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synced 2025-03-18 12:34:54 +00:00
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209 lines
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import 'package:auto_route/auto_route.dart';
import 'package:easy_localization/easy_localization.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:ionicons/ionicons.dart';
import 'package:selfprivacy/logic/cubit/client_jobs/client_jobs_cubit.dart';
import 'package:selfprivacy/ui/components/drawers/support_drawer.dart';
import 'package:selfprivacy/ui/components/jobs_content/jobs_content.dart';
import 'package:selfprivacy/ui/helpers/widget_size.dart';
import 'package:selfprivacy/utils/breakpoints.dart';
class BrandHeroScreen extends StatelessWidget {
const BrandHeroScreen({
required this.children,
this.hasBackButton = true,
this.hasFlashButton = false,
this.heroTitle = '',
this.bodyPadding = const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
this.ignoreBreakpoints = false,
this.hasSupportDrawer = false,
final List<Widget> children;
final bool hasBackButton;
final bool hasFlashButton;
final IconData? heroIcon;
final Widget? heroIconWidget;
final String heroTitle;
final String? heroSubtitle;
final VoidCallback? onBackButtonPressed;
final EdgeInsetsGeometry bodyPadding;
/// On non-mobile screens the buttons of the app bar are hidden.
/// This is because this widget implies that it is nested inside a bigger layout.
/// If it is not nested, set this to true.
final bool ignoreBreakpoints;
/// Usually support drawer is provided by the parent layout.
/// If it is not provided, set this to true.
final bool hasSupportDrawer;
Widget build(final BuildContext context) {
final Widget heroIconWidget = this.heroIconWidget ??
heroIcon ?? Icons.help,
size: 48.0,
color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onBackground,
final bool hasHeroIcon = heroIcon != null || this.heroIconWidget != null;
return Scaffold(
endDrawerEnableOpenDragGesture: false,
endDrawer: hasSupportDrawer ? const SupportDrawer() : null,
body: CustomScrollView(
slivers: [
heroTitle: heroTitle,
hasHeroIcon: hasHeroIcon,
hasBackButton: hasBackButton,
onBackButtonPressed: onBackButtonPressed,
heroIconWidget: heroIconWidget,
hasFlashButton: hasFlashButton,
ignoreBreakpoints: ignoreBreakpoints,
if (heroSubtitle != null)
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(
horizontal: 16.0,
vertical: 4.0,
sliver: SliverList(
delegate: SliverChildListDelegate([
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyMedium!.copyWith(
color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onBackground,
textAlign: hasHeroIcon ? TextAlign.center : TextAlign.start,
padding: bodyPadding,
sliver: SliverList(
delegate: SliverChildListDelegate(children),
class HeroSliverAppBar extends StatefulWidget {
const HeroSliverAppBar({
required this.heroTitle,
required this.hasHeroIcon,
required this.hasBackButton,
required this.onBackButtonPressed,
required this.heroIconWidget,
required this.hasFlashButton,
required this.ignoreBreakpoints,
final String heroTitle;
final bool hasHeroIcon;
final bool hasBackButton;
final bool hasFlashButton;
final VoidCallback? onBackButtonPressed;
final Widget heroIconWidget;
final bool ignoreBreakpoints;
State<HeroSliverAppBar> createState() => _HeroSliverAppBarState();
class _HeroSliverAppBarState extends State<HeroSliverAppBar> {
Size _size = Size.zero;
Widget build(final BuildContext context) {
final isMobile =
widget.ignoreBreakpoints ? true : Breakpoints.small.isActive(context);
final isJobsListEmpty = widget.hasFlashButton
? context.watch<JobsCubit>().state is JobsStateEmpty
: true;
return SliverAppBar(
widget.hasHeroIcon ? 148.0 + _size.height : 72.0 + _size.height,
primary: true,
pinned: isMobile,
stretch: true,
surfaceTintColor: isMobile ? null : Colors.transparent,
leading: (widget.hasBackButton && isMobile)
? const AutoLeadingButton()
: const SizedBox.shrink(),
actions: [
if (widget.hasFlashButton && isMobile)
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
child: IconButton(
onPressed: () {
context: context,
useRootNavigator: true,
isScrollControlled: true,
builder: (final BuildContext context) =>
expand: false,
maxChildSize: 0.9,
minChildSize: 0.4,
initialChildSize: 0.6,
builder: (final context, final scrollController) =>
JobsContent(controller: scrollController),
icon: Icon(
isJobsListEmpty ? Ionicons.flash_outline : Ionicons.flash,
color: isJobsListEmpty
? Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onBackground
: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary,
tooltip: 'jobs.title'.tr(),
const SizedBox.shrink(),
flexibleSpace: FlexibleSpaceBar(
title: LayoutBuilder(
builder: (final context, final constraints) => SizedBox(
width: constraints.maxWidth - 72.0,
child: WidgetSize(
onChange: (final Size size) => setState(() => _size = size),
child: Text(
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.titleLarge?.copyWith(
color: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onSurface,
overflow: TextOverflow.fade,
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
expandedTitleScale: 1.2,
centerTitle: true,
collapseMode: CollapseMode.pin,
titlePadding: const EdgeInsets.only(
bottom: 12.0,
top: 16.0,
background: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
const SizedBox(height: 72.0),
if (widget.hasHeroIcon) widget.heroIconWidget,