2019-05-22 08:44:19 +05:30

2.8 KiB

Plugin (a-z) Lang Deps Description
boom sh SMPlayer Play random music from current dir (modify PLAYER)
fzy-edit sh fzy Fuzzy find a file in directory subtree and edit in vim
fzy-open sh fzy Fuzzy find a file in directory subtree and open using xdg-open
getplugs sh wget Update plugins
hexview sh xxd, $PAGER View a file in hex
imgresize sh imgp Resize images in directory to screen resolution
imgur bash - Upload an image to imgur (from imgur-screenshot)
ipinfo sh curl, whois Fetch IP address and whois information
kdeconnect sh kdeconnect-cli Send selected files to an Android device
ndiff sh vimdiff Show diff for selection
nmount sh pmount Toggle mount status of a device as normal user
nwal sh nitrogen Set the selected image as wallpaper using nitrogen
pastebin sh pastebinit Paste contents of current (text) file to paste.ubuntu.com
picker sh nnn Pick files and pipe the newline-separated list to another utility
pywal sh pywal Set selected image as wallpaper, change terminal color scheme
sxiv sh sxiv Browse images in a dir in sxiv, set wallpaper, copy path (config)
transfer sh curl Upload current file to transfer.sh
upgrade sh wget Upgrade to latest nnn version manually on Debian 9 Stretch

Installing plugins

Download the getplugs plugin and execute it anywhere to get all the plugins installed to ~/.config/nnn/plugins. You can run it again later to update the plugins.

NOTE: getplugs also downloads the launcher nlaunch and tries to place it at /usr/local/bin/ using sudo. If it fails you have to place nlauch manually somewhere in your $PATH.

File access from plugins

Plugins can access:

  • all files in the directory (nnn switches to the dir where the plugin is to be run so the dir is $PWD for the plugin)
  • the current file under the cursor (the file name is passed as the argument to a plugin)
  • the current selection (by reading the file ~/.config/nnn/.selection, see the plugin ndiff)

Each script has a Description section which provides more details on what the script does, if applicable.

Contributing plugins

Plugins are scripts and all scripting languages should work. However, POSIX-compliant shell scripts runnable in sh are preferred. If that's too rudimentary for your use case, use Python, Perl or Ruby. Please keep non-portable commands (like notify-send) commented so users from any other OS/DE aren't surprised.

The plugins should be executable. Please add an entry in the table above.