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import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:material_color_utilities/material_color_utilities.dart'
as color_utils;
import 'package:selfprivacy/config/get_it_config.dart';
import 'package:selfprivacy/config/preferences_repository/preferences_repository.dart';
/// A class that many Widgets can interact with to read current app
/// configuration, update it, or listen to its changes.
/// AppController uses repo to change persistent data.
class AppController with ChangeNotifier {
/// repo encapsulates retrieval and storage of preferences
final PreferencesRepository _repo;
/// TODO: to be removed or changed
late final ApiConfigModel _apiConfigModel = getIt.get<ApiConfigModel>();
bool _loaded = false;
bool get loaded => _loaded;
// localization
late Locale _locale;
Locale get locale => _locale;
late List<Locale> _supportedLocales;
List<Locale> get supportedLocales => _supportedLocales;
// theme
late ThemeData _lightTheme;
ThemeData get lightTheme => _lightTheme;
late ThemeData _darkTheme;
ThemeData get darkTheme => _darkTheme;
late color_utils.CorePalette _corePalette;
color_utils.CorePalette get corePalette => _corePalette;
late bool _systemThemeModeActive;
bool get systemThemeModeActive => _systemThemeModeActive;
late bool _darkThemeModeActive;
bool get darkThemeModeActive => _darkThemeModeActive;
ThemeMode get themeMode => systemThemeModeActive
? ThemeMode.system
: darkThemeModeActive
? ThemeMode.dark
: ThemeMode.light;
// // Make ThemeMode a private variable so it is not updated directly without
// // also persisting the changes with the repo..
// late ThemeMode _themeMode;
// // Allow Widgets to read the user's preferred ThemeMode.
// ThemeMode get themeMode => _themeMode;
late bool _shouldShowOnboarding;
bool get shouldShowOnboarding => _shouldShowOnboarding;
/// Load the user's settings from the SettingsService. It may load from a
/// local database or the internet. The controller only knows it can load the
/// settings from the service.
Future<void> init({
// required final AppPreferencesRepository repo,
required final ThemeData lightThemeData,
required final ThemeData darkThemeData,
required final color_utils.CorePalette colorPalette,
}) async {
// _repo = repo;
await Future.wait(<Future>[
// load locale
() async {
_supportedLocales = await _repo.getSupportedLocales();
_locale = await _repo.getActiveLocale();
// preset value to other state holders
await _apiConfigModel.setLocaleCode(_locale.languageCode);
await _repo.setDelegateLocale(_locale);
// load theme mode && initialize theme
() async {
_lightTheme = lightThemeData;
_darkTheme = darkThemeData;
_corePalette = colorPalette;
// _themeMode = await _repo.getThemeMode();
_darkThemeModeActive = await _repo.getDarkThemeModeFlag();
_systemThemeModeActive = await _repo.getSystemThemeModeFlag();
// load onboarding flag
() async {
_shouldShowOnboarding = await _repo.getShouldShowOnboarding();
_loaded = true;
// Important! Inform listeners a change has occurred.
// updateRepoReference
Future<void> setShouldShowOnboarding(final bool newValue) async {
// Do not perform any work if new and old flag values are identical
if (newValue == shouldShowOnboarding) {
// Store the flag in memory
_shouldShowOnboarding = newValue;
// Persist the change
await _repo.setShouldShowOnboarding(newValue);
Future<void> setSystemThemeModeFlag(final bool newValue) async {
// Do not perform any work if new and old ThemeMode are identical
if (systemThemeModeActive == newValue) {
// Store the new ThemeMode in memory
_systemThemeModeActive = newValue;
// Inform listeners a change has occurred.
// Persist the change
await _repo.setSystemModeFlag(newValue);
Future<void> setDarkThemeModeFlag(final bool newValue) async {
// Do not perform any work if new and old ThemeMode are identical
if (darkThemeModeActive == newValue) {
// Store the new ThemeMode in memory
_darkThemeModeActive = newValue;
// Inform listeners a change has occurred.
// Persist the change
await _repo.setDarkThemeModeFlag(newValue);
// /// Update and persist the ThemeMode based on the user's selection.
// Future<void> setThemeMode(final ThemeMode newThemeMode) async {
// // Do not perform any work if new and old ThemeMode are identical
// if (newThemeMode == themeMode) {
// return;
// }
// // Store the new ThemeMode in memory
// _themeMode = newThemeMode;
// // Inform listeners a change has occurred.
// notifyListeners();
// // Persist the change
// await _repo.setThemeMode(newThemeMode);
// }
Future<void> setLocale(final Locale newLocale) async {
// Do not perform any work if new and old Locales are identical
if (newLocale == _locale) {
// Store the new Locale in memory
_locale = newLocale;
/// update locale delegate, which in turn should update deps
await _repo.setDelegateLocale(newLocale);
// Persist the change
await _repo.setActiveLocale(newLocale);
// Update other locale holders
await _apiConfigModel.setLocaleCode(newLocale.languageCode);