ascii'), f'{query}&t={timestamp}'.encode('ascii'), hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
return timestamp, sig, self._API_URL_TEMPLATE % query
def _call_api(
self, path, video_id, note='Downloading JSON metadata', data=None, query=None, fatal=True):
if query is None:
timestamp, sig, url = self._sign_query(path)
url = self._API_URL_TEMPLATE % self._api_query(path, version=4)
resp = self._download_json(
url, video_id, note, fatal=fatal, query=query,
data=json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') if data else None,
headers=({'x-viki-app-ver': self._APP_VERSION} if data
else self._stream_headers(timestamp, sig) if query is None
else None), expected_status=400) or {}
self._raise_error(resp.get('error'), fatal)
return resp
def _raise_error(self, error, fatal=True):
if error is None:
msg = '%s said: %s' % (self.IE_NAME, error)
if fatal:
raise ExtractorError(msg, expected=True)
def _check_errors(self, data):
for reason, status in (data.get('blocking') or {}).items():
if status and reason in self._ERRORS:
message = self._ERRORS[reason]
if reason == 'geo':
elif reason == 'paywall':
if try_get(data, lambda x: x['paywallable']['tvod']):
self._raise_error('This video is for rent only or TVOD (Transactional Video On demand)')
def _perform_login(self, username, password):
self._token = self._call_api(
'sessions.json', None, 'Logging in', fatal=False,
data={'username': username, 'password': password}).get('token')
if not self._token:
self.report_warning('Login Failed: Unable to get session token')
def dict_selection(dict_obj, preferred_key):
if preferred_key in dict_obj:
return dict_obj[preferred_key]
return (list(filter(None, dict_obj.values())) or [None])[0]
class VikiIE(VikiBaseIE):
IE_NAME = 'viki'
_VALID_URL = r'%s(?:videos|player)/(?P<id>[0-9]+v)' % VikiBaseIE._VALID_URL_BASE
_TESTS = [{
'note': 'Free non-DRM video with storyboards in MPD',
'url': 'https://www.viki.com/videos/1175236v-choosing-spouse-by-lottery-episode-1',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1175236v',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Choosing Spouse by Lottery - Episode 1',
'timestamp': 1606463239,
'age_limit': 13,
'uploader': 'FCC',
'upload_date': '20201127',
}, {
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/videos/1023585v-heirs-episode-14',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1023585v',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Heirs - Episode 14',
'uploader': 'SBS Contents Hub',
'timestamp': 1385047627,
'upload_date': '20131121',
'age_limit': 13,
'duration': 3570,
'episode_number': 14,
'skip': 'Blocked in the US',
}, {
# clip
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/videos/1067139v-the-avengers-age-of-ultron-press-conference',
'md5': '86c0b5dbd4d83a6611a79987cc7a1989',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1067139v',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': "'The Avengers: Age of Ultron' Press Conference",
'description': 'md5:d70b2f9428f5488321bfe1db10d612ea',
'duration': 352,
'timestamp': 1430380829,
'upload_date': '20150430',
'uploader': 'Arirang TV',
'like_count': int,
'age_limit': 0,
'skip': 'Sorry. There was an error loading this video',
}, {
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/videos/1048879v-ankhon-dekhi',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1048879v',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Ankhon Dekhi',
'duration': 6512,
'timestamp': 1408532356,
'upload_date': '20140820',
'uploader': 'Spuul',
'like_count': int,
'age_limit': 13,
'skip': 'Blocked in the US',
}, {
# episode
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/videos/44699v-boys-over-flowers-episode-1',
'md5': '0a53dc252e6e690feccd756861495a8c',
'info_dict': {
'id': '44699v',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'Boys Over Flowers - Episode 1',
'description': 'md5:b89cf50038b480b88b5b3c93589a9076',
'duration': 4172,
'timestamp': 1270496524,
'upload_date': '20100405',
'uploader': 'group8',
'like_count': int,
'age_limit': 13,
'episode_number': 1,
}, {
# youtube external
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/videos/50562v-poor-nastya-complete-episode-1',
'md5': '63f8600c1da6f01b7640eee7eca4f1da',
'info_dict': {
'id': '50562v',
'ext': 'webm',
'title': 'Poor Nastya [COMPLETE] - Episode 1',
'description': '',
'duration': 606,
'timestamp': 1274949505,
'upload_date': '20101213',
'uploader': 'ad14065n',
'uploader_id': 'ad14065n',
'like_count': int,
'age_limit': 13,
'skip': 'Page not found!',
}, {
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/player/44699v',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
# non-English description
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/videos/158036v-love-in-magic',
'md5': '41faaba0de90483fb4848952af7c7d0d',
'info_dict': {
'id': '158036v',
'ext': 'mp4',
'uploader': 'I Planet Entertainment',
'upload_date': '20111122',
'timestamp': 1321985454,
'description': 'md5:44b1e46619df3a072294645c770cef36',
'title': 'Love In Magic',
'age_limit': 13,
def _real_extract(self, url):
video_id = self._match_id(url)
video = self._call_api(f'videos/{video_id}.json', video_id, 'Downloading video JSON', query={})
title = try_get(video, lambda x: x['titles']['en'], str)
episode_number = int_or_none(video.get('number'))
if not title:
title = 'Episode %d' % episode_number if video.get('type') == 'episode' else video.get('id') or video_id
container_titles = try_get(video, lambda x: x['container']['titles'], dict) or {}
container_title = self.dict_selection(container_titles, 'en')
title = '%s - %s' % (container_title, title)
thumbnails = [{
'id': thumbnail_id,
'url': thumbnail['url'],
} for thumbnail_id, thumbnail in (video.get('images') or {}).items() if thumbnail.get('url')]
resp = self._call_api(
'playback_streams/%s.json?drms=dt3&device_id=%s' % (video_id, self._DEVICE_ID),
video_id, 'Downloading video streams JSON')['main'][0]
stream_id = try_get(resp, lambda x: x['properties']['track']['stream_id'])
subtitles = dict((lang, [{
'ext': ext,
'url': self._API_URL_TEMPLATE % self._api_query(
f'videos/{video_id}/auth_subtitles/{lang}.{ext}', stream_id=stream_id)
} for ext in ('srt', 'vtt')]) for lang in (video.get('subtitle_completions') or {}).keys())
mpd_url = resp['url']
# 720p is hidden in another MPD which can be found in the current manifest content
mpd_content = self._download_webpage(mpd_url, video_id, note='Downloading initial MPD manifest')
mpd_url = self._search_regex(
r'(?mi)<BaseURL>(http.+.mpd)', mpd_content, 'new manifest', default=mpd_url)
if 'mpdhd_high' not in mpd_url and 'sig=' not in mpd_url:
# Modify the URL to get 1080p
mpd_url = mpd_url.replace('mpdhd', 'mpdhd_high')
formats = self._extract_mpd_formats(mpd_url, video_id)
return {
'id': video_id,
'formats': formats,
'title': title,
'description': self.dict_selection(video.get('descriptions', {}), 'en'),
'duration': int_or_none(video.get('duration')),
'timestamp': parse_iso8601(video.get('created_at')),
'uploader': video.get('author'),
'uploader_url': video.get('author_url'),
'like_count': int_or_none(try_get(video, lambda x: x['likes']['count'])),
'age_limit': parse_age_limit(video.get('rating')),
'thumbnails': thumbnails,
'subtitles': subtitles,
'episode_number': episode_number,
class VikiChannelIE(VikiBaseIE):
IE_NAME = 'viki:channel'
_VALID_URL = r'%s(?:tv|news|movies|artists)/(?P<id>[0-9]+c)' % VikiBaseIE._VALID_URL_BASE
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/tv/50c-boys-over-flowers',
'info_dict': {
'id': '50c',
'title': 'Boys Over Flowers',
'description': 'md5:804ce6e7837e1fd527ad2f25420f4d59',
'playlist_mincount': 51,
}, {
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/tv/1354c-poor-nastya-complete',
'info_dict': {
'id': '1354c',
'title': 'Poor Nastya [COMPLETE]',
'description': 'md5:05bf5471385aa8b21c18ad450e350525',
'playlist_count': 127,
'skip': 'Page not found',
}, {
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/news/24569c-showbiz-korea',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/movies/22047c-pride-and-prejudice-2005',
'only_matching': True,
}, {
'url': 'http://www.viki.com/artists/2141c-shinee',
'only_matching': True,
_video_types = ('episodes', 'movies', 'clips', 'trailers')
def _entries(self, channel_id):
params = {
'app': self._APP, 'token': self._token, 'only_ids': 'true',
'direction': 'asc', 'sort': 'number', 'per_page': 30
video_types = self._configuration_arg('video_types') or self._video_types
for video_type in video_types:
if video_type not in self._video_types:
self.report_warning(f'Unknown video_type: {video_type}')
page_num = 0
while True:
page_num += 1
params['page'] = page_num
res = self._call_api(
f'containers/{channel_id}/{video_type}.json', channel_id, query=params, fatal=False,
note='Downloading %s JSON page %d' % (video_type.title(), page_num))
for video_id in res.get('response') or []:
yield self.url_result(f'https://www.viki.com/videos/{video_id}', VikiIE.ie_key(), video_id)
if not res.get('more'):
def _real_extract(self, url):
channel_id = self._match_id(url)
channel = self._call_api('containers/%s.json' % channel_id, channel_id, 'Downloading channel JSON')
return self.playlist_result(
self._entries(channel_id), channel_id,
self.dict_selection(channel['titles'], 'en'),
self.dict_selection(channel['descriptions'], 'en'))