80 lines
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80 lines
1.7 KiB
+++ This SDK is under development and highly experimental +++
# famedlysdk
Matrix SDK for the famedly talk app written in dart.
## API
The API is documented here: [famedly.gitlab.io/famedlysdk](https://famedly.gitlab.io/famedlysdk/)
## How to use this
1. Import the sdk
url: https://gitlab.com/famedly/famedlysdk.git
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:famedlysdk/famedlysdk.dart';
2. Create a new client:
Client matrix = Client("HappyChat");
Take a look here for an example store:
Client matrix = Client("HappyChat", store: Store(this));
3. Connect to a Matrix Homeserver and listen to the streams:
matrix.connection.onLoginStateChanged.stream.listen((bool loginState){
print("LoginState: ${loginState.toString()}");
matrix.connection.onEvent.stream.listen((EventUpdate eventUpdate){
print("New event update!");
matrix.connection.onRoomUpdate.stream.listen((RoomUpdate eventUpdate){
print("New room update!");
final bool serverValid = await matrix.checkServer("https://yourhomeserver.abc");
final bool loginValid = await matrix.login("username", "password");
4. Send a message to a Room:
final resp = await matrix.connection.jsonRequest(
type: "PUT",
action: "/r0/rooms/!fjd823j:example.com/send/m.room.message/$txnId",
data: {
"msgtype": "m.text",
"body": "hello"
## Development
### Regenerating JSON Classes
To regenerate the part files of JSON Classes you need to run this command:
flutter pub run build_runner build
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