Alya Sirko 78f6dff028 Ops: refactor CI/CD pipeline, isolated Podman environment, various Linux builds ()
- New Podman-based building environment
  - caches everything
  - can build artifacts without the Internet
  - rootless, needs no system capabilities (only when uses FUSE, well)
  - the cost is it's VERY HUGE, but useful
- Refactored CI/CD pipeline
  - now it's a Python script, not a bunch of shell commands
  - optional nix flake for development environment and building a derivation
  - uploads all artifacts as a Gitea release
- New targets
  - AppImage bundle
  - Flatpak bundle
  - simple archive with binaries

Co-authored-by: Alya Sirko <>
Reviewed-by: Inex Code <>
Co-authored-by: Alya Sirko <>
Co-committed-by: Alya Sirko <>
2022-09-10 18:10:27 +03:00

9 lines
2.4 KiB

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