rendering paragraph and '

This commit is contained in:
localhost_frssoft 2022-04-12 20:13:04 +03:00
parent fd84258d8d
commit 61f006000d
1 changed files with 3 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ timeline_menu()
id_status=$(echo $status | jj id)
dateutc=$(echo $status | jj created_at)
echo "$(date -d $dateutc "$format_time") <$id_status> $uri"
echo $status | jj content | sed -e 's/<br[^>]*>/\n/g ; s/<[^>]*>//g ; s/&gt;*/>/g ; s/&lt;*/</g ; s/&quot;/"/g'
echo $status | jj content | sed -e "s/<br[^>]*>/\n/g
; s/<p[^>]*>/\n/g ; s/<[^>]*>//g
; s/&gt;*/>/g ; s/&lt;*/</g ; s/&quot;/\"/g ; s/&#39;/'/g"
attachments=$(echo $status | jj -l media_attachments.#.remote_url | sed 's/"//g')
if [ -n "$attachments" ]; then
echo "#EXTINF:-1, $uri" >> attachments.m3u8