
This commit is contained in:
Inex Code 2019-04-07 14:00:33 +03:00
parent c5c2ffa5ff
commit dd86c8ce5c
1 changed files with 41 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -74,36 +74,55 @@ class Teas(Enum):
self.id = id
self.title = title
class Toppings(Enum):
topping1 = (1, "Шоколадный топпинг")
topping2 = (2, "Топпинг солёная карамель")
topping3 = (3, "Ореховый топпинг")
topping4 = (4, "Топпинг ягодное печенье")
topping5 = (5, "Топпинг бельгийская вафля")
topping6 = (6, "Карамельный топпинг")
topping7 = (7, "Маршмеллоу")
topping8 = (8, "")
topping9 = (9, "")
def __init__(self, id, title):
self.id = id
self.title = title
class CoffeePlugin(Plugin):
@Plugin.command('coffee', '[param:str]')
def on_coffee(self, event, param=''):
result = ""
if param.lower() == 'classic':
result1, expl1 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d12')
elif param.lower() == 'raf':
result1, expl1 = (5, 'User')
if param.lower() == 'topping':
result1, expl1 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d7')
result += list(Toppings)[result1 - 1].title
result1, expl1 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d23')
result += list(Drinks)[result1-1].title
if result1 == 5:
result2, expl2 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d18')
if result2 > 16:
result2, expl2 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d15')
result21, expl21 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d15')
result += "\n**Сиропы**: {} и {}".format(list(Syrops)[result2 - 1].title, list(Syrops)[result21 - 1].title)
if param.lower() == 'classic':
result1, expl1 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d12')
elif param.lower() == 'raf':
result1, expl1 = (5, 'User')
result += "\n**Сироп**: {}".format(list(Syrops)[result2 - 1].title)
elif result1 == 9:
result2, expl2 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d2')
if result2 == 1:
result += "\nТёмный"
result += "\nМолочный"
elif result1 == 12 or result1 == 19:
result2, expl2 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d3')
result += " {}".format(list(Teas)[result2 - 1].title)
result1, expl1 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d23')
result += list(Drinks)[result1-1].title
if result1 == 5:
result2, expl2 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d22')
if result2 > 19:
result2, expl2 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d19')
result21, expl21 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d19')
result += "\n**Сиропы**: {} и {}".format(list(Syrops)[result2 - 1].title, list(Syrops)[result21 - 1].title)
result += "\n**Сироп**: {}".format(list(Syrops)[result2 - 1].title)
elif result1 == 9:
result2, expl2 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d2')
if result2 == 1:
result += "\nТёмный"
result += "\nМолочный"
elif result1 == 12 or result1 == 19:
result2, expl2 = rolldice.roll_dice('1d3')
result += " {}".format(list(Teas)[result2 - 1].title)
except Exception as e: