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PyAutoGUI for simplifying anki routine 2021-01-21T10:26:19+03:00

I had been adding some cards to Anki. It was lowercase word and word with stress in russian. like торты тОрты.

I'm lazy and i wrote two simple scripts. All what i have to do is input words with stress into a file.
First script for creating file with list of sequence of word with stress and lowercase word

import os
f = open("/home/horhik/text.txt", 'r+')
lines = f.readlines()
for ind, line in enumerate(lines):
    print(line.lower(), " ", line)

After, i just pushed output to file and opened it it Emacs.

Second script automatizing adding cards to Anki.
I split my window by Anki "add card" window and Emacs. As i use evil mode in Emacs, script looks like that:

import pyautogui

import os
    pyautogui.hotkey("winleft", 'j') # toggle window["v", "$", "y"]) # copy string
    pyautogui.hotkey("winleft", 'j') # toggle window
    pyautogui.hotkey("ctrl", 'v')    # past text"tab")           # next input field
    pyautogui.hotkey("winleft", 'j') # toggle window["j","0", "w", "v" , "$", "y", "0", "j", "j" ])
						         # move to next line beginning, copy it and go to next occurence
    pyautogui.hotkey("winleft", 'j') # toggle window
    pyautogui.hotkey("ctrl", 'v')    # paste text"tab")           # ..."tab")           # ..."tab")           # ..."tab")           # ... way to submit button"space")         # pressing submit button

while(true) was my mistake. I launched script in terminal, with sleep 3 seconds before.
But i couldn't shut script down without any strange effect when i opening not only 2 windows in my Window Manager.
Some strange things happen before I cached terminal and pressed Ctrl+C