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synced 2025-03-14 10:44:03 +00:00
Closes #10857 Authored by: SamDecrock, bashonly Co-authored-by: bashonly <88596187+bashonly@users.noreply.github.com>
452 lines
17 KiB
452 lines
17 KiB
import base64
import binascii
import datetime as dt
import hashlib
import hmac
import json
import os
import re
import urllib.parse
from .common import InfoExtractor
from ..utils import (
class GoPlayIE(InfoExtractor):
_VALID_URL = r'https?://(www\.)?goplay\.be/video/([^/?#]+/[^/?#]+/|)(?P<id>[^/#]+)'
_NETRC_MACHINE = 'goplay'
_TESTS = [{
'url': 'https://www.goplay.be/video/de-slimste-mens-ter-wereld/de-slimste-mens-ter-wereld-s22/de-slimste-mens-ter-wereld-s22-aflevering-1',
'info_dict': {
'id': '2baa4560-87a0-421b-bffc-359914e3c387',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'S22 - Aflevering 1',
'description': r're:In aflevering 1 nemen Daan Alferink, Tess Elst en Xander De Rycke .{66}',
'series': 'De Slimste Mens ter Wereld',
'episode': 'Episode 1',
'season_number': 22,
'episode_number': 1,
'season': 'Season 22',
'params': {'skip_download': True},
'skip': 'This video is only available for registered users',
}, {
'url': 'https://www.goplay.be/video/1917',
'info_dict': {
'id': '40cac41d-8d29-4ef5-aa11-75047b9f0907',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': '1917',
'description': r're:Op het hoogtepunt van de Eerste Wereldoorlog krijgen twee jonge .{94}',
'params': {'skip_download': True},
'skip': 'This video is only available for registered users',
}, {
'url': 'https://www.goplay.be/video/de-mol/de-mol-s11/de-mol-s11-aflevering-1#autoplay',
'info_dict': {
'id': 'ecb79672-92b9-4cd9-a0d7-e2f0250681ee',
'ext': 'mp4',
'title': 'S11 - Aflevering 1',
'description': r're:Tien kandidaten beginnen aan hun verovering van Amerika en ontmoeten .{102}',
'episode': 'Episode 1',
'series': 'De Mol',
'season_number': 11,
'episode_number': 1,
'season': 'Season 11',
'params': {'skip_download': True},
'skip': 'This video is only available for registered users',
_id_token = None
def _perform_login(self, username, password):
aws = AwsIdp(ie=self, pool_id='eu-west-1_dViSsKM5Y', client_id='6s1h851s8uplco5h6mqh1jac8m')
self._id_token, _ = aws.authenticate(username=username, password=password)
def _real_initialize(self):
if not self._id_token:
raise self.raise_login_required(method='password')
def _find_json(self, s):
return self._search_json(
r'\w+\s*:\s*', s, 'next js data', None, contains_pattern=r'\[(?s:.+)\]', default=None)
def _real_extract(self, url):
display_id = self._match_id(url)
webpage = self._download_webpage(url, display_id)
nextjs_data = traverse_obj(
re.findall(r'<script[^>]*>\s*self\.__next_f\.push\(\s*(\[.+?\])\s*\);?\s*</script>', webpage),
(..., {js_to_json}, {json.loads}, ..., {self._find_json}, ...))
meta = traverse_obj(nextjs_data, (
..., lambda _, v: v['meta']['path'] == urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path, 'meta', any))
video_id = meta['uuid']
info_dict = traverse_obj(meta, {
'title': ('title', {str}),
'description': ('description', {str.strip}),
if traverse_obj(meta, ('program', 'subtype')) != 'movie':
for season_data in traverse_obj(nextjs_data, (..., 'children', ..., 'playlists', ...)):
episode_data = traverse_obj(
season_data, ('videos', lambda _, v: v['videoId'] == video_id, any))
if not episode_data:
episode_title = traverse_obj(
episode_data, 'contextualTitle', 'episodeTitle', expected_type=str)
'title': episode_title or info_dict.get('title'),
'series': remove_end(info_dict.get('title'), f' - {episode_title}'),
'season_number': traverse_obj(season_data, ('season', {int_or_none})),
'episode_number': traverse_obj(episode_data, ('episodeNumber', {int_or_none})),
api = self._download_json(
video_id, headers={
'Authorization': f'Bearer {self._id_token}',
if 'manifestUrls' in api:
formats, subtitles = self._extract_m3u8_formats_and_subtitles(
api['manifestUrls']['hls'], video_id, ext='mp4', m3u8_id='HLS')
if 'ssai' not in api:
raise ExtractorError('expecting Google SSAI stream')
ssai_content_source_id = api['ssai']['contentSourceID']
ssai_video_id = api['ssai']['videoID']
dai = self._download_json(
video_id, data=b'{"api-key":"null"}',
headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
periods = self._extract_mpd_periods(dai['stream_manifest'], video_id)
# skip pre-roll and mid-roll ads
periods = [p for p in periods if '-ad-' not in p['id']]
formats, subtitles = self._merge_mpd_periods(periods)
'id': video_id,
'formats': formats,
'subtitles': subtitles,
return info_dict
# Taken from https://github.com/add-ons/plugin.video.viervijfzes/blob/master/resources/lib/viervijfzes/auth_awsidp.py
# Released into Public domain by https://github.com/michaelarnauts
class InvalidLoginException(ExtractorError):
""" The login credentials are invalid """
class AuthenticationException(ExtractorError):
""" Something went wrong while logging in """
class AwsIdp:
""" AWS Identity Provider """
def __init__(self, ie, pool_id, client_id):
:param InfoExtrator ie: The extractor that instantiated this class.
:param str pool_id: The AWS user pool to connect to (format: <region>_<poolid>).
E.g.: eu-west-1_aLkOfYN3T
:param str client_id: The client application ID (the ID of the application connecting)
self.ie = ie
self.pool_id = pool_id
if '_' not in self.pool_id:
raise ValueError('Invalid pool_id format. Should be <region>_<poolid>.')
self.client_id = client_id
self.region = self.pool_id.split('_')[0]
self.url = f'https://cognito-idp.{self.region}.amazonaws.com/'
# Initialize the values
# https://github.com/aws/amazon-cognito-identity-js/blob/master/src/AuthenticationHelper.js#L22
self.n_hex = (
# https://github.com/aws/amazon-cognito-identity-js/blob/master/src/AuthenticationHelper.js#L49
self.g_hex = '2'
self.info_bits = bytearray('Caldera Derived Key', 'utf-8')
self.big_n = self.__hex_to_long(self.n_hex)
self.g = self.__hex_to_long(self.g_hex)
self.k = self.__hex_to_long(self.__hex_hash('00' + self.n_hex + '0' + self.g_hex))
self.small_a_value = self.__generate_random_small_a()
self.large_a_value = self.__calculate_a()
def authenticate(self, username, password):
""" Authenticate with a username and password. """
# Step 1: First initiate an authentication request
auth_data_dict = self.__get_authentication_request(username)
auth_data = json.dumps(auth_data_dict).encode()
auth_headers = {
'X-Amz-Target': 'AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.InitiateAuth',
'Accept-Encoding': 'identity',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
auth_response_json = self.ie._download_json(
self.url, None, data=auth_data, headers=auth_headers,
note='Authenticating username', errnote='Invalid username')
challenge_parameters = auth_response_json.get('ChallengeParameters')
if auth_response_json.get('ChallengeName') != 'PASSWORD_VERIFIER':
raise AuthenticationException(auth_response_json['message'])
# Step 2: Respond to the Challenge with a valid ChallengeResponse
challenge_request = self.__get_challenge_response_request(challenge_parameters, password)
challenge_data = json.dumps(challenge_request).encode()
challenge_headers = {
'X-Amz-Target': 'AWSCognitoIdentityProviderService.RespondToAuthChallenge',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
auth_response_json = self.ie._download_json(
self.url, None, data=challenge_data, headers=challenge_headers,
note='Authenticating password', errnote='Invalid password')
if 'message' in auth_response_json:
raise InvalidLoginException(auth_response_json['message'])
return (
def __get_authentication_request(self, username):
:param str username: The username to use
:return: A full Authorization request.
:rtype: dict
return {
'AuthParameters': {
'USERNAME': username,
'SRP_A': self.__long_to_hex(self.large_a_value),
'AuthFlow': 'USER_SRP_AUTH',
'ClientId': self.client_id,
def __get_challenge_response_request(self, challenge_parameters, password):
""" Create a Challenge Response Request object.
:param dict[str,str|imt] challenge_parameters: The parameters for the challenge.
:param str password: The password.
:return: A valid and full request data object to use as a response for a challenge.
:rtype: dict
user_id = challenge_parameters['USERNAME']
user_id_for_srp = challenge_parameters['USER_ID_FOR_SRP']
srp_b = challenge_parameters['SRP_B']
salt = challenge_parameters['SALT']
secret_block = challenge_parameters['SECRET_BLOCK']
timestamp = self.__get_current_timestamp()
# Get a HKDF key for the password, SrpB and the Salt
hkdf = self.__get_hkdf_key_for_password(
secret_block_bytes = base64.standard_b64decode(secret_block)
# the message is a combo of the pool_id, provided SRP userId, the Secret and Timestamp
msg = \
bytearray(self.pool_id.split('_')[1], 'utf-8') + \
bytearray(user_id_for_srp, 'utf-8') + \
bytearray(secret_block_bytes) + \
bytearray(timestamp, 'utf-8')
hmac_obj = hmac.new(hkdf, msg, digestmod=hashlib.sha256)
signature_string = base64.standard_b64encode(hmac_obj.digest()).decode('utf-8')
return {
'ChallengeResponses': {
'USERNAME': user_id,
'TIMESTAMP': timestamp,
'PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE': signature_string,
'ChallengeName': 'PASSWORD_VERIFIER',
'ClientId': self.client_id,
def __get_hkdf_key_for_password(self, username, password, server_b_value, salt):
""" Calculates the final hkdf based on computed S value, and computed U value and the key.
:param str username: Username.
:param str password: Password.
:param int server_b_value: Server B value.
:param int salt: Generated salt.
:return Computed HKDF value.
:rtype: object
u_value = self.__calculate_u(self.large_a_value, server_b_value)
if u_value == 0:
raise ValueError('U cannot be zero.')
username_password = '{}{}:{}'.format(self.pool_id.split('_')[1], username, password)
username_password_hash = self.__hash_sha256(username_password.encode())
x_value = self.__hex_to_long(self.__hex_hash(self.__pad_hex(salt) + username_password_hash))
g_mod_pow_xn = pow(self.g, x_value, self.big_n)
int_value2 = server_b_value - self.k * g_mod_pow_xn
s_value = pow(int_value2, self.small_a_value + u_value * x_value, self.big_n)
return self.__compute_hkdf(
def __compute_hkdf(self, ikm, salt):
""" Standard hkdf algorithm
:param {Buffer} ikm Input key material.
:param {Buffer} salt Salt value.
:return {Buffer} Strong key material.
prk = hmac.new(salt, ikm, hashlib.sha256).digest()
info_bits_update = self.info_bits + bytearray(chr(1), 'utf-8')
hmac_hash = hmac.new(prk, info_bits_update, hashlib.sha256).digest()
return hmac_hash[:16]
def __calculate_u(self, big_a, big_b):
""" Calculate the client's value U which is the hash of A and B
:param int big_a: Large A value.
:param int big_b: Server B value.
:return Computed U value.
:rtype: int
u_hex_hash = self.__hex_hash(self.__pad_hex(big_a) + self.__pad_hex(big_b))
return self.__hex_to_long(u_hex_hash)
def __generate_random_small_a(self):
""" Helper function to generate a random big integer
:return a random value.
:rtype: int
random_long_int = self.__get_random(128)
return random_long_int % self.big_n
def __calculate_a(self):
""" Calculate the client's public value A = g^a%N with the generated random number a
:return Computed large A.
:rtype: int
big_a = pow(self.g, self.small_a_value, self.big_n)
# safety check
if (big_a % self.big_n) == 0:
raise ValueError('Safety check for A failed')
return big_a
def __long_to_hex(long_num):
return f'{long_num:x}'
def __hex_to_long(hex_string):
return int(hex_string, 16)
def __hex_hash(hex_string):
return AwsIdp.__hash_sha256(bytearray.fromhex(hex_string))
def __hash_sha256(buf):
digest = hashlib.sha256(buf).hexdigest()
return (64 - len(digest)) * '0' + digest
def __pad_hex(long_int):
""" Converts a Long integer (or hex string) to hex format padded with zeroes for hashing
:param int|str long_int: Number or string to pad.
:return Padded hex string.
:rtype: str
if not isinstance(long_int, str):
hash_str = AwsIdp.__long_to_hex(long_int)
hash_str = long_int
if len(hash_str) % 2 == 1:
hash_str = f'0{hash_str}'
elif hash_str[0] in '89ABCDEFabcdef':
hash_str = f'00{hash_str}'
return hash_str
def __get_random(nbytes):
random_hex = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(nbytes))
return AwsIdp.__hex_to_long(random_hex)
def __get_current_timestamp():
""" Creates a timestamp with the correct English format.
:return: timestamp in format 'Sun Jan 27 19:00:04 UTC 2019'
:rtype: str
# We need US only data, so we cannot just do a strftime:
# Sun Jan 27 19:00:04 UTC 2019
months = [None, 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']
days = ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun']
time_now = dt.datetime.now(dt.timezone.utc)
format_string = f'{days[time_now.weekday()]} {months[time_now.month]} {time_now.day} %H:%M:%S UTC %Y'
return time_now.strftime(format_string)
def __str__(self):
return 'AWS IDP Client for:\nRegion: {}\nPoolId: {}\nAppId: {}'.format(
self.region, self.pool_id.split('_')[1], self.client_id,