add commandline arguments support
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 20 additions and 14 deletions
@ -31,8 +31,7 @@ getChanges now before = if (hasDiff ch) then Just res else Nothing
diff = getDiff now before
res = foldr (\(First x) y -> x ++ " \n " ++ y) "" ch
-- Should return signal to stop the script if there's a checkbox with a keyword `stop`
-- TODO: Should return signal to stop the script if there's a checkbox with a keyword `stop`
showRunning :: [String] -> GeneratorState
showRunning html = IsRunning
@ -41,11 +40,11 @@ myFormatDiffTime :: (UTCTime, UTCTime) -> String
myFormatDiffTime (a,b)= formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S" . posixSecondsToUTCTime $ diffUTCTime a b
-- Printing changes is they exsists
genOutput :: Maybe String -> String -> IO ()
genOutput (Just changes) time = do
file <- openFile "" AppendMode
genOutput :: Maybe String -> String -> String -> IO ()
genOutput (Just changes) time timecodeFile= do
file <- openFile timecodeFile AppendMode
hPutStrLn file $ time ++ "\n " ++ changes
genOutput Nothing _ = return()
genOutput Nothing _ _ = return()
-- Returning fetched url as a string separated by \n
fetchFile :: String -> IO [String]
@ -54,26 +53,33 @@ fetchFile url = do
return $ (splitOn ("\n")) . toString $ html
-- Main Loop
timecodeGenerator :: GeneratorState -> [String] -> UTCTime -> String -> IO ()
timecodeGenerator IsFinished _ _ _ = return ()
timecodeGenerator IsRunning prevFile time url = do
timecodeGenerator :: GeneratorState -> [String] -> UTCTime -> String -> String -> IO ()
timecodeGenerator IsFinished _ _ _ _ = return ()
timecodeGenerator IsRunning prevFile time url timecodeFile = do
newFile <- fetchFile url
currTime <- getCurrentTime
let changes = getChanges newFile prevFile
let diffTime = myFormatDiffTime (currTime, time)
genOutput changes diffTime
genOutput changes diffTime timecodeFile
-- Waiting for 1 second
threadDelay 10000
-- Creating a loop until `IsFinished`
if showRunning newFile == IsRunning then
timecodeGenerator IsRunning newFile time url
timecodeGenerator IsRunning newFile time url timecodeFile
timecodeGenerator IsFinished newFile time url
timecodeGenerator IsFinished newFile time url timecodeFile
-- Commandline arguments:
-- 1. Link to markdown file
-- 2. File to write timecodes to
main :: IO ()
main = do
let url = ""
args <- getArgs
let url:timecodeFile:xs = args
time <- getCurrentTime
file <- fetchFile url
timecodeGenerator IsRunning file time url
timecodeGenerator IsRunning file time url timecodeFile
--let url = ""
--let timecodeFile = ""
Add table
Reference in a new issue