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2024-12-24 21:07:29 +03:00
letsencrypt fix: Split wildcard and root domains for ACME () 2024-09-07 00:57:25 +03:00
lib chore: Remove leftovers 2024-12-24 20:46:56 +03:00
postgresql fix: Pleroma startup 2024-12-24 20:46:59 +03:00
resources fix resources/limits.txt but do not use them for now 2023-11-18 19:26:52 +04:00
sp-modules refactor: Even clearer naming for the manifest version 2024-12-24 21:07:29 +03:00
webserver fix: Split wildcard and root domains for ACME () 2024-09-07 00:57:25 +03:00
.gitignore .gitignore: /result 2023-11-06 11:11:34 +04:00
configuration.nix fix: Remote fetcher used wrong path 2024-12-24 20:46:43 +03:00
flake.lock chore: update nixpkgs 2024-12-24 20:47:15 +03:00
flake.nix feat: Dynamic templating 2024-12-24 20:40:45 +03:00
LICENSE Изменил(а) на 'LICENSE' 2021-11-18 10:08:19 +02:00
overlay.nix docs: provide and document a quick way to apply a change to nixpkgs () 2024-08-16 13:55:12 +03:00
README.md refactor: Even clearer naming for the manifest version 2024-12-24 21:07:29 +03:00
selfprivacy-module.nix feat: PostgreSQL migration 2024-12-24 20:44:41 +03:00
users.nix configure NixOS to allow configuration without password nor ssh key 2024-01-23 16:37:35 +04:00
volumes.nix selfprivacy.userdata -> selfprivacy; SP modules -> selfprivacy.modules 2023-11-16 04:00:15 +04:00

SelfPrivacy NixOS configuration

This configuration is not self-contained, as it needs to be plugged as an input of a top-level NixOS configuration flake (i.e. https://git.selfprivacy.org/SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-nixos-template/). This flake outputs the following function:

nixosConfigurations-fun =
  { hardware-configuration # hardware-configuration.nix file
  , deployment             # deployment.nix file
  , userdata               # nix attrset, obtained by fromJSON from userdata.json
  , top-level-flake        # `self`-reference of the top-level flake
  , sp-modules             # flake inputs of sp-modules flake

which returns one or more attributes, containing NixOS configurations (created with nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem). (As of 2024-01-10 there is only a single configuration named default.)

updating flake inputs

We have 2 flake inputs:

  • nixpkgs
  • selfprivacy-api

Both get updated the same ways.

There are 2 methods:

  1. specify input name only in a command, relying on URL inside flake.nix
  2. specify input name and URL in a command, overriding whatever URL is inside flake.nix for the input to update (override)

In any case a Nix flake input is specified using some special references syntax, including URLs, revisions, etc, described in manual: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/command-ref/new-cli/nix3-flake.html#examples. Such reference can be used inside flake.nix or as an argument to nix flake commands. When a new reference is encountered Nix downloads and extracts it to /nix/store.

Before and after running nix flake lock (or nix flake update) commands you would most likely want to list current inputs using nix flake metadata, which are read from flake.lock file. Although, Nix should also print a diff between changed references once changed.

--commit-lock-file option tells Nix commands to do git commit flake.lock automatically, creating a new commit for you.

method 1: update specific input


$ nix flake lock --update-input nixpkgs
$ nix flake lock --update-input selfprivacy-api

Depending on how "precise" the URL was speficied in flake.nix, with unmodified flake.nix the result might be:

  • URL with rev (sha1) parameter => nothing will update (as we're already at exact commit)
  • URL with ref (branch) parameter => input will update to the latest commit of the specified branch
  • URL without rev nor ref => input will update to the latest commit of a default branch!

Once Nix 2.19 stabilizes, a different command must be used for updating a single input (recursively), like this:

$ nix flake update nixpkgs

method 2: override specific input

Overriding is more powerful (for non-nested flakes) as it allows to change a flake input reference to anything just in one command (not only update in the bounds of a branch or a repository).


$ nix flake lock --override-input nixpkgs github:nixos/nixpkgs?ref=nixos-24.05
$ nix flake lock --override-input selfprivacy-api git+https://git.selfprivacy.org/SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-rest-api.git?ref=flakes

Similarly to update mechanism (described above), depending on the "precision" of an URL, its update scope varies accordingly.

Note, that subsequent calls of nix flake lock --update-input <INPUT> or nix flake update (or nix flake update INPUT by Nix 2.19+) will update the input regardless of the prior override. The information about override is stored only in flake.lock (flake.nix is not altered by Nix).

Note, that override does not update flake inputs recursively (say, you have a flake nested inside your flake input). For recursive updates only nix flake lock --update-input and nix flake update mechanisms are suitable. However, as of 2024-01-10 none of the SP NixOS configuration inputs contain other flakes, hence override mechanism is fine (don't confuse with top-level flake which has nested inputs).

Updating other repositories

After changing the flakes branch here, you have to modify other repositories, so the new servers start up with the latest version of this config.

NixOS template

On selfprivacy-nixos-template run the following command:

nix flake update --override-input selfprivacy-nixos-config git+https://git.selfprivacy.org/SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-nixos-config.git?ref=flakes
./.switch-selfprivacy-nixos-config-url git+https://git.selfprivacy.org/SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-nixos-config.git?ref=flakes

And push the changes. Take note of the commit hash.

If you added a new SelfPrivacy module, you have to add it to the sp-modules input in flake.nix and update the userdata.json template.

NixOS infect

On selfprivacy-nixos-infect modify the commit hash on this line:

readonly CONFIG_URL="https://git.selfprivacy.org/api/v1/repos/SelfPrivacy/selfprivacy-nixos-template/archive/HASH.tar.gz"

If you added a new SelfPrivacy module, you have to also edit a genUserdata function in nixos-infect to set up the new module.

How to apply a change (e.g. CVE fix) to nixpkgs

if you can determine which nixpkgs package is affected

  • without building from source (after nixpkgs binary cache is ready) - it will use all dependencies from the nixpkgs commit, where the patch is committed:

    1. Find a nixpkgs commit, which contains the patched files. It doesn't have to be (but it can be) the commit where the actual patch was introduced, it can be a more recent commit.
    2. In overlay.nix file write a line inside the existing curly brackets following the following pattern:
      PACKAGE_NAME = (builtins.getFlake "github:nixos/nixpkgs/NIXPKGS_COMMIT_SHA1").legacyPackages.${system}.PACKAGE_NAME;
      Substitute PACKAGE_NAME and NIXPKGS_COMMIT_SHA1 with affected package name and nixpkgs commit SHA1 (found at step 1), respectively.
    3. Commit the overlay.nix changes. Configuration is ready to be built.

SelfPrivacy Module schema

Flake.nix metadata

  description = "Flake description";

  outputs = { self }: {
    nixosModules.default = import ./module.nix;
    configPathsNeeded =
      builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./config-paths-needed.json);
    meta = {lib, ...}: {
      # Schema version
      spModuleSchemaVersion = 1;
      # Must be the same name as flake and Systemd slice
      id = "jitsi-meet";
      # Service name displayed to a user
      name = "JitsiMeet";
      # Description displayed to a user
      description = "Jitsi Meet is a free and open-source video conferencing solution.";
      # Icon of the service
      svgIcon = builtins.readFile ./icon.svg;
      # Do we need to show URL in the UI? True by default
      showUrl = true;
      # If there are several subdomain options, which one to use to generate the URL?
      primarySubdomain = "subdomain";
      # Can be moved to another volume?
      isMovable = false;
      # Is required for SelfPrivacy operation?
      isRequired = false;
      # Can be backed up by API?
      # Implied to be TRUE by default
      canBeBackedUp = true;
      # Description of the backup
      backupDescription = "Secrets that are used to encrypt the communication.";
      # Systemd services that API checks and manipulates
      systemdServices = [
      # A unix user used by this service
      # By default implied to be the same as the service ID
      user = "jitsi-meet";
      # A unix group used by this group
      # By default implied to be the same as the user
      group = "jitsi-meet";
      # Folders that have to be moved or backed up
      # Ownership is implied by the user/group defined above
      folders = [
      # Same as above, but if you need to overwrite ownership
      ownedFolders = [
          path = "/var/lib/prometheus";
          owner = "prometheus";
          group = "prometheus";
      # PostgreSQL databases to back up
      postgreDatabases = [];
      # Licenses of this service
      license = [
      # Homepage for this service
      homepage = "https://jitsi.org/meet";
      # Git repository with the sources of this service
      sourcePage = "https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet";
      # What is our support level for this service?
      # Supported values:
      # - normal
      # - deprecated
      # - experimental
      supportLevel = "normal";

Flake options

enable = (lib.mkOption {
  default = false;
  type = lib.types.bool;
  description = "Enable";
}) // {
  meta = {
    type = "enable";
location = (lib.mkOption {
  type = lib.types.str;
  description = "Location";
}) // {
  meta = {
    type = "location";
subdomain = (lib.mkOption {
  default = "";
  type = lib.types.strMatching "[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9]";
  description = "Subdomain";
}) // {
  meta = {
    widget = "subdomain";
    type = "string";
    regex = "[A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9\-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9]";
    weight = 0;