730 lines
39 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-12-01 12:26:29 +00:00
"test": "en-test",
"locale": "en",
"basis": {
"app_name": "SelfPrivacy",
"providers": "Providers",
"providers_title": "Your Data Center",
"select": "Select",
"services": "Services",
"services_title": "Your personal, private and independent services.",
"users": "Users",
"more": "More",
"next": "Next",
"got_it": "Got it",
"settings": "Settings",
"password": "Password",
"create": "Add new",
"confirmation": "Confirmation",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"delete": "Delete",
"close": "Close",
"connect": "Connect",
"domain": "Domain",
"saving": "Saving…",
"username": "Username",
"loading": "Loading…",
"later": "Skip to setup later",
"connect_to_existing": "I already have a SelfPrivacy server!",
"reset": "Reset",
"details": "Details",
"no_data": "No data",
"wait": "Loading",
"remove": "Remove",
"apply": "Apply",
"done": "Done",
"continue": "Continue",
"alert": "Alert",
"copied_to_clipboard": "Copied to clipboard!",
"please_connect": "Please connect your server, domain and DNS provider to dive in!",
"network_error": "Network error",
"feature_unsupported_on_api_version": "This feature is only supported on server version {versionConstraint}. Your server is on version {currentVersion}.",
"server_is_outdated": "This SelfPrivacy version requires API version {versionConstraint}, but your server is on version {currentVersion}. Some features won't work and errors might occur. Please upgrade your server.",
"error": "Error"
"more_page": {
"configuration_wizard": "Setup wizard",
"onboarding": "Onboarding",
"create_ssh_key": "Superuser SSH keys"
"console_page": {
"title": "Console",
"copy": "Copy",
"copy_raw": "Raw response",
"history_empty": "No data yet",
"error": "Error",
"rest_api_request": "REST API Request",
"rest_api_response": "REST API Response",
"graphql_request": "GraphQL Request",
"graphql_response": "GraphQL Response",
"logged_at": "Logged at",
"data": "Data",
"errors": "Errors",
"error_path": "Path",
"error_locations": "Locations",
"error_extensions": "Extensions",
"request_data": "Request data",
"headers": "Headers",
"response_data": "Response data",
"context": "Context",
"operation": "Operation",
"operation_type": "Operation type",
"operation_name": "Operation name",
"variables": "Variables"
"about_application_page": {
"title": "About & support",
"versions": "Versions",
"application_version_text": "Application version",
"api_version_text": "Server API version",
"open_source_licenses": "Open source licenses",
"links": "Links",
"website": "Our website",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"matrix_channel": "Matrix channel",
"telegram_channel": "Telegram channel",
"get_support": "Get support",
"matrix_support_chat": "Matrix support chat",
"telegram_support_chat": "Telegram support chat",
"email_support": "Email support",
"contribute": "Contribute",
"source_code": "Source code",
"bug_report": "Report a bug",
"bug_report_subtitle": "Due to spam, manual account confirmation is required. Contact us in the support chat to activate your account.",
"help_translate": "Help us translate",
"matrix_contributors_chat": "Matrix contributors chat",
"telegram_contributors_chat": "Telegram contributors chat",
"privacy_policy": "Privacy policy"
"application_settings": {
"title": "Application settings",
"system_theme_mode_title": "System default theme",
"system_theme_mode_description": "Use light or dark theme depending on system settings",
"dark_theme_title": "Dark theme",
"change_application_theme": "Switch your application theme",
"language": "Language",
"click_to_change_locale": "Click to open language list",
"dangerous_settings": "Dangerous settings",
"reset_config_title": "Reset application config",
"reset_config_description": "Resets API keys and root user."
"ssh": {
"title": "SSH keys",
"create": "Create SSH key",
"delete": "Delete SSH key",
"delete_confirm_question": "Are you sure you want to delete SSH key?",
"no_key_name": "Unnamed key",
"root_title": "These are superuser keys",
"root_subtitle": "Owners of these keys get full access to the server and can do anything on it. Only add your own keys to the server.",
2024-03-09 16:30:43 +00:00
"input_label": "Public ED25519, ECDSA or RSA key",
"ssh_disabled_warning": "SSH is disabled. You can enable it in the server settings."
"onboarding": {
"page1_title": "Digital independence, available to all of us",
"page1_text": "Mail, VPN, Messenger, social network and much more on your private server, under your control.",
"page2_title": "SelfPrivacy is not a cloud, it's Your personal datacenter",
"page2_text": "SelfPrivacy only works with providers that you choose. If you do not have required accounts in those, we'll help you to create them.",
"page2_server_provider_title": "Server provider",
"page2_server_provider_text": "A server provider maintains your server in its own data center. SelfPrivacy will automatically connect to the provider and setup all necessary things.",
"page2_dns_provider_title": "DNS provider",
"page2_dns_provider_text": "You need a domain to have a place in the Internet. And you also need a reliable DNS provider to have the domain pointed to your server. We will suggest you pick a supported DNS provider to automatically setup networking.",
"page2_backup_provider_title": "Backup provider",
"page2_backup_provider_text": "What if something happens to your server? Imagine a hacker attack, an accidental data deletion or denial of service? Your data will be kept safe in your provider of backups. They will be securely encrypted and anytime accessible to restore your server with."
"resource_chart": {
"month": "Month",
"day": "Day",
"hour": "Hour",
"cpu_title": "CPU Usage",
"cpu_chart_screen_reader_explanation": "This chart shows the CPU usage in last {period}. The last value is at {lastValue}%. The average usage is at {averageUsage}%. The maximal usage is at {maxUsage}% at {maxUsageTime}.",
"disk_title": "Disk Usage",
"disk_chart_screen_reader_explanation": {
"beginning": "This chart shows the disk usage in last {period}. ",
"disk": "For {disk} the consumption went from {beginningValue}% to {endValue}%. "
"network_title": "Network Usage",
"network_chart_screen_reader_explanation": "This chart shows the network usage in last {period}. The last value is at {lastValueIn} inbound and {lastValueOut} outbound. The average usage is at {averageUsageIn} inbound and {averageUsageOut} outbound. The maximal inbound usage is at {maxUsageIn} at {maxUsageTimeIn} and maximal outbound {maxUsageOut} at {maxUsageTimeOut} out.",
"in": "In",
"out": "Out",
"memory": "Memory usage",
"memory_chart_screen_reader_explanation": "This chart shows the memory usage in last {period}. The last value is at {lastValue}%. The average usage is at {averageUsage}%. The maximal usage is at {maxUsage}% at {maxUsageTime}.",
"view_usage_by_service": "View usage by service",
"unsupported": "You can't view resource usage charts without the server provider token.",
"system": "System",
"ssh_users": "SSH users",
"ram_usage": "Average usage: {average}. Maximum: {max}.",
"loading": "The chart is loading…",
"failed_to_load_memory_metrics": "Couldn't load memory usage data. This might be a connection issue, or there is not enough data yet."
"server": {
"card_title": "Server",
"description": "All your services live here",
"general_information": "General information",
"resource_usage": "Resource usage",
"settings": "Server settings",
"allow_autoupgrade": "Allow auto-upgrade",
"allow_autoupgrade_hint": "Allow automatic packages upgrades on server",
"reboot_after_upgrade": "Reboot after upgrade",
"reboot_after_upgrade_hint": "Reboot without prompt after applying changes on server",
"server_timezone": "Server timezone",
"select_timezone": "Select timezone",
2024-03-09 16:30:43 +00:00
"enable_ssh": "Enable SSH",
"enable_ssh_hint": "Allow SSH access to the server",
"allow_password_authentication": "Allow password authentication for SSH",
"allow_password_authentication_hint": "Allow users to log into your server's shell with a password (does not apply to root user)",
"timezone_search_bar": "Timezone name or time shift value",
"server_id": "Server ID",
"status": "Status",
"cpu": "CPU",
"ram": "Memory",
"disk": "Disk local",
"monthly_cost": "Monthly cost",
"location": "Location",
"pricing_error": "Couldn't fetch provider prices",
"server_provider": "Server Provider",
"dns_provider": "DNS Provider",
"core_count": {
"one": "{} core",
"two": "{} cores",
"few": "{} cores",
"many": "{} cores",
"other": "{} cores"
2024-07-24 14:22:12 +00:00
"logs": "Server logs",
"logs_empty": "No logs yet",
"filter_by_systemd_unit": "Filter by systemd unit",
"all_units": "All units",
"log_dialog": {
"metadata": "Metadata",
"cursor": "Cursor",
"priority": "Priority",
"systemd_unit": "Systemd unit",
"systemd_slice": "Systemd slice",
"message": "Message"
"domain": {
"card_title": "Domain",
"screen_title": "Domain and DNS",
"ok": "Records are OK",
"error": "Problems found",
"error_subtitle": "Tap here to fix them. This will also remove custom records.",
"refreshing": "Refreshing status…",
"uninitialized": "Data is not retrieved yet",
"services_title": "Services",
"services_subtitle": "Type “A” records required for each service.",
"email_title": "Email",
"email_subtitle": "Records necessary for secure email exchange.",
2024-10-10 01:30:38 +00:00
"other_title": "Other",
"other_subtitle": "Other records needed for the work of the SelfPrivacy",
2024-03-11 05:00:53 +00:00
"update_list": "Update list"
"backup": {
"card_title": "Backup",
2023-07-02 15:24:07 +00:00
"card_subtitle": "Manage your backups",
"description": "Will save your day in case of incident: hackers attack, server deletion, etc.",
2024-03-14 15:59:12 +00:00
"reupload_key": "Force reupload key",
"reuploaded_key": "Key reuploaded",
"reupload_key_subtitle": "Will instruct the server to initialize backup storage again. Use if something is broken.",
"initialize": "Initialize",
"restore": "Restore from backup",
"no_backups": "There are no backups yet",
"create_new": "Create a new backup",
"restore_alert": "You are about to restore from backup created on {}. All current data will be lost. Are you sure?",
"refresh": "Refresh status",
"refetch_backups": "Refetch backup list",
2023-07-02 15:24:07 +00:00
"refetch_backups_subtitle": "Invalidate cache and refetch data from your storage provider. May cause additional charges.",
"refetching_list": "In a few minutes list will be updated",
"select_all": "Backup everything",
"create_new_select_heading": "Select what to backup",
"start": "Start backup",
"service_busy": "Another backup operation is in progress",
"latest_snapshots": "Latest snapshots",
"latest_snapshots_subtitle": "Showing last 15 snapshots",
"show_more": "Show more",
"autobackup_period_title": "Automatic backups period",
"autobackup_period_subtitle": "Backups created every {period}",
"autobackup_period_never": "Automatic backups are disabled",
"autobackup_period_every": "Every {period}",
"autobackup_period_disable": "Disable automatic backups",
"autobackup_set_period": "Set period",
"backups_encryption_key": "Encryption key",
"backups_encryption_key_subtitle": "Keep it in a safe place.",
"backups_encryption_key_copy": "Copy the encryption key",
"backups_encryption_key_show": "Show the encryption key",
"backups_encryption_key_description": "This key is used to encrypt your backups. If you lose it, you will not be able to restore your backups. Keep it in a safe place, as it will be useful if you ever need to restore from backups manually.",
"backups_encryption_key_not_found": "Encryption key not found yet, please try again later.",
2023-07-02 15:24:07 +00:00
"pending_jobs": "Currently running backup jobs",
"snapshots_title": "Snapshot list",
"forget_snapshot": "Forget snapshot",
"forget_snapshot_alert": "You are about to delete this snapshot. Are you sure? This action usually cannot be undone.",
"forget_snapshot_error": "Couldn't forget snapshot",
"snapshot_modal_heading": "Snapshot details",
"snapshot_service_title": "Service",
"snapshot_creation_time_title": "Creation time",
"snapshot_id_title": "Snapshot ID",
"snapshot_modal_select_strategy": "Select the restore strategy",
"snapshot_modal_download_verify_option_title": "Download, verify and then replace",
"snapshot_modal_download_verify_option_description": "Less risk, but more free space needed. Downloads entire snapshot to the temporary storage, verifies it and then replaces the current data.",
"snapshot_modal_inplace_option_title": "Replace in place",
"snapshot_modal_inplace_option_description": "Less free space needed, but more risk. Replaces current data with the snapshot data during the download.",
"snapshot_modal_service_not_found": "This is a snapshot of a service you don't have on your server anymore. Usually this shouldn't happen, and we cannot do the automatic restore. You can still download the snapshot and restore it manually. Contact SelfPrivacy support if you need help.",
"restore_started": "Restore started, check the jobs list for the current status",
"snapshot_reason_title": "Creation reason",
"snapshot_reasons": {
"auto": "Created automatically",
"explicit": "Created by your explicit request",
"pre_restore": "Created as a precaution before risky restore",
"unknown": "Unknown"
"rotation_quotas_title": "Snapshot rotation settings",
"set_rotation_quotas": "Set new rotation quotas",
2023-09-10 09:46:55 +00:00
"quotas_only_applied_to_autobackups": "These settings are only applied to automatic backups. Manual backups won't get deleted.",
"quota_titles": {
"last": "How many latest backups to keep",
"daily": "How many daily backups to keep",
"weekly": "How many weekly backups to keep",
"monthly": "How many monthly backups to keep",
"yearly": "How many yearly backups to keep"
"quota_subtitles": {
"no_effect": "This rule has no effect because another rule will keep more backups",
"last": {
"zero": "Rule is disabled",
"one": "Last {} backup will be kept regardless of its age",
"two": "Last {} backups will be kept regardless of their age",
"few": "Last {} backups will be kept regardless of their age",
"many": "Last {} backups will be kept regardless of their age",
"other": "Last {} backups will be kept regardless of their age"
"last_infinite": "All backups will be kept",
"daily": {
"zero": "Rule is disabled",
"one": "Last {} daily backup will be kept",
"two": "Last {} daily backups will be kept",
"few": "Last {} daily backups will be kept",
"many": "Last {} daily backups will be kept",
"other": "Last {} daily backups will be kept"
"daily_infinite": "All daily backups will be kept",
"weekly": {
"zero": "Rule is disabled",
"one": "Last {} weekly backup will be kept",
"two": "Last {} weekly backups will be kept",
"few": "Last {} weekly backups will be kept",
"many": "Last {} weekly backups will be kept",
"other": "Last {} weekly backups will be kept"
"weekly_infinite": "All weekly backups will be kept",
"monthly": {
"zero": "Rule is disabled",
"one": "Last {} monthly backup will be kept",
"two": "Last {} monthly backups will be kept",
"few": "Last {} monthly backups will be kept",
"many": "Last {} monthly backups will be kept",
"other": "Last {} monthly backups will be kept"
"monthly_infinite": "All monthly backups will be kept",
"yearly": {
"zero": "Rule is disabled",
"one": "Last {} yearly backup will be kept",
"two": "Last {} yearly backups will be kept",
"few": "Last {} yearly backups will be kept",
"many": "Last {} yearly backups will be kept",
"other": "Last {} yearly backups will be kept"
"yearly_infinite": "All yearly backups will be kept"
"storage": {
"card_title": "Server Storage",
"status_ok": "Disk usage is OK",
"status_error": "Low disk space",
"disk_usage": "{} used",
2024-08-23 10:21:50 +00:00
"disk_total": "{sizeTotal} total · {displayName}",
"gb": "{} GB",
"mb": "{} MB",
"kb": "{} KB",
"bytes": "Bytes",
"extend_volume_button": "Extend volume",
"extending_volume_title": "Extending volume",
"extending_volume_description": "Resizing volume will allow you to store more data on your server without extending the server itself. Volume can only be extended: shrinking is not possible.",
"extending_volume_price_info": "Price includes VAT and is estimated from pricing data provided by your server provider. Server will be rebooted after resizing.",
"extending_volume_error": "Couldn't initialize volume extending.",
2024-02-06 15:21:21 +00:00
"extending_volume_started": "Volume extending started",
2024-03-14 15:59:12 +00:00
"extending_volume_provider_waiting": "Provider volume resized, waiting 10 seconds…",
2024-02-06 15:21:21 +00:00
"extending_volume_server_waiting": "Server volume resized, waiting 20 seconds…",
"extending_volume_rebooting": "Rebooting server…",
2024-08-23 10:21:50 +00:00
"extending_volume_modal_description": "Upgrade to {size} for {price} plan per month.",
"size": "Size",
"price": "Price",
"data_migration_title": "Data migration",
"data_migration_notice": "During migration all services will be turned off.",
2024-03-11 05:00:53 +00:00
"start_migration_button": "Start migration"
"not_ready_card": {
"in_menu": "Server is not set up yet. Please finish setup using setup wizard for further work."
"service_page": {
"nothing_here": "Nothing here",
"open_in_browser": "Open in browser",
"restart": "Restart service",
"disable": "Disable service",
"enable": "Enable service",
"move": "Move to another volume",
"uses": "Uses {usage} on {volume}",
2023-07-02 15:24:07 +00:00
"snapshots": "Backup snapshots",
"status": {
"active": "Up and running",
"inactive": "Stopped",
"failed": "Failed to start",
"off": "Disabled",
"activating": "Activating",
"deactivating": "Deactivating",
"reloading": "Restarting"
2024-07-22 23:47:53 +00:00
"settings": "Service settings",
"modified": "Modified",
"invalid_value_detected": "Invalid value detected. Please change it.",
2024-07-22 23:47:53 +00:00
"invalid_input": "Invalid input",
"create_job": "Create job",
"update_job": "Update job",
"wait_for_jobs": "Server is busy with other jobs. Please wait until they are finished.",
"logs": "Service logs"
"mail": {
"login_info": "Use username and password from users tab. IMAP port is 143 with STARTTLS, SMTP port is 587 with STARTTLS."
"password_manager": {
"login_info": "You will have to create an account on the website."
"video": {
"login_info": "No account needed."
"cloud": {
"login_info": "Login is admin, password is the same as with your main user. Create new accounts in Nextcloud interface."
"social_network": {
"login_info": "You will have to create an account on the website."
"git": {
"login_info": "You will have to create an account on the website. First user will become an admin."
"users": {
"details_title": "User details",
"add_new_user": "Add a first user",
"new_user": "New user",
"delete_user": "Delete user",
"nobody_here": "Nobody here",
"login": "Login",
"new_user_info_note": "New user will automatically be granted an access to all of the services",
"delete_confirm_question": "Are you sure?",
"reset_password": "Reset password",
"account": "Account",
"could_not_fetch_users": "Couldn't fetch users list",
"could_not_fetch_description": "Please check your internet connection and try again",
"refresh_users": "Refresh users list",
"could_not_create_user": "Couldn't create user",
"could_not_delete_user": "Couldn't delete user",
"could_not_add_ssh_key": "Couldn't add SSH key",
"username_rule": "Username must contain only lowercase latin letters, digits and underscores, should not start with a digit",
"email_login": "Email login",
"no_ssh_notice": "Only email and SSH accounts are created for this user. Single Sign On for all services is coming soon.",
"user_already_exists": "User with such username already exists"
"initializing": {
"connect_to_server": "Let's start with a server.",
"select_provider": "Pick any provider from the following list, they all support SelfPrivacy",
2022-12-31 02:53:01 +00:00
"select_provider_notice": "By 'Relatively small' we mean a machine with 2 cores of CPU and 2 gigabytes of RAM.",
"select_provider_countries_title": "Available countries",
"select_provider_countries_text_hetzner": "Germany, Finland, USA",
"select_provider_countries_text_do": "USA, Netherlands, Singapore, UK, Germany, Canada, India, Australia",
"select_provider_price_title": "Average price",
"select_provider_price_free": "Free",
"select_provider_price_text_hetzner": "€8 per month for a relatively small server and 50GB of disk storage",
"select_provider_price_text_do": "$17 per month for a relatively small server and 50GB of disk storage",
"select_provider_payment_title": "Payment methods",
"select_provider_payment_text_hetzner": "Credit cards, SWIFT, SEPA, PayPal",
"select_provider_payment_text_do": "Credit cards, Google Pay, PayPal",
"select_provider_email_notice": "E-mail hosting won't be available for new clients. Nevertheless it will be unlocked as soon as you complete your first payment.",
"select_provider_site_button": "Visit site",
"connect_to_server_provider": "Now log in {provider}",
"connect_to_server_provider_text": "With API token SelfPrivacy will be able to rent a machine and setup your server on it",
"how": "How to obtain API token",
"provider_bad_key_error": "Provider API key is invalid",
"could_not_connect": "Couldn't connect to the provider.",
"choose_location_type": "Where do you want to order your server?",
"choose_location_type_text": "Different locations provide different server configurations, prices and connection speed.",
"locations_not_found": "Oops!",
"locations_not_found_text": "There are no available servers to rent",
"back_to_locations": "Select something else",
"no_locations_found": "No available locations found, make sure your account is accessible",
"choose_server_type": "What type of server do you need?",
"choose_server_type_text": "Different resource capabilities support different services. Don't worry, you can expand your server anytime",
"choose_server_type_notice": "The important things to look at are the CPU and RAM. The data of your services will be stored on a mounted volume which is easily expandable and gets paid for separately.",
2022-12-31 03:36:49 +00:00
"choose_server_type_ram": "{} GB of RAM",
2022-12-31 03:40:08 +00:00
"choose_server_type_storage": "{} GB of system storage",
"choose_server_type_payment_per_month": "{} per month",
2023-09-06 17:01:56 +00:00
"choose_server_type_payment_server": "{} for the server",
"choose_server_type_payment_storage": "{} for additional storage",
2023-09-06 17:01:56 +00:00
"choose_server_type_payment_ip": "{} for the public IPv4 address",
"dns_provider_bad_key_error": "API key is invalid",
"backblaze_bad_key_error": "Backblaze storage information is invalid",
"connect_to_dns": "Connect the DNS provider",
"select_dns": "Now let's select a DNS provider",
"use_this_domain": "Use this domain?",
"use_this_domain_text": "The token you provided gives access to the following domain",
2023-09-08 12:41:12 +00:00
"multiple_domains_found": "Multiple domains found",
"multiple_domains_found_text": "The token you provided gives access to the following domains. Please select the one you want to use. For the security of your other domains, you should restrict this token's access to only the domain you want to use with SelfPrivacy.",
"no_connected_domains": "No connected domains at the moment",
"loading_domain_list": "Loading domain list",
"save_domain": "Save domain",
"final": "Final step",
"create_server": "Create server",
"server_rebooted": "Server rebooted. Waiting for the last verification…",
"server_started": "Server started. It will be validated and rebooted now…",
"server_created": "Server created. DNS checks and server boot in progress…",
"domain_critical_error": "We can't reach this domain! Tap to
"until_the_next_check": "Until the next check: ",
"check": "Check",
"one_more_restart": "One more restart to apply your security certificates.",
"create_master_account": "Create master account",
"enter_username_and_password": "Enter username and strong password",
2024-08-23 10:21:50 +00:00
"checks": "Checks have been completed \n{done} out of {total}",
"steps": {
"hosting": "Hosting",
"server_type": "Server type",
"dns_provider": "DNS provider",
"backups_provider": "Backups",
"domain": "Domain",
"master_account": "Master account",
"server": "Server",
"dns_setup": "DNS setup",
"nixos_installation": "NixOS installation",
"server_reboot": "Server reboot",
"final_checks": "Final checks"
"recovering": {
"generic_error": "Operation failed, please try again.",
"recovery_main_header": "Connect to an existing server",
"domain_recovery_description": "Enter a server domain you want to get access for:",
"domain_recover_placeholder": "Your domain",
"domain_recover_error": "Server with such domain was not found",
"method_select_description": "Select a recovery method:",
"method_select_other_device": "I have access on another device",
"method_select_recovery_key": "I have a recovery key",
"method_select_nothing": "I don't have any of that",
"method_device_description": "Open the application on another device, then go to the devices page. Press \"Add device\" to receive your token.",
"method_device_button": "I have received my token",
"method_device_input_description": "Enter your authorization token",
"method_device_input_placeholder": "Token",
"method_recovery_input_description": "Enter your recovery key",
"fallback_select_description": "What exactly do you have? Pick the first available option:",
"fallback_select_token_copy": "Copy of auth token from other version of the application.",
"fallback_select_root_ssh": "Root SSH access to the server.",
"fallback_select_provider_console": "Access to the server console of my provider.",
"authorization_failed": "Couldn't log in with this key",
"fallback_select_provider_console_hint": "For example: Hetzner.",
"provider_connected": "Connect to {}",
"provider_connected_description": "Enter your token with access to {}:",
"provider_connected_placeholder": "{} token",
"login_later": "Log in later",
"server_provider_unknown": "Unknown server provider",
"server_provider_unknown_description": "Your server provider is not recognized. You can continue without entering its API token.",
"confirm_server": "Confirm server",
"confirm_server_description": "Found your server! Confirm it is the right one:",
"confirm_server_accept": "Yes! That's it",
"confirm_server_decline": "Choose a different server",
"choose_server": "Choose your server",
"choose_server_description": "We couldn't figure out which server your are trying to connect to.",
"no_servers": "There is no available servers on your account.",
"domain_not_available_on_token": "Selected domain is not available on this token.",
"modal_confirmation_title": "Is it really your server?",
"modal_confirmation_description": "If you connect to a wrong server you may lose all your data.",
"modal_confirmation_dns_valid": "Reverse DNS is valid",
"modal_confirmation_dns_invalid": "Reverse DNS points to another domain",
"modal_confirmation_ip_valid": "IP address is the same as in DNS record",
"modal_confirmation_ip_invalid": "IP address is not the same as in DNS record"
"devices": {
"main_screen": {
"header": "Devices",
"description": "These devices have full access to the server via SelfPrivacy app.",
"this_device": "This device",
"other_devices": "Other devices",
"authorize_new_device": "Authorize new device",
"access_granted_on": "Access granted on {}",
"tip": "Press on the device to revoke access."
"add_new_device_screen": {
"header": "Authorizing new device",
"description": "Enter the key on the device you want to authorize:",
"please_wait": "Please wait",
"tip": "The key is valid for 10 minutes.",
"expired": "The key has expired.",
"get_new_key": "Get new key"
"revoke_device_alert": {
"header": "Revoke access?",
"description": "The device {} will no longer have access to the server.",
"yes": "Revoke",
"no": "Cancel"
"refresh_token_alert": {
"header": "Refresh access token?",
"description": "A new token will be generated for this device to connect to the server.",
"yes": "Confirm",
"no": "Cancel",
"failed_to_refresh_token": "Couldn't refresh the token. Please try again.",
"success_refresh_token": "Token refreshed successfully."
"recovery_key": {
"key_connection_error": "Couldn't connect to the server.",
"key_synchronizing": "Synchronizing…",
"key_main_header": "Recovery key",
"key_main_description": "Is needed for SelfPrivacy authorization when all your other authorized devices aren't available.",
"key_amount_toggle": "Limit by number of uses",
"key_amount_field_title": "Max number of uses",
"key_duedate_toggle": "Limit by time",
"key_duedate_field_title": "Due date of expiration",
"key_receive_button": "Receive key",
"key_valid": "Your key is valid",
"key_invalid": "Your key is no longer valid",
"key_valid_until": "Valid until {}",
"key_valid_for": "Valid for {} uses",
"key_creation_date": "Created on {}",
"key_replace_button": "Generate new key",
"key_receiving_description": "Write down this key and put to a safe place. It is used to restore full access to your server:",
"key_receiving_info": "The key will never ever be shown again, but you will be able to replace it with another one.",
"key_receiving_done": "Done!",
"generation_error": "Couldn't generate a recovery key. {}"
"modals": {
"dns_removal_error": "Couldn't remove DNS records.",
"server_deletion_error": "Couldn't delete active server.",
"volume_creation_error": "Couldn't create volume.",
2022-12-15 11:42:21 +00:00
"server_validators_error": "Couldn't fetch available servers.",
"already_exists": "Such server already exists.",
"unexpected_error": "Unexpected error during placement from the provider side.",
"destroy_server": "Destroy the server and create a new one?",
"try_again": "Try again?",
"are_you_sure": "Are you sure?",
"purge_all_keys": "Purge all authentication keys?",
"purge_all_keys_confirm": "Yes, purge all my tokens",
"reboot": "Reboot",
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No"
"timer": {
"sec": "{} sec"
2022-05-31 14:30:44 +00:00
"jobs": {
"title": "Jobs list",
"start": "Start",
"empty": "No jobs",
"create_user": "Create user",
"delete_user": "Delete user",
"service_turn_off": "Turn off",
"service_turn_on": "Turn on",
"job_added": "Job added",
"job_postponed": "Job added, but you will be able to launch it after current jobs are finished",
"job_removed": "Job removed",
"run_jobs": "Run jobs",
"reboot_success": "Server is rebooting",
"reboot_failed": "Couldn't reboot the server. Check the app logs.",
"config_pull_failed": "Failed to pull configuration upgrade. Started software upgrade anyways.",
"upgrade_success": "Server upgrade started",
"upgrade_failed": "Failed to upgrade server",
"upgrade_server": "Upgrade server",
"collect_nix_garbage": "Collect system garbage",
"collect_nix_garbage_failed": "Failed to collect system garbage",
"reboot_server": "Reboot server",
"create_ssh_key": "Create SSH key for {}",
"delete_ssh_key": "Delete SSH key for {}",
"server_jobs": "Jobs on the server",
"reset_user_password": "Reset password of user",
"generic_error": "Couldn't connect to the server!",
"rebuild_system": "Rebuild system",
"start_server_upgrade": "Start the server upgrade",
"change_auto_upgrade_settings": "Change auto-upgrade settings",
2024-03-09 16:30:43 +00:00
"change_server_timezone": "Change server timezone",
"change_ssh_settings": "Change SSH settings",
"update_dns_records": "Update DNS records",
"dns_records_did_not_change": "No changes needed",
2024-07-22 23:47:53 +00:00
"dns_records_changed": "DNS records updated",
"failed_to_load_dns_records": "Failed to load DNS records",
"ignored_due_to_failures": "Ignored due to previous failures",
2024-07-22 23:47:53 +00:00
"change_service_settings": "Change service settings for {}"
2022-05-31 14:30:44 +00:00
"validations": {
"required": "Required",
"already_exist": "Already exists",
"invalid_format": "Invalid format",
"invalid_format_password": "Password must not contain spaces",
"invalid_format_ssh": "Must follow the SSH key format",
"root_name": "Cannot be 'root'",
"length_not_equal": "Length is [], should be {}",
"length_longer": "Length is [], should be shorter than or equal to {}"
"support": {
"title": "SelfPrivacy Support"
"developer_settings": {
"title": "Developer settings",
"subtitle": "These settings are for debugging only. Don't change them unless you know what you're doing.",
"server_setup": "Server setup",
"use_staging_acme": "Use staging ACME server",
"use_staging_acme_description": "Applies when setting up a new server.",
"ignore_tls": "Do not verify TLS certificates",
"ignore_tls_description": "App will not verify TLS certificates when connecting to the server.",
"allow_ssh_key_at_setup": "Allow setting a root SSH key during setup",
"allow_ssh_key_at_setup_description": "A button to add a key will appear on the confirmation screen.",
"add_root_ssh_key": "Add a root SSH key",
"root_ssh_key_added": "Root SSH key set and will be applied",
"routing": "App routing",
"reset_onboarding": "Reset onboarding switch",
"reset_onboarding_description": "Reset onboarding switch to show onboarding screen again",
"cubit_statuses": "Cubit loading statuses",
"servers": "Servers",
"tap_for_more_info": "Tap for more info",
"server_type": "Server type",
"server_volume_name": "Server volume name",
"server_volume_size": "Server volume size",
"server_volume_location": "Server volume location",
"server_ip": "Server IP",
"server_domain": "Server domain",
"unknown": "Unknown"
"countries": {
"germany": "Germany",
"netherlands": "Netherlands",
"singapore": "Singapore",
"united_kingdom": "United Kingdom",
"canada": "Canada",
"india": "India",
"australia": "Australia",
"united_states": "United States",
"finland": "Finland"
2024-07-29 22:18:54 +00:00
"tokens": {
"title": "Provider tokens",
"description": "These tokens are stored on this device and are used to connect SelfPrivacy to your server provider, DNS provider, and backup storage provider.",
"server_provider_tokens": "Server provider tokens",
"dns_provider_tokens": "DNS provider tokens",
"backup_provider_tokens": "Backup storage provider tokens",
"valid": "Valid",
"invalid": "Invalid",
"no_access": "Has no access to associated resources",
"loading": "Loading token status",
"used_by": "Used for {servers}.",
"check_again": "Check again",
"no_tokens": "No tokens",
"server_without_token": "{server_domain} has no token for {provider}.",
"tap_to_add_token": "Tap here to add a token",
"add_server_provider_token": "Add server provider token",
"server_provider_unknown": "Unknown server provider",
"server_provider_unknown_description": "Your server provider is not supported by this app version."
2022-05-31 14:30:44 +00:00
2024-10-10 01:30:38 +00:00