
4.0 KiB


Server-side JSON

   "inbounds": [
       "port": 1234,
       "protocol": "shadowsocks",
       "settings": {
         "method": "2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm",
         "password": "{{ psk }}",
         "network": "tcp,udp"
   "outbounds": [
       "protocol": "freedom"

Server-side JSON (multi-user)

   "inbounds": [
       "port": 1234,
       "protocol": "shadowsocks",
       "settings": {
         "method": "2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm",
         "password": "{{ server psk }}",
         "clients": [
             "password": "{{ user psk }}",
             "email": "my user"
         "network": "tcp,udp"
   "outbounds": [
       "protocol": "freedom"

Server-side JSON (transit)

   "inbounds": [
       "port": 1234,
       "protocol": "shadowsocks",
       "settings": {
         "method": "2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm",
         "password": "{{ relay psk }}",
         "clients": [
             "address": "server",
             "port": 1234,
             "password": "{{ server/user psk }}",
             "email": "my server"
         "network": "tcp,udp"
   "outbounds": [
       "protocol": "freedom"

Client JSON

   "inbounds": [
       "port": 10801,
       "protocol": "socks",
       "settings": {
         "udp": true
       "port": 10802,
       "protocol": "http"
   "outbounds": [
       "protocol": "shadowsocks",
       "settings": {
         "servers": [
             "address": "{{ host }}",
             "port": 1234,
             "method": "2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm",
             "password": "{{ psk }}"

Client JSON (UDP over TCP)

   "inbounds": [
       "port": 10801,
       "protocol": "socks",
       "settings": {
         "udp": true
       "port": 10802,
       "protocol": "http"
   "outbounds": [
       "protocol": "shadowsocks",
       "settings": {
         "servers": [
             "address": "{{ host }}",
             "port": 1234,
             "method": "2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm",
             "password": "{{ psk }}",
             "uot": true

Client JSON (multi-user)

   "inbounds": [
       "port": 10801,
       "protocol": "socks",
       "settings": {
         "udp": true
       "port": 10802,
       "protocol": "http"
   "outbounds": [
       "protocol": "shadowsocks",
       "settings": {
         "servers": [
             "address": "{{ host }}",
             "port": 1234,
             "method": "2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm",
             "password": "{{ server psk }}:{{ user psk }}"

Client JSON (transit)

   "inbounds": [
       "port": 10801,
       "protocol": "socks",
       "settings": {
         "udp": true
       "port": 10802,
       "protocol": "http"
   "outbounds": [
       "protocol": "shadowsocks",
       "settings": {
         "servers": [
             "address": "{{ host }}",
             "port": 1234,
             "method": "2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm",
             "password": "{{ relay psk }}:{{ user psk }}"


Shadowsocks 2022 uses a pre-shared key similar to WireGuard for the password.

Use openssl rand -base64 <length> to generate a shadowsocks-rust compatible key, the length depends on the encryption method used.

encryption method key length
2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm 16
2022-blake3-aes-256-gcm 32
2022-blake3-chacha20-poly1305 32

In the Go implementation, 32-bit keys always work.