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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : TaskMonad.GridSelect
-- Copyright : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- TaskMonad.GridSelect uses 'GridSelect.Extras' to display various information from taskwarrior.
module TaskMonad.GridSelect
-- * Screenshot
-- $screenshots
-- * Possible GridSelects
, taskSelectWithConfig
, tagSelect
, tagSelectWithConfig
, projectSelect
, projectSelectWithConfig
, dueSelect
, dueSelectWithConfig
, togglePriority
, togglePriorityWithConfig
-- * Configuration
, buildTWGSConfig
, defaultTWGSConfig
, defaultTWGSExtraConfig
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Control.Monad ( filterM )
import XMonad hiding ( liftX )
import XMonad.Util.Font
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Input
import XMonad.Util.Image
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
import qualified GridSelect.Extras
import TaskMonad.Utils
import TaskMonad.ScratchPad
-- $screenshots
-- 'togglePriority' in action:
-- << https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/taskmonad-gridselect.png >>
-- | A GridSelect displaying a filtered list of all taskwarrior tasks
:: String -- ^ a filter to be applied, please refer to [TaskWarrior Filter](https://taskwarrior.org/docs/filter.html) for further information
-> GSConfig (X ()) -- ^ the GridSelect config to be used
-> X () -- ^ the gridselect displaying all filtered tasks
taskSelectWithConfig filter gsConfig =
io (getTaskwarriorTaskList filter ["id", "description"]) >>= \bs -> case bs of
[] -> safeSpawn "firefox" []
_ -> runSelectedAction gsConfig . finishGS $ fmap openBuffer bs
finishGS = (("[Finish]", unsafeSpawn "") :)
openBuffer x = (x !! 1, twscratchpad (head x ++ " information"))
-- | A wrapper around 'taskSelectWithConfig' using the default GSConfig
:: String -- ^ a filter to be applied, please refer to [TaskWarrior Filter](https://taskwarrior.org/docs/filter.html) for further information
-> X () -- ^ the gridselect displaying all filtered tasks
taskSelect filter = taskSelectWithConfig filter (buildTWGSConfig 300)
-- | A GridSelect displaying a list of the tags of all pending taskwarrior tasks. After a tag has been selected, a second gridselect showing a filtered list of taskwarrior tasks that have the selected tag will be displayed.
:: (GSConfig (X ()), GSConfig (X ())) -- ^ A tuple containing two GSConfigs. The first one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the list of tags. The second one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the resulting fitlered list of tasks.
-> X () -- ^ a gridSelect displaying a list of the tags of all pending taskwarrior tasks
tagSelectWithConfig (fstGsConfig, sndGsConfig) =
io (getTaskwarriorIds "status:pending" "tags") >>= \bs -> case bs of
[] -> safeSpawn "firefox" []
_ -> runSelectedAction fstGsConfig . finishGS $ fmap openBuffer
(filteredTags bs)
finishGS = (("[Finish]", unsafeSpawn "") :)
openBuffer x = (x, taskSelectWithConfig ("+" ++ x) sndGsConfig)
filteredTags bs = [ x | x <- bs, x `notElem` hiddenTags ]
hiddenTags =
, "DUE"
, "WEEK"
, "YEAR"
, "UDA"
, "nocal"
, "nonag"
, "nocolor"
-- | A wrapper around 'tagSelectWithConfig' using the default GSConfig
tagSelect :: X ()
tagSelect = tagSelectWithConfig (defaultTWGSConfig, buildTWGSConfig 300)
-- | A GridSelect displaying a list of all pending projects. After a project has been selected, a second gridselect showing a filtered list of taskwarrior tasks that belong to the selected project will be displayed.
:: (GSConfig (X ()), GSConfig (X ())) -- ^ A tuple containing two GSConfigs. The first one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the list of pending projects. The second one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the resulting filtered list of tasks.
-> X () -- ^ a GridSelect displaying a list of all pending projects
projectSelectWithConfig (fstGsConfig, sndGsConfig) =
io (getTaskwarriorIds "status:pending" "projects") >>= \bs -> case bs of
[] -> safeSpawn "firefox" []
_ -> runSelectedAction fstGsConfig . finishGS $ fmap openBuffer bs
finishGS = (("[Finish]", unsafeSpawn "") :)
openBuffer x = (x, taskSelectWithConfig ("project:" ++ x) sndGsConfig)
-- | A wrapper around 'projectSelectWithConfig' using the default GSConfig
projectSelect :: X ()
projectSelect =
projectSelectWithConfig (defaultTWGSConfig, buildTWGSConfig 300)
-- | A GridSelect displaying a list of due dates. After a due date has been selected, a second gridselect showing a filtered list of taskwarrior tasks will be displayed.
:: (GSConfig (X ()), GSConfig (X ())) -- ^ A tuple containing two GSConfigs. The first one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the list of due dates. The second one is used to configure the gridselect displaying the resulting filtered list of tasks.
-> X () -- ^ a GridSelect displaying a list of all due dates
dueSelectWithConfig (fstGsConfig, sndGsConfig) = runSelectedAction
actions =
[ ("overdue" , taskSelectWithConfig "+OVERDUE" sndGsConfig)
, ("today" , taskSelectWithConfig "+TODAY" sndGsConfig)
, ("tomorrow", taskSelectWithConfig "+TOMORROW" sndGsConfig)
, ("week" , taskSelectWithConfig "+WEEK" sndGsConfig)
, ("month" , taskSelectWithConfig "+MONTH" sndGsConfig)
, ("year" , taskSelectWithConfig "+YEAR" sndGsConfig)
-- | A wrapper around 'dueSelectWithConfig' using the default GSConfig
dueSelect :: X ()
dueSelect = dueSelectWithConfig (defaultTWGSConfig, buildTWGSConfig 300)
-- | A wrapper around 'togglePriorityWithConfig' using the default GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig
:: String -- ^ the priority that should be toggled
-> X () -- ^ the resulting gridselect
togglePriority = togglePriorityWithConfig (buildTWGSExtraConfig 300)
-- | A gridselect showing all pending tasks. The tasks are colored according to their priority. Selecting a task toggles its priority.
:: GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig (X ()) -- ^ a GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig used for the gridselect
-> String -- ^ the priority that should be toggled
-> X () -- ^ the resulting gridselect
togglePriorityWithConfig gsConfig priority =
io (getTaskwarriorTaskList "+INBOX" ["id", "description", "priority"])
>>= \bs -> case bs of
[] -> safeSpawn "firefox" []
_ ->
("Select " ++ priority ++ "s")
. startEmacs
$ fmap (openBuffer priority) bs
startEmacs = (("[Finish]", safeSpawn "task" []) :)
openBuffer priority x =
( if x !! 2 /= "" then x !! 2 ++ ": " ++ x !! 1 else x !! 1
, toggleP priority x
toggleP priority x = if x !! 2 == priority
then unsafeSpawn ("task " ++ head x ++ " modify priority:")
>> togglePriority priority
else unsafeSpawn ("task " ++ head x ++ " modify priority:" ++ priority)
>> togglePriority priority
-- | Method used to build a GridSelect.Extra.GSConfig by specifying a custom cellwidth
:: Integer -- ^ the cellwidth
-> GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig (X ()) -- ^ the resulting GridSelect.Extra.GSConfig
buildTWGSExtraConfig cellwidth = GridSelect.Extras.def
{ GridSelect.Extras.gs_cellheight = 50
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_cellwidth = cellwidth
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_cellpadding = 10
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_font = "xft:Liberation Mono:size=9:antialias=true"
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_navigate = GridSelect.Extras.defaultNavigation
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_originFractX = 1 / 2
, GridSelect.Extras.gs_originFractY = 1 / 2
-- | Method used to build a GSConfig by specifying a custom cellwidth
:: Integer -- ^ the cellwidth
-> GSConfig (X ()) -- ^ the resulting GSConfig
buildTWGSConfig cellwidth = (buildDefaultGSConfig myColorizer)
{ gs_cellheight = 50
, gs_cellwidth = cellwidth
, gs_cellpadding = 10
, gs_font = "xft:Liberation Mono:size=9:antialias=true"
, gs_navigate = defaultNavigation
, gs_originFractX = 1 / 2
, gs_originFractY = 1 / 2
myColorizer :: a -> Bool -> X (String, String)
myColorizer _ p | p = pure ("#f44336", "#1a1a1a")
| otherwise = pure ("#1a1a1a", "gray")
-- | The default GridSelect.Extra.GSConfig used for taskwarrior GridSelects
defaultTWGSExtraConfig :: GridSelect.Extras.GSConfig (X ())
defaultTWGSExtraConfig = buildTWGSExtraConfig 130
-- | The default GSConfig used for taskwarrior GridSelects
defaultTWGSConfig :: GSConfig (X ())
defaultTWGSConfig = buildTWGSConfig 130