
318 lines
9.2 KiB

#include "headset/headset.h"
#include "event/event.h"
#include "graphics/graphics.h"
#include "core/maf.h"
#include "core/os.h"
#include "util.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
static void onFocus(bool focused) {
lovrEventPush((Event) { .type = EVENT_FOCUS, .data.boolean = { focused } });
static struct {
bool initialized;
float position[4];
float velocity[4];
float localVelocity[4];
float angularVelocity[4];
float headTransform[16];
float leftHandTransform[16];
double prevCursorX;
double prevCursorY;
bool mouseDown;
bool prevMouseDown;
float offset;
float clipNear;
float clipFar;
float pitch;
float yaw;
} state;
static bool desktop_init(float supersample, float offset, uint32_t msaa, bool overlay) {
state.offset = offset;
state.clipNear = .1f;
state.clipFar = 100.f;
if (!state.initialized) {
state.initialized = true;
return true;
static void desktop_start(void) {
static void desktop_destroy(void) {
static bool desktop_getName(char* name, size_t length) {
strncpy(name, "Simulator", length - 1);
name[length - 1] = '\0';
return true;
static HeadsetOrigin desktop_getOriginType(void) {
static double desktop_getDisplayTime(void) {
return os_get_time();
static void desktop_getDisplayDimensions(uint32_t* width, uint32_t* height) {
int w, h;
os_window_get_fbsize(&w, &h);
*width = (uint32_t) w / 2;
*height = (uint32_t) h;
static const float* desktop_getDisplayMask(uint32_t* count) {
*count = 0;
return NULL;
static uint32_t desktop_getViewCount(void) {
return 2;
static bool desktop_getViewPose(uint32_t view, float* position, float* orientation) {
vec3_init(position, state.position);
quat_fromMat4(orientation, state.headTransform);
position[1] += state.offset;
return view < 2;
static bool desktop_getViewAngles(uint32_t view, float* left, float* right, float* up, float* down) {
float aspect, fov;
uint32_t width, height;
desktop_getDisplayDimensions(&width, &height);
aspect = (float) width / height;
fov = 67.f * (float) M_PI / 180.f * .5f;
*left = fov * aspect;
*right = fov * aspect;
*up = fov;
*down = fov;
return view < 2;
static void desktop_getClipDistance(float* clipNear, float* clipFar) {
*clipNear = state.clipNear;
*clipFar = state.clipFar;
static void desktop_setClipDistance(float clipNear, float clipFar) {
state.clipNear = clipNear;
state.clipFar = clipFar;
static void desktop_getBoundsDimensions(float* width, float* depth) {
*width = *depth = 0.f;
static const float* desktop_getBoundsGeometry(uint32_t* count) {
*count = 0;
return NULL;
static bool desktop_getPose(Device device, vec3 position, quat orientation) {
if (device == DEVICE_HEAD) {
vec3_set(position, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
mat4_transform(state.headTransform, position);
quat_fromMat4(orientation, state.headTransform);
return true;
} else if (device == DEVICE_HAND_LEFT) {
mat4_getPosition(state.leftHandTransform, position);
quat_fromMat4(orientation, state.leftHandTransform);
return true;
return false;
static bool desktop_getVelocity(Device device, vec3 velocity, vec3 angularVelocity) {
if (device != DEVICE_HEAD) {
return false;
vec3_init(velocity, state.velocity);
vec3_init(angularVelocity, state.angularVelocity);
return true;
static bool desktop_isDown(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* down, bool* changed) {
if (device != DEVICE_HAND_LEFT || button != BUTTON_TRIGGER) {
return false;
*down = state.mouseDown;
*changed = state.mouseDown != state.prevMouseDown;
return true;
static bool desktop_isTouched(Device device, DeviceButton button, bool* touched) {
return false;
static bool desktop_getAxis(Device device, DeviceAxis axis, vec3 value) {
return false;
static bool desktop_getSkeleton(Device device, float* poses) {
return false;
static bool desktop_vibrate(Device device, float strength, float duration, float frequency) {
return false;
static ModelData* desktop_newModelData(Device device, bool animated) {
return NULL;
static bool desktop_animate(Device device, struct Model* model) {
return false;
static void desktop_renderTo(void (*callback)(void*), void* userdata) {
float projection[16], left, right, up, down;
desktop_getViewAngles(0, &left, &right, &up, &down);
mat4_fov(projection, left, right, up, down, state.clipNear, state.clipFar);
float viewMatrix[16];
mat4_invert(mat4_init(viewMatrix, state.headTransform));
lovrGraphicsSetProjection(0, projection);
lovrGraphicsSetProjection(1, projection);
lovrGraphicsSetViewMatrix(0, viewMatrix);
lovrGraphicsSetViewMatrix(1, viewMatrix);
lovrGraphicsSetBackbuffer(NULL, true, true);
lovrGraphicsSetBackbuffer(NULL, false, false);
static void desktop_update(float dt) {
bool front = os_is_key_down(KEY_W) || os_is_key_down(KEY_UP);
bool back = os_is_key_down(KEY_S) || os_is_key_down(KEY_DOWN);
bool left = os_is_key_down(KEY_A) || os_is_key_down(KEY_LEFT);
bool right = os_is_key_down(KEY_D) || os_is_key_down(KEY_RIGHT);
bool up = os_is_key_down(KEY_Q);
bool down = os_is_key_down(KEY_E);
float movespeed = 3.f * dt;
float turnspeed = 3.f * dt;
float damping = MAX(1.f - 20.f * dt, 0);
int width, height;
double mx, my;
os_window_get_size(&width, &height);
os_get_mouse_position(&mx, &my);
double aspect = (width > 0 && height > 0) ? ((double) width / height) : 1.;
// Mouse move
if (os_is_mouse_down(MOUSE_LEFT)) {
if (state.prevCursorX == -1 && state.prevCursorY == -1) {
state.prevCursorX = mx;
state.prevCursorY = my;
float dx = (float) (mx - state.prevCursorX) / ((float) width);
float dy = (float) (my - state.prevCursorY) / ((float) height * aspect);
state.angularVelocity[0] = dy / dt;
state.angularVelocity[1] = dx / dt;
state.prevCursorX = mx;
state.prevCursorY = my;
} else {
vec3_scale(state.angularVelocity, damping);
state.prevCursorX = state.prevCursorY = -1;
state.prevMouseDown = state.mouseDown;
state.mouseDown = os_is_mouse_down(MOUSE_RIGHT);
// Update velocity
state.localVelocity[0] = left ? -movespeed : (right ? movespeed : state.localVelocity[0]);
state.localVelocity[1] = up ? movespeed : (down ? -movespeed : state.localVelocity[1]);
state.localVelocity[2] = front ? -movespeed : (back ? movespeed : state.localVelocity[2]);
state.localVelocity[3] = 0.f;
vec3_init(state.velocity, state.localVelocity);
mat4_transformDirection(state.headTransform, state.velocity);
vec3_scale(state.localVelocity, damping);
// Update position
vec3_add(state.position, state.velocity);
// Update orientation
state.pitch = CLAMP(state.pitch - state.angularVelocity[0] * turnspeed, -(float) M_PI / 2.f, (float) M_PI / 2.f);
state.yaw -= state.angularVelocity[1] * turnspeed;
// Update head transform
mat4_translate(state.headTransform, 0.f, state.offset, 0.f);
mat4_translate(state.headTransform, state.position[0], state.position[1], state.position[2]);
mat4_rotate(state.headTransform, state.yaw, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f);
mat4_rotate(state.headTransform, state.pitch, 1.f, 0.f, 0.f);
// Update hand transform to follow cursor
double px = mx, py = my;
if (width > 0 && height > 0) {
// change coordinate system to -1.0 to 1.0
px = (px / width) * 2 - 1.0;
py = (py / height) * 2 - 1.0;
px += .2; // neutral position = pointing towards center-ish
px *= .6; // fudged range to juuust cover pointing at the whole scene, but not outside it
mat4_set(state.leftHandTransform, state.headTransform);
double xrange = M_PI * .2;
double yrange = xrange / aspect;
mat4_translate(state.leftHandTransform, -.1f, -.1f, -0.10f);
mat4_rotate(state.leftHandTransform, -px * xrange, 0, 1, 0);
mat4_rotate(state.leftHandTransform, -py * yrange, 1, 0, 0);
mat4_translate(state.leftHandTransform, 0, 0, -.20f);
mat4_rotate(state.leftHandTransform, -px * xrange, 0, 1, 0);
mat4_rotate(state.leftHandTransform, -py * yrange, 1, 0, 0);
HeadsetInterface lovrHeadsetDesktopDriver = {
.driverType = DRIVER_DESKTOP,
.init = desktop_init,
.start = desktop_start,
.destroy = desktop_destroy,
.getName = desktop_getName,
.getOriginType = desktop_getOriginType,
.getDisplayTime = desktop_getDisplayTime,
.getDisplayDimensions = desktop_getDisplayDimensions,
.getDisplayMask = desktop_getDisplayMask,
.getViewCount = desktop_getViewCount,
.getViewPose = desktop_getViewPose,
.getViewAngles = desktop_getViewAngles,
.getClipDistance = desktop_getClipDistance,
.setClipDistance = desktop_setClipDistance,
.getBoundsDimensions = desktop_getBoundsDimensions,
.getBoundsGeometry = desktop_getBoundsGeometry,
.getPose = desktop_getPose,
.getVelocity = desktop_getVelocity,
.isDown = desktop_isDown,
.isTouched = desktop_isTouched,
.getAxis = desktop_getAxis,
.getSkeleton = desktop_getSkeleton,
.vibrate = desktop_vibrate,
.newModelData = desktop_newModelData,
.animate = desktop_animate,
.renderTo = desktop_renderTo,
.update = desktop_update