
970 B

reverse proxy


Xray Client <--- VMESS/SS ---> Xray Portal (requires public IP) <--- VMESS/SS ---> Xray Bridge


In the configuration, the internal network device uses bridge.json, the device with public network ip uses portal.json, and the device connected to the intranet through portal uses client.json.

In practical applications, VMESS-TCP, Shadowsocks-2022, etc. can be used as the transmission protocols from Xray Client to Xray Portal, and from Xray Bridge to Xray Portal.


Shadowsocks 2022 uses a pre-shared key similar to WireGuard for the password.

Use openssl rand -base64 <length> to generate a shadowsocks-rust compatible key, the length depends on the encryption method used.

encryption method key length
2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm 16
2022-blake3-aes-256-gcm 32
2022-blake3-chacha20-poly1305 32

In the Go implementation, 32-bit keys always work.