2022-07-08 17:01:38 +08:00
site_name: sing-box
site_author: nekohasekai
repo_url: https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box
repo_name: SagerNet/sing-box
2022-07-09 15:04:04 +08:00
copyright: Copyright © 2022 nekohasekai
site_description: The universal proxy platform.
remote_branch: docs
2022-07-08 17:01:38 +08:00
edit_uri: ""
name: material
logo: material/tools
- scheme: default
primary: white
icon: material/brightness-7
name: Switch to dark mode
- scheme: slate
primary: black
icon: material/brightness-4
name: Switch to light mode
2022-08-24 12:08:51 +08:00
# - navigation.instant
2022-07-08 17:01:38 +08:00
- navigation.tracking
- navigation.tabs
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2022-08-08 20:57:50 +08:00
- Getting Started:
- index.md
2022-08-19 19:02:32 +08:00
- Features: features.md
- Support: support.md
2022-08-08 20:57:50 +08:00
- Change Log: changelog.md
2022-07-08 17:01:38 +08:00
- Configuration:
- configuration/index.md
- Log: configuration/log.md
- DNS:
- configuration/dns/index.md
- DNS Server: configuration/dns/server.md
- DNS Rule: configuration/dns/rule.md
2022-08-24 16:56:29 +08:00
- Route:
- configuration/route/index.md
- GeoIP: configuration/route/geoip.md
- Geosite: configuration/route/geosite.md
- Route Rule: configuration/route/rule.md
- Protocol Sniff: configuration/route/sniff.md
- Experimental:
- configuration/experimental/index.md
- Shared:
- TLS: configuration/shared/tls.md
- Multiplex: configuration/shared/multiplex.md
- V2Ray Transport: configuration/shared/v2ray-transport.md
2022-07-08 17:01:38 +08:00
- Inbound:
- configuration/inbound/index.md
2022-07-08 18:48:43 +08:00
- Direct: configuration/inbound/direct.md
2022-07-08 18:10:39 +08:00
- Mixed: configuration/inbound/mixed.md
2022-08-24 16:56:29 +08:00
- SOCKS: configuration/inbound/socks.md
2022-07-08 18:10:39 +08:00
- HTTP: configuration/inbound/http.md
- Shadowsocks: configuration/inbound/shadowsocks.md
2022-08-01 17:02:13 +08:00
- VMess: configuration/inbound/vmess.md
2022-08-08 20:57:50 +08:00
- Trojan: configuration/inbound/trojan.md
2022-08-10 21:17:02 +08:00
- Naive: configuration/inbound/naive.md
2022-08-19 15:42:57 +08:00
- Hysteria: configuration/inbound/hysteria.md
2022-07-15 08:42:02 +08:00
- Tun: configuration/inbound/tun.md
- Redirect: configuration/inbound/redirect.md
- TProxy: configuration/inbound/tproxy.md
2022-07-08 18:48:43 +08:00
- Outbound:
- configuration/outbound/index.md
- Direct: configuration/outbound/direct.md
- Block: configuration/outbound/block.md
2022-08-24 16:56:29 +08:00
- SOCKS: configuration/outbound/socks.md
2022-07-08 18:48:43 +08:00
- HTTP: configuration/outbound/http.md
- Shadowsocks: configuration/outbound/shadowsocks.md
2022-08-01 17:02:13 +08:00
- VMess: configuration/outbound/vmess.md
2022-08-08 20:57:50 +08:00
- Trojan: configuration/outbound/trojan.md
2022-08-17 15:19:10 +08:00
- WireGuard: configuration/outbound/wireguard.md
2022-08-19 15:42:57 +08:00
- Hysteria: configuration/outbound/hysteria.md
2022-08-21 00:59:49 +08:00
- Tor: configuration/outbound/tor.md
2022-08-21 19:36:08 +08:00
- SSH: configuration/outbound/ssh.md
2022-07-23 09:29:37 +08:00
- DNS: configuration/outbound/dns.md
2022-07-22 14:07:27 +08:00
- Selector: configuration/outbound/selector.md
2022-08-22 12:43:21 +08:00
- FAQ:
- faq/index.md
- Known Issues: faq/known-issues.md
2022-07-08 22:44:42 +08:00
- Examples:
- examples/index.md
2022-08-08 20:57:50 +08:00
- Linux Server Installation: examples/linux-server-installation.md
2022-07-08 22:44:42 +08:00
- Shadowsocks Server: examples/ss-server.md
- Shadowsocks Client: examples/ss-client.md
2022-07-10 16:41:38 +08:00
- Shadowsocks Tun: examples/ss-tun.md
2022-07-23 09:29:37 +08:00
- DNS Hijack: examples/dns-hijack.md
2022-07-08 17:01:38 +08:00
- pymdownx.inlinehilite
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- pymdownx.details
2022-07-09 09:26:50 +08:00
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2022-07-08 17:01:38 +08:00
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2022-07-08 18:48:43 +08:00
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2022-07-08 17:01:38 +08:00
- icon: fontawesome/brands/github
link: https://github.com/SagerNet/sing-box
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2022-08-24 12:08:51 +08:00
- i18n:
default_language: en
name: English
build: false
name: 简体中文
material_alternate: true
Getting Started: 开始
Features: 特性
Support: 支持
Change Log: 更新日志
Configuration: 配置
Log: 日志
DNS Server: DNS 服务器
DNS Rule: DNS 规则
Route: 路由
Route Rule: 路由规则
Protocol Sniff: 协议探测
2022-08-24 16:56:29 +08:00
Experimental: 实验性
2022-08-24 12:08:51 +08:00
Shared: 通用
2022-08-24 17:31:32 +08:00
Multiplex: 多路复用
2022-08-24 12:08:51 +08:00
V2Ray Transport: V2Ray 传输层
2022-08-24 16:56:29 +08:00
Inbound: 入站
Outbound: 出站
2022-08-24 12:08:51 +08:00
FAQ: 常见问题
Known Issues: 已知问题
Examples: 示例
Linux Server Installation: Linux 服务器安装
Shadowsocks Server: Shadowsocks 服务器
Shadowsocks Client: Shadowsocks 客户端
Shadowsocks Tun: Shadowsocks Tun
DNS Hijack: DNS 劫持