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2022-11-24 20:04:55 +04:00
2022-11-24 20:11:50 +04:00
# Never ever curl some remote shit straight to shell, like:
2022-11-25 20:58:51 +04:00
# curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
2022-11-26 02:16:04 +04:00
# seriously, don't do this, it's insecure!
2022-11-24 20:04:55 +04:00
2022-12-01 17:22:28 +04:00
## Pacman
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* enable multilib"
2022-12-01 23:32:02 +04:00
sudo sed -z -i -e 's/#\[multilib\]\n#Include = \/etc\/pacman.d\/mirrorlist/\[multilib\]\nInclude = \/etc\/pacman.d\/mirrorlist/' /etc/pacman.conf
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
2022-12-01 17:22:28 +04:00
# Workaround for keyring nonsense, see
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* refresh pkg db, update keyring"
2022-12-01 17:25:29 +04:00
sudo pacman -Sy --needed --noconfirm archlinux-keyring
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* upgrade installed pkgs"
2022-12-01 17:25:29 +04:00
sudo pacman -Su --needed --noconfirm
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* install pkgs"
2023-01-26 15:35:55 +04:00
sudo pacman --needed --noconfirm -S base-devel htop ranger git screen ncdu neovim pipewire sway swaybg swaylock xorg-server xorg-xwayland chezmoi foot polkit openssh firefox-developer-edition gnome-keyring xdg-utils qpwgraph qt6-wayland man-db udisks2 ttf-cascadia-code ponysay lm_sensors wget fish mosh jq pkgfile reflector blender
2022-11-24 20:04:55 +04:00
2022-12-10 03:04:07 +04:00
# Fire reflector (should probably call it there directly with custom config)
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* run reflector"
2022-12-10 03:04:07 +04:00
sudo systemctl start reflector
2022-12-10 02:49:47 +04:00
# Sync pkgfile db
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* sync pkgfile"
2022-12-10 02:50:44 +04:00
sudo pkgfile -u
2022-12-10 02:49:47 +04:00
2022-12-01 17:22:28 +04:00
## Paru (AUR helper)
# Install Paru from AUR if not installed
2022-11-24 20:04:55 +04:00
if pacman -Qs paru > /dev/null ; then
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* paru already installed."
2022-11-24 20:04:55 +04:00
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* install paru"
2022-11-24 20:04:55 +04:00
git clone
cd paru-bin/
makepkg --needed --noconfirm -si
cd ..
rm -rf paru-bin/
2022-12-01 17:22:28 +04:00
## AUR Packages
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* install AUR pkgs"
2023-01-26 15:08:49 +04:00
paru --needed --noconfirm -Syua paru-bin bashmount ulauncher localepurge gomuks-bin
2022-12-04 00:24:30 +04:00
if ! pacman -Qi nvim-packer-git > /dev/null; then
2022-12-04 00:25:49 +04:00
paru -S --needed --noconfirm nvim-packer-git
2022-12-04 00:24:30 +04:00
2022-11-24 20:51:15 +04:00
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* remove orphans"
2022-12-10 03:40:01 +04:00
paru -Qtdq | paru --noconfirm -Rns -
2022-12-10 03:39:26 +04:00
2022-12-01 17:22:28 +04:00
## Chezmoi
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* init chezmoi"
2022-11-24 20:51:15 +04:00
chezmoi init --apply
2022-12-01 23:33:03 +04:00
cd ~/.local/share/chezmoi/
2022-11-25 20:49:34 +04:00
git remote set-url origin
2022-12-01 23:33:03 +04:00
cd ~
2022-11-24 20:51:15 +04:00
2022-12-01 17:22:28 +04:00
## SSH
# Generate key if not exist
2022-11-24 21:17:39 +04:00
if [ -f "$HOME/.ssh/" ]; then
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* ssh key already exist"
2022-11-24 21:17:39 +04:00
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* create ssh key"
2022-11-24 21:20:28 +04:00
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f "$HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519" -N ""
2022-11-24 21:17:39 +04:00
eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
2022-12-03 21:47:56 +04:00
## Neovim
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* install/upgrade nvim pkgs"
2022-12-04 00:41:07 +04:00
nvim -c 'autocmd User PackerComplete quitall' -c 'PackerSync'
2022-12-03 21:47:56 +04:00
2022-12-01 17:22:28 +04:00
## Add user to useful groups
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* add user to groups"
sudo usermod -aG wheel,input,audio,video,lp v
2022-12-01 17:22:28 +04:00
2022-12-01 23:31:21 +04:00
## Apply Firefox policies, see
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* set firefox policies"
2022-11-26 01:16:08 +04:00
sudo mkdir -p /etc/firefox/policies
2022-12-01 23:33:03 +04:00
sudo cp ~/.scripts/firefox_policies.json /etc/firefox/policies/policies.json
2022-12-01 23:31:21 +04:00
## Fix NTFS Mount, see
2022-12-10 03:50:27 +04:00
echo "* set mount options"
2022-12-01 23:33:03 +04:00
sudo cp ~/.scripts/mount_options.conf /etc/udisks2/mount_options.conf
2022-12-01 17:22:28 +04:00