2019-03-08 16:25:53 +00:00

55 lines
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# 🌐
The map of the fediverse that you always wanted.
![A screenshot of](screenshot.png)
## Requirements
- For everything:
- Docker
- Docker-compose
- For the scraper + API:
- Python 3
- For laying out the graph:
- Java
- For the frontend:
- Yarn
## Running it
### Backend
- `cp example.env .env` and modify environment variables as required
- `docker-compose build`
- `docker-compose up -d django`
- if you don't specify `django`, it'll also start `gephi` which should only be run as a regular one-off job
- to run in production, run `caddy` rather than `django`
### Frontend
- `cd frontend && yarn install`
- `yarn start`
## Commands
### Backend
After running the backend in Docker:
- `docker-compose exec web python scrape` scrapes the fediverse
- It only scrapes instances that have not been scraped in the last 24 hours.
- By default, it'll only scrape 50 instances in one go. If you want to scrape everything, pass the `--all` flag.
- `docker-compose exec web python build_edges` aggregates this information into edges with weights
- `docker-compose run gephi java -Xmx1g -jar build/libs/graphBuilder.jar` lays out the graph
To run in production, use `docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml` instead of just `docker-compose`.
An example crontab:
# crawl 50 stale instances (plus any newly discovered instances from them)
# the -T flag is important; without it, docker-compose will allocate a tty to the process
15,45 * * * * docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml exec -T django python scrape
# build the edges based on how much users interact
15 3 * * * docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml exec -T django python build_edges
# layout the graph
20 3 * * * docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.production.yml run gephi java -Xmx1g -jar build/libs/graphBuilder.jar
### Frontend
- `yarn build` to create an optimized build for deployment