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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : TaskMonad.ScratchPad
-- Copyright : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Max Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- A wrapper around [XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad]
-- (hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-contrib/docs/XMonad-Util-NamedScratchpad.html)
-- that can be used to display taskwarrior commands
module TaskMonad.ScratchPad
-- * Usage
-- $usage
-- * Screenshots
-- $screenshots
, taskwarriorScratchpads
, hideScratchpadAction
, twscratchpad
, runTmuxCommand
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import System.Process
import System.IO
import Control.Monad ( filterM )
import XMonad hiding ( liftX )
import XMonad.Util.Font
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Prompt.Input
import XMonad.Util.Image
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows
import XMonad.Util.XUtils
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
import XMonad.Util.Run
import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
import qualified GridSelect.Extras
-- $usage
-- Just add a manage hook:
-- > , manageHook = namedScratchpadManageHook taskwarriorScratchpads
-- $screenshots
-- TaskMonad.Scratchpad in action:
-- <<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mmagorsc/taskmonad/master/docs/images/taskmonad-scratchpad.png>>
-- | Open the TaskWarrior-ScratchPad
taskwarriorScratchpad :: X ()
taskwarriorScratchpad =
namedScratchpadAction taskwarriorScratchpads "taskwarrior"
-- | The TaskWarrior-Scratchpad which contains a tmux session
taskwarriorScratchpads :: [NamedScratchpad]
taskwarriorScratchpads =
[NS "taskwarrior" spawnTaskwarrior findTerm manageTerm] -- and a second ]
spawnTaskwarrior =
"alacritty" ++ " -t scratchpad" ++ " -e tmux new -A -s tw-scratch"
findTerm = appName =? "scratchpad" -- its window will be named "scratchpad" (see above)
manageTerm = customFloating $ W.RationalRect 0.25 0 0.5 0.6 -- l t w h
-- | Finds named scratchpad configuration by name
findByName :: NamedScratchpads -> String -> Maybe NamedScratchpad
findByName c s = listToMaybe $ filter ((s ==) . name) c
-- | Runs application which should appear in specified scratchpad
runApplication :: NamedScratchpad -> X ()
runApplication = spawn . cmd
-- | Modified version of XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad.hideScratchpadAction
-- which can be used to just show a scratchpad and don't hide it
-- in case it is already shown
:: NamedScratchpads -- ^ Named scratchpads configuration
-> String -- ^ Scratchpad name
-> X ()
hideScratchpadAction confs n
| Just conf <- findByName confs n = withWindowSet $ \s -> do
-- try to find it on the current workspace
filterCurrent <- filterM
(runQuery (query conf))
((maybe [] W.integrate . W.stack . W.workspace . W.current) s)
case filterCurrent of
-- {- The following part is commented out, as it would hide the scratchpad -}
-- (x:_) -> do
-- -- create hidden workspace if it doesn't exist
-- if null (filter ((== scratchpadWorkspaceTag) . W.tag) (W.workspaces s))
-- then addHiddenWorkspace scratchpadWorkspaceTag
-- else return ()
-- -- push window there
-- windows $ W.shiftWin scratchpadWorkspaceTag x
[] -> do
-- try to find it on all workspaces
filterAll <- filterM (runQuery (query conf)) (W.allWindows s)
case filterAll of
(x : _) -> windows $ W.shiftWin (W.currentTag s) x
[] -> runApplication conf
| otherwise = return ()
-- | Send a taskwarrior command to the taskwarrior tmux session and open the taskwarrior scratchpad
twscratchpad :: String -> X ()
twscratchpad command =
runTmuxCommand ("clear && task " ++ command)
>> hideScratchpadAction taskwarriorScratchpads "taskwarrior"
-- | Send a command to the taskwarrior tmux session
runTmuxCommand :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
runTmuxCommand command =
unsafeSpawn $ "tmux send-keys -t tw-scratch.0 '" ++ command ++ "' ENTER"