2023-11-27 19:00:05 +04:00
import 'dart:io';
2022-10-30 18:21:38 +04:00
import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/models/json/dns_records.dart';
2023-01-03 13:00:01 +04:00
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';
2022-10-30 18:21:38 +04:00
2023-11-27 19:00:05 +04:00
enum DnsRecordStatus { ok, waiting, nonexistent }
/// Check if DNS records were recognized.
/// Return pairs of full record name matched to its status.
/// If no record found, return just one pair of [domain] matched to critical non-existent status.
/// - [domain] - full domain delegated to SelfPrivacy (e.g. reimu.love)
/// - [subdomains] - list of all subdomains we want to validate recods of (e.g. api, cloud...)
/// - [ip4] - IP address of our server we want to validate DNS records by (e.g.
Future<Map<String, DnsRecordStatus>> validateDnsMatch(
final String domain,
final List<String> subdomains,
final String ip4,
) async {
final Map<String, DnsRecordStatus> matches = <String, DnsRecordStatus>{};
Future<void> lookup(final String address) async {
await InternetAddress.lookup(address).then(
(final records) {
for (final record in records) {
final bool isIpCorrect = record.address == ip4;
matches[record.host] =
isIpCorrect ? DnsRecordStatus.ok : DnsRecordStatus.waiting;
try {
await lookup(domain);
for (final subdomain in subdomains) {
await lookup('$subdomain.$domain');
} catch (e) {
if (matches.isEmpty) {
matches[domain] = DnsRecordStatus.nonexistent;
return matches;
2022-10-30 18:21:38 +04:00
DnsRecord? extractDkimRecord(final List<DnsRecord> records) {
DnsRecord? dkimRecord;
for (final DnsRecord record in records) {
if (record.type == 'TXT' && record.name == 'selector._domainkey') {
dkimRecord = record;
return dkimRecord;
2022-12-23 00:17:48 +04:00
String getHostnameFromDomain(final String domain) {
// Replace all non-alphanumeric characters with an underscore
String hostname =
domain.split('.')[0].replaceAll(RegExp(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9]'), '-');
if (hostname.endsWith('-')) {
hostname = hostname.substring(0, hostname.length - 1);
if (hostname.startsWith('-')) {
hostname = hostname.substring(1);
if (hostname.isEmpty) {
hostname = 'selfprivacy-server';
return hostname;
2023-01-03 13:00:01 +04:00
void launchURL(final url) async {
try {
final Uri uri = Uri.parse(url);
await launchUrl(
mode: LaunchMode.externalApplication,
} catch (e) {
2023-11-08 18:31:28 +04:00
List<DnsRecord> getProjectDnsRecords(
final String? domainName,
final String? ip4,
2024-01-15 14:45:36 +04:00
final bool isCreating,
2023-11-08 18:31:28 +04:00
) {
final DnsRecord domainA =
DnsRecord(type: 'A', name: domainName, content: ip4);
final DnsRecord mx = DnsRecord(type: 'MX', name: '@', content: domainName);
final DnsRecord apiA = DnsRecord(type: 'A', name: 'api', content: ip4);
final DnsRecord cloudA = DnsRecord(type: 'A', name: 'cloud', content: ip4);
final DnsRecord gitA = DnsRecord(type: 'A', name: 'git', content: ip4);
final DnsRecord meetA = DnsRecord(type: 'A', name: 'meet', content: ip4);
final DnsRecord passwordA =
DnsRecord(type: 'A', name: 'password', content: ip4);
final DnsRecord socialA = DnsRecord(type: 'A', name: 'social', content: ip4);
final DnsRecord vpn = DnsRecord(type: 'A', name: 'vpn', content: ip4);
final DnsRecord txt1 = DnsRecord(
type: 'TXT',
name: '_dmarc',
content: 'v=DMARC1; p=none',
ttl: 18000,
final DnsRecord txt2 = DnsRecord(
type: 'TXT',
name: domainName,
content: 'v=spf1 a mx ip4:$ip4 -all',
ttl: 18000,
2024-01-19 17:23:09 +04:00
/// We never create this record!
/// This declaration is only for removal
/// as we need to compare by 'type' and 'name'
2024-01-15 14:31:44 +04:00
final DnsRecord txt3 = DnsRecord(
type: 'TXT',
name: 'selector._domainkey',
content: 'v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=none',
ttl: 18000,
2023-11-08 18:31:28 +04:00
return <DnsRecord>[
2024-01-15 14:45:36 +04:00
if (!isCreating) txt3,
2023-11-08 18:31:28 +04:00